• First Basenji's

    It was my mistake, totally. A little extra stuff going around and a slight change in the daily…..I wasn't mad at all when I realized Uzie had peed in the house. The curious thing though, I caught him licking it up. :eek: I know he has free range to water all day, he had been acting a little strange by hanging his head down and maybe I didn't get it, the message to go out???....(he was also obsessively licking the rug, my arm, my leg, the doggie bed... So I am confused 😕 and decided to crate him to insure no mistakes are made this past two nights(didn't like it. I had to sleep in the room with him. He spent almost all day outside with the other two, we were out, and he seemed fine. So the other variable was the new game of seek and find the mushroom and eat it before mommy gets it out of my mouth...I even ate one, checked the internet and they are not psychotropic at all. I add fresh stuff such as green beans, bananas, cooked beef heart, chix heart/gizzards, so I doubt he is lacking minerals. (I feed him puppy kibble Chicken Soup for the dog lover's soul- 1 1/4C daily) I am guessing he was board, curious, ? or what say you all? PS: he is banned from our bed also as he actually tried to bite the husband, and he turns 2 this weekend.

  • Dogs sometimes try to "clean" up the messes they make, so they won't get into trouble with the owners.

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    Dogs sometimes try to "clean" up the messes they make, so they won't get into trouble with the owners.

    Basenjis are particularly fastidious – I think they clean it up just because it's messy 🙂 I've had two do that once or twice.

  • Tucker does a strange thing too. When we are out camping and he pees in his outside crate on gravel he will try to cover it up by pushing dirt towards it with his nose. It is really weird but I figure he is either 'ashamed' by it or trying to keep his area clean.

  • @krunzer:

    Tucker does a strange thing too. When we are out camping and he pees in his outside crate on gravel he will try to cover it up by pushing dirt towards it with his nose. It is really weird but I figure he is either 'ashamed' by it or trying to keep his area clean.

    That proves it! Basenjis are part cat! 🙂

    My guy will lick up "accidents" as well. He very seldom has them (that I know about…...maybe he cleans up before I notice?) And also anal gland leakage.

  • We had an 'ooops' pee yesterday, and it was what I call 'operator error'. Kipawa and I were going into a store and it was ME who didn't make sure he was peed out before we went in. But bless his heart - he did it in the toilet tissue aisle!!

    So I grabbed a 12 pack, opened it up, unrolled some, wiped up the floor a couple of times and then put the wet TP in one of his poop bags. Then we headed to the cleaning aisle and I grabbed a natural spray cleanser, went back to the TP aisle, sprayed it on the floor generously and used more TP to wipe it up. Then pulled out another poop bag… We found a garbage bin in the store and I tossed the two bags into it.

    The humans need as much training as the dogs, if not more! 🙂

  • Teddy tries to lick up Gossy's pee, sometimes even while she's peeing – eeeuuuuwww

  • First Basenji's

    Wow! thanks so much for all those stories and confessions….!:o Now I know more.....Yes, we have to be smarter than the B to live with one....

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