• Here I am continuing my hunt for a basenji. I've been trying to adopt a B from brat but have yet to be sucessful. I applied for Makela and really wanted her but today got the sad news that they don't think she's right for me because I have kids. I guess brat is out. 😞

    I talked to Khani's and am really interested in one of her girls but since shipping is expensive I don't know if I can do it.

  • Try Signet Kennels in DFW, I believe she still has a couple young adults available. There are also pups available in GA from one of the breeders on this list. GA is a reasonable drive to get a dog.

  • I agree, try Brenda (Signet Kennels)! or as suggested Robyn Dubbert in GA (Sherwood Basenjis) she is on this list also

  • If you are patient, you can try monitoring www.allofcraigs.com. This is a search engine that scours through all of the Craig's Listings based on your keyword. Type in "basenji", and also try "besengi", "besenji", "bensenji"… there are many people looking to re-home their basenjis that don't know about BRAT (actually, I've seen BRAT ads on there too).

    My sister and I have found and rescued 5 basenjis off of Craig's List, with a rehoming fee of nothing to $300.

    You can also narrow your search by Region, then by State, then by City.

    Depending on where you are in Texas, a drive to Atlanta may be as long as 16+ hours one way.

    Good luck! 🙂

  • Depending on where you are in Texas, there is a "free 5 year old basenji" boy in Las Vegas. The posting is here:

    it reads:

    Date: 2011-07-20, 11:18AM PDT
    Reply to: comm-rnshj-2504194307@craigslist.org
    Free Basenji, I will give Jake my 5 year old Basenji away to a good home, he is a very happy and energetic dog, plus this breed was bred not to bark. Please email me with your name and number and I will reply as soon as possible

  • Houston

    There is also a basenji and hound rescue in Houston called country hearts hound rescue, they have basenjis, mixs and other sight n smell hounds

  • Here's a basenji in East Texas…. no pictures, and no one knows what "rehoming fee" means...

    Beautiful Basenji (gilmer)

    Date: 2011-07-15, 10:16PM CDT
    Reply to: comm-vharp-2496755872@craigslist.org

    I have a beautiful basenji, very sweet an loving, will be a yr old on dec 25th. house trained, an well mannered. Im needing to find a good home for him because i have moved into town and hes not able to just run free, he needs his play space and running area, asking a rehoming fee, hes up to date on shots worming. If interested please call or txt 903-917-4410. txt or pictures also

    Location: gilmer
    it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

  • Thanks for all the help everyone! I've emailed Signet Kennels but shes placed all her pups and adults. But she did give me a referral to another breeder who I've also emailed. Depending on what he says I'll try Sherwood Basenji's too.
    Patty, I never knew you could search craiglist like that. I've contacted all the people you have posted about so far. Hopefully with all these leads I can find a B somewhere!!!
    I live in Lake Jackson, Tx so I'm pretty much down on the coast. I just assumed since Texas was so big that I would have some luck finding one near me. My fingers are crossed though!!!:)

  • I'll also check out the County Hearts Hound Rescue too. Thanks!

  • @dianar25:

    Here I am continuing my hunt for a basenji. I've been trying to adopt a B from brat but have yet to be sucessful. I applied for Makela and really wanted her but today got the sad news that they don't think she's right for me because I have kids. I guess brat is out. 😞

    I talked to Khani's and am really interested in one of her girls but since shipping is expensive I don't know if I can do it.

    How many kids and how old?

    As both a rescuer and breeder, I hate hearing rescues and breeders who absolutely won't place ANY dog with people with kids under 5 or under 10 etc. Nothing is absolute. But I can't remember ever placing with an infant or toddler as I never felt the dog would get the attention it needed when you have very young ones needing so much time. I also felt if they weren't willing to wait til those babies were more independent (at least 3 or 4), probably not a good placement. I am sure there are exceptions, but Basenjis do need a lot of exercise and attention. Even adults. Sure a mature adult (say 5 to older) who is used to young kids. But if your kids are older than toddlers, you really should be able to find the right dog with Brat or a breeder.

  • Both of our kids were born into an existing Basenji home. With those we bred and raised to keep & show there was never a problem. We did have to move one B that we bought as an adult with no children in the house hold, out to live with my husbands parents, he snapped when the toddler tripped and fell on him. Later, when she was older there was no problem when she visited her Grandparents. I truly believeif they are raised with well mannered children they will be fine.

  • LOL well, see, my child was born and many rotties came after, a few while she was an infant or toddler. But you are a breeder, I am a breeder, we have systems worked out and tons of experience. But that said, my child came first and I know that the pups I kept did not get as much attention as those that came after she was past the toddler stage. We adjusted, but was it ideal? No.

