• You might want to think about taking some lunch in with you as well as the food is SO expensive at the NEC! I think it cost us about ?20 last year for 2 coffees and 2 sandwiches! We usually buy something from the local supermarket and take it with us 😃 Saves the pennies….

  • The entry details for Crufts have just been published - 29 dogs entered, and 32 bitches. No idea how many overseas entries are in this, but hopefully a few will be coming over.

  • That's not a bad entry. Dobes are well down !!!

  • Thanks for that Elscodobermann… Just cant wait to see them all...

    Mmmmmmm getting very excited now... Just trying to get our passports organised, what a flaming nightmare, I wish I had done it a little earlier though :rolleyes:...

    Have taken updated pics of the 4 of them, BUT, Im not really happy with the youngest, Java's, pics. Unfortunately this is a bad time to be taking pics of him, cos he is 7 1/2 months, so is at the gangly stage, a bit bum high, etc, etc. He does look a lot better than a few weeks ago though, so might take some more of them, just before we leave, methinks !!!

    Could anyone 'in the know', please let me know how many Australian Cattle Dogs are entered, please ???

  • I hope you get the passport sorted soon! What date are you flying out?

    The entries for Australian Cattle Dog are 15 Bitches 22 Dogs 37 Total

    Look forward to seeing your pictures!

  • Thanks moetmum,

    We are flying out on the 7th, and we arrive on the…..................................7th... How clever is that !!!!!!!!!!

    Yes I hope to get the '95' pics of us taken tomorrow and I think we are all set to send it in, and should be back in 10-14 days... I will be glad when its all done... OVER IT :D...

    Well the ACD entries, for Crufts, are probably more than what we would get at most of our bigger shows... Isnt that embarassing ??? Such a shame that our Aussie 'icon' is in such a poor state in the home country 😕...

  • @saba:

    Thanks moetmum,

    We are flying out on the 7th, and we arrive on the…..................................7th... How clever is that !!!!!!!!!!

    Yes I hope to get the '95' pics of us taken tomorrow and I think we are all set to send it in, and should be back in 10-14 days... I will be glad when its all done... OVER IT :D...

    Well the ACD entries, for Crufts, are probably more than what we would get at most of our bigger shows... Isnt that embarassing ??? Such a shame that our Aussie 'icon' is in such a poor state in the home country 😕...

    You are welcome Saba, I hope you have a good flight over to the UK.

    It is sad when our native breeds are in decline, it's the same over, such a shame 😞

  • I hope you enjoy your experience at Crufts! Have a good flight etc.


  • ACDs have become more popular here over the last few years. Is it that they are more used as working dogs in Australia? My husband's uncle used to breed them for working and for him there were no better dogs.

  • Saba - are you at Crufts on the first day (Gundogs) we'll be there then but it might be difficult to find you. Any way we'll look out for you at the ACD ring (no.6) on the second day - my second favourite breed (the Anatolians) are in ring 5 next to the to the ACDs. They will be in Hall1.

    I'm sorry that you're having problems getting your passport, I know just how stressful that can be!

  • @moetmum:

    You are welcome Saba, I hope you have a good flight over to the UK.

    It is sad when our native breeds are in decline, it's the same over, such a shame 😞

    It is VERY sad really…

  • @lukris:

    I hope you enjoy your experience at Crufts! Have a good flight etc.


    Thanks Theresa, Im pretty sure I will thoroughly enjoy Crufts, the flight, I think will be long and boring I guess :)…

  • @Patty:

    ACDs have become more popular here over the last few years. Is it that they are more used as working dogs in Australia? My husband's uncle used to breed them for working and for him there were no better dogs.

    Yep, still plenty out on the HUGE working farms scattered all over this vast land of ours. Some damn fine examples of the breed too, I might add :). Doing exactly what they are bred to do. They are very good, committed, trustworthy, protective dogs, who are truely 'mans best friend' on those massive properties… They are being crossed with other breeds of workers, i.e. Kelpies, Borders etc, etc, by some farmers, but true ACD farmers would never do that 😉

  • @Patty:

    Saba - are you at Crufts on the first day (Gundogs) we'll be there then but it might be difficult to find you. Any way we'll look out for you at the ACD ring (no.6) on the second day - my second favourite breed (the Anatolians) are in ring 5 next to the to the ACDs. They will be in Hall1.

    I'm sorry that you're having problems getting your passport, I know just how stressful that can be!

    Patty we will be, I am planning that to be my BIG spending day 😉 !!! Also will need to sit down with the Catalogue to work out how the system works as well, so that I am already to go on ACD and B days !!!

    Will see if we can find each other :eek:, might be a bit hard though !!! I know I will definately be wearing a pair of black or very dark blue pants, and a pale green long sleeved shirt with some bling around the front. (Dont feel the cold, so unlikely to be wearing much else !!!), and good comfy shoes. Will have my long brown hair (with some grey, thanks to the B's, NEVER had any grey hair before they entered my life !!!), in a pony tail. Hubby normal size with glasses, going grey, 13 year old girl, skinny with long brown hair, 15 year old girl with glasses, (maybe !!!), shortish brown, layered, hair. No clue what anyone else will be wearing.

    What gundogs are you going to be with ??? It will be nice to see a 'kind of' familiar face/person !!!

    Forgot to add…. Just waiting to see when my birth certificate will arrive, so far its not even in Sydney yet, should be tomorrow, and then its apparently a 2-3 day turn around, then I should be able to submit my Passport application, urgently, for a HUGE fee of course !!! The irony will be that mine will probably get here before everyone elses !!!

  • Houston

    I am so excited for you Saba, what an amazing trip…

  • Hopefully we will be able to say hello to you and your family. The catalogue will guide you to the bench area and all us Basenji folks will be around there. Look forward to seeing you. Have a fantastic time.

  • Saba, Thursday is going to be my shopping day as well but as i have many friends in gun dogs of various breeds I'm usually around the benches as well. Perhaps it'll be easier to meet on the Friday at the ACD ring? Look for an old lady accompanied by another, both with glasses, my hair is quite dark with some grey and my friend Irene is blonde - not sure what we're wearing that day - I think I'll recognise you first any way because of your description - I'm always chatting to someone and I don't mind if I mistake some one else for you. I thought of name badges for us forum members but hadn't got round to doing anything about it!!.

  • Name badges for forum folks would be a good idea Patty. Even a label with our forum names?

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