• LOL…. you are too funny and way to much like me... I have never kept a "cone" on my kids... if home, I just watch them (and use tea tree oil lightly around the surgery area) and I have made my own E-Collars in the past. Works quite well, but I will say, they could reach their butts or regardless of home made or store bought cones, but not a surgery site on the belly areas. That said, they can still rub their butts on the rug... if their glands were full.

  • Thankfully, he has never rubbed his butt on the floor but after he comes in from pooping you can tell he wants to… Just sits on the rug and looks at me as of to say " my bums itchy mom!" thankfully also because I just bought new rugs! It's bad enough they told me I shouldn't run with him in the afternoons bc long walks don't work and he's a looney bin making my life a living circus at home... From determination to get into the trash that's secured by a 48" lateral gate to tearing up my toilet paper to running around with his 20th bed with me yelling at him not to tear it up or he won't get another one ( yeah right) to exploring the house where you can tell by the look on his face that he's TRYING to find something to get into trouble for doing and already trying to fray and pull on the corners of my two day old rugs! I'm telling you, no one who has has never owned a basenji will ever understand the term " typical for the breed" but boy is he typical and boy does he ever give me a run for my money!

  • Honestly, if the surgery was last Thursday, I think that short runs would be fine. If the surgery site looks well starting to heal, I would opt for short runs then him finding his own amusement.

  • I think he would be less likely to cause himself a problem running in a straight line with you than he would tearing around the house in a B500! BTW, anal glands are usually not that hard to express…...just watch where you do it. (bathtubs are good) in case you miss collecting it in a tissue or whatever, because it does tend to stink if it shoots across the room (been there, done that!) :eek:

  • Eeeefarm- it's more like a zig zag swaying from side to side with Oakley, lol- he is not the best running partner but he's getting better!! 😉
    How often do you estimate his glands need to be expressed? I imagine some dogs are worse than others but judging by the fact he has always had issues with not having firm stools and that he's only 9 mo. and I'm already having to express him, I'd guess he will just be "one of those dogs"… I just wonder if this is one of those, " once you do it, your going to have to keep doing it" kind of things?
    P.S.... What age does the destruction stop? I'd love to know....lol

  • once suki starts scooting her butt on the floor, i know it's time to get her anal glands done. at the time i usually just take her to petsmart for a bath, that way they do the 'expressing,' nail cutting, etc. that just makes it much easier on me.

  • I generally notice my dog's behavior…..scooting is generally a sure sign. Some dogs seem to need help in this area, others do not. My previous boy used to visibly discharge the anals when he defecated, but I also had a problem with an impacted anal gland that abcessed with him, so you just never know....

    At what age does the destruction stop? Good question! I haven't had a truly destructive Basenji, but all of mine have had their moments. Some things they just never outgrow (tissue ripping, for example, although my current boy doesn't do that at all)

  • Kipawa seems to express his anal glands on his own when he poops (his stools are firm). Perhaps firmer stools would help out?
    Sharron mentioned pumpkin. It has helped us when Kipawa's poops have been soft/loose.
    As far as destruction, make sure to have lots of good chewing toys and lots of exercise.

  • Our vet didn't even send us home with a cone when we had Blaze neutered. They did tell us about the inflatable collars, which we got. It didn't take any time at all for Blaze to figure out how to get it off! So, all during his recuperation, he never wore any kind of collar…fortunately, he never bothered his incisions! (I now use the inflatable collar as a pillow when sitting in the recliner watching TV! 🙂 )

  • Spencer had one of his anal glands impacted when he was just under a year old, and ever since, I keep an eye out for swelling, scooting, licking or tail biting. It's usually obvious when he's having issues. Except… I took him to the vet last week because I thought he might have an eye infection. I always have his anals expressed while I'm there and was shocked when the vet tech said he had an infection in one of them. I had seen no signs at all! So now he's on antibiotics for ten days, then back we go for a re-check.

    Glad to hear Oakley is doing well. He's a handsome boy!

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