    And when I am placing a rescue or my own, and I can choose between a family with a baby or equally good family without one, I'll go with the no baby. If they get pregnant after the fact, the pup is settled into the routine.

    In fact one of my best owners flew from WA state to GA to pick up her pup. Less than 6 wks later found out she was pregnant. But she had more Rottweiler experience than I had, grew up in Germany doing schutzhund with her dad. In fact, she was the ONLY person I felt competent to take my male Rottie if I died before him. However, even in her home, HER pup ended up being her son's dog because he was the one (due to her being pregnant and then the baby) who actually gave the dog most of his training and attention.

    Like I said, there are exceptions. But do you really think it is ideal to have baby and NEW dog or puppy?

  • I've also heard of County Hearts Hound Rescue. I bought Tesla from a breeder in Humble, TX. He has sold all of his for this year, but said they are expecting a couple litters in January/February.

  • @Tesla:

    I've also heard of County Hearts Hound Rescue. I bought Tesla from a breeder in Humble, TX. He has sold all of his for this year, but said they are expecting a couple litters in January/February.

    Who was the breeder?

  • @tanza:

    Who was the breeder?

    Rick Lamascus. I was a little disappointed when I got Tesla from him, but things have been okay now. He kept his dogs outside - which can get extremely hot. He didn't give them any flea prevention or heartworm prevention - which is a horrible idea for what is basically Houston area. Mosquitoes are terrible there. Also, the dogs weren't socialized with people, so now I have to struggle with getting her to go up to and be okay with meeting people. Tesla had an umbilical hernia which I know is common, but needs to get fixed, and he still charged me full price for her, when she was the only one who had one. So a little frustrating. He did have good cages for them though. He made them to house a litter or two with plenty of running space so they weren't cramped.

  • @Tesla:

    Rick Lamascus. I was a little disappointed when I got Tesla from him, but things have been okay now. He kept his dogs outside - which can get extremely hot. He didn't give them any flea prevention or heartworm prevention - which is a horrible idea for what is basically Houston area. Mosquitoes are terrible there. Also, the dogs weren't socialized with people, so now I have to struggle with getting her to go up to and be okay with meeting people. Tesla had an umbilical hernia which I know is common, but needs to get fixed, and he still charged me full price for her, when she was the only one who had one. So a little frustrating. He did have good cages for them though. He made them to house a litter or two with plenty of running space so they weren't cramped.

    I would not recommend his to anyone for a puppy. He does not health test (has the sire and dam of your pup been DNA tested for Fanconi?)
    He was caught by AKC after he put a banner on his web site that he was an AKC "approved" breeder. AKC has no such thing and he was made to remove it. To purchase or refer people to a Back Yard Breeder like this is to encourage him to keep breeding. And I especially would never recommend him due to the temperament problems that no socialization causes.

    By the way, not to defend him but having an unbilical hernia would not be a reason for any breeder to reduce the price. They don't really need to be fixed and are usually only done when a spay or neuter is happening. I only ever had one fixed other then during a spay/neuter and that was when Mickii's ruptured due to puppies from Maggii's litter trying to nurse on it…(:eek:)

    If the sire and dam of your pup had not been DNA tested for Fanconi, I would encourage you to do so.

  • Okay my mouth is open… Can you explain why you would RECOMMEND an irresponsible backyard breeder to anyone? Can you justify suggesting someone ELSE give the scum money to keep producing dogs? Okay walking out now.

    Pat... I agree if the umbilical hernia is okay, but sometimes they DO need repair immediately. I am not sure I'd trust such a breeder to tell me the truth!!!

  • If you are not able to find a suitable dog through rescue. Please, do your homework and get one from a responsible breeder. Do not put money in the pockets of a BYB.

    Here are links to article on
    Why Buy From A Responsible Breeder

    Why Do Responsibly Bred Puppy Cost So Much

  • Wybark basenjis in KS has a very nice 8 month old brindle girl available to a pet home, but that may be too far for you to travel. Let me know if you want Ann's email info. You would probably do better to contact the Dallas Ft. Worth basenji club or Indian Nations basenji club now to get on a breeders reservations for the fall breedings. I do know of one breeder in our coursing club who plans a litter in the panhandle this year. I would also recommend going to some of the upcoming dog shows in your area to meet the breeders and their dogs There are shows in humble, carrolton, Austin and belton in Oct, and Houston in Nov. If you are on facebook, I have dozens of friends in TX who have basenjis that I could point you to.

  • @dianar25:

    Here I am continuing my hunt for a basenji. I've been trying to adopt a B from brat but have yet to be sucessful. I applied for Makela and really wanted her but today got the sad news that they don't think she's right for me because I have kids. I guess brat is out. 😞

    Have you looked at this one from BRAT? She is in Texas.



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