I am so sorry to hear of Omar and of your pain of losing him….my condolences...
I lost Sayblee at 7, so I understand the stunning ache of not only losing but losing so young. Because of finances, we waited over a year to get Cara and having her has helped so much. She will never replace the Sayblee shaped hole in my heart, but she certainly has expanded my heart so it doesn't feel so empty. I am glad you are getting your boy soon. Hugs and tears and joy all shared.
I'm so sorry to hear of Omar's early passing. But I truly believe he has been the one to put into motion a new basenji in your home. I have personally experienced a cherished pet (my angel child Barney) passing away at a time when I would still be able to work with my breeder to get a new puppy. To me, that is not a coincidence - it is Omar and Barney showing us, with their love, that they will not pass over the Rainbow Bridge without making sure that we will have another friend to give our love to and to make the house a home again. My thoughts are with you, and I look forward to hearing about your new basenji, and of course seeing pictures.
So sorry for your loss, we lost our Tasha to liver cancer at the young age of 12, I had never lost one so young before or so painfully. I can't fathom how I would feel to lose one at age 7.
many thanks for all of your kind words and sharing your personal stories of loss. they make me feel less pathetic for being an emotional mess over this.
and more excited about bring home the new pooch. who we will be picking up near boston from jemba basenji in one week!!! I have some photos to upload and will start his forum experience soon.