• Wow, he looks great! And the stacking looks great too, very nice!

  • He looks great, you are doing a great job… does his tail normally go to the other side? if so, don't try to push to the show side, better to let it goes to the side it is naturally on.

    And work with a show collar on, so that he gets used to that (and you do too)

  • Houston

    does his tail normally go to the other side?

    Yes it does..I was told to maybe tweak it that way..but I won't if you think it isn't needed.
    I bought a thicker nylon show collar to use for now as the chain is really thin..will work with it on later..and transition him onto the chain collar..is that OK you think?

  • @Basenjimamma:

    Yes it does..I was told to maybe tweak it that way..but I won't if you think it isn't needed.
    I bought a thicker nylon show collar to use for now as the chain is really thin..will work with it on later..and transition him onto the chain collar..is that OK you think?

    Use the chain now and if you want a heavier one for now, just go buy a cheap one… best he get used to that as his "show collar" it really does make a difference. I just use what I am going to mostly show them in for any "show" practice.

    And as far as the tail, unless it really is a tail that will go either way (C-Me's is like that), I just don't bother if it naturally falls to the off show side. I always let it go to where is it most natural and comfortable. Gets to be a pain to keep trying to curl to the other side... and can get them "pissed" off as it can really bother them....

  • @Basenjimamma:

    …this is Pippin stacked at almost 20 wks..I think we have both improved...maybe the cheese treat helped..lol. 😃
    Do you have any hints..is it looking OK?

    The only thing I could point out is that the back of the back legs, from hock to the floor should be vertical. You have the rest of him set up beautifully and I honestly would not worry about the back legs at this age. Having his attention is more important. 🙂

  • You're doing great, Petra!

  • You are both doing wonderfully! Good work to both of you!

  • He looks good and will get used to it with more practice. When do you plan to start showing him? Its hard to find shows in TX as they are so far apart distance wise. When we lived in central TX we only hit 4 or 5 shows a yr.

  • @Basenjimamma:

    Debra..I know most peeps swear by those HL..I just can not justify the $200 price tag, crazy IMO…

    Well the nice thing is, you can buy one and share with everyone you know, or even lease it. I know many breeders who got one and shared with their show homes. I know the one we got 8 yrs ago has been used by no fewer than 15 people. 🙂

  • @DebraDownSouth:

    Well the nice thing is, you can buy one and share with everyone you know, or even lease it. I know many breeders who got one and shared with their show homes. I know the one we got 8 yrs ago has been used by no fewer than 15 people. 🙂

    Looks like by the pictures, Petra is using HL?

  • Whatever she is using is working 🙂 You can build your own happy legs, or use soup cans, or whatever…but that method definitely does work well!

  • Houston

    No, I am not using HL..I got Neat Feet instead..smaller pricetag, seems to work..although HL are nice..just too steep for me..

    I know no one close to me that would be able/need to use HL, but the idea of sharing them is definitely good.
    My breeder (in Sweden) does not use anything..just straight on the table.

  • Looks like "neat feet" works just fine…

  • Well with really heavy dogs, the HL are good cause very stable. Those look GREAT for smaller dogs! And I do know people who make their own.

  • Houston

    ..I had my daughter help me again with pictures..I think we are improving slowly..it is easier to stack him now…he seems to know what I want..if he moves his feet I tell him "fix it" and he moves his foot back..somewhat..so it is heading in the right direction for sure.

    This is taken off showside, but I really like how drastic the sun outside and the darkness indoors looked so I've included it here..
    Notice we are on the stacking blocks here...

    These are taken on his show side..still haven't figured out his tail..half the time it is on the left the other half on the right..so we are still "playing " with it. Notice we are not on the stacking blocks here..merely 4 plastic lids..

    Which one is better as far as the front legs..the first or the second one?
    I think the first one is more correct..but I don't know..maybe I have it backwards..:)

    1st option

    2nd option

    Are we improving?

    By the way..took him to a show on Sunday so we could "smell the walk, hear the walk before we talked the talk"…..He did great..took treats from strangers, had is teeth looked at, sniffed big dogs, small dogs, grumpy dogs and happy dogs..he even crated well..so much to look at and listen too..I think he forgot to be whiny.

  • He looks good, I like #1 Better, top line looks better in that stack. Remember with the hind feet you want a straight line from the hocks to the ground. Feet are a bit better placed in the first shot. His front is a bit better stacked in #2, in #1, his front is a bit too far under him.

  • Houston

    Thanks Tanza..so much to look at..I like #1 better too..but I can clearly see his front feet are too far under him..

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