What do you love most about your basenji(s)?
It's really nice to read everyones comments!! I love a lot of things in common. In general I love about basenjis that they are so peculiar, and beautiful, and funny.
I love it when Ayo smacks me for attention, he gets this look on his face that is too much, not so much when he nips for attention, we are working on that. I love the way he moves, The way his tail wags with the curl is really funny, his poses, his smell, the proud way he walks with me on the sidewalk on our walks. I love how he'll pick up something from the sidewalk and walk in front of me while looking up to me so that I give him a treat when he leaves it on command, he is so smart!! I love, that although he sometimes get too excited and has been known to nip ( we are still working on that), he is really good with people, especially children, in their presence he is extremely well behaved, and great with other dogs!!! -
Shaye's Mom, you are busted! I'm copying your "why I love" to remind you next time you want to strangle Shaye for dislocating your shoulder! (I know you really love those good girls!)
Yeah:rolleyes:. I talk a lot about how they really drive me crazy, but come right down to it, we do love them a lot.
i love his OCD personality. his wonky looking tail wagging, his stress yawns and play snorts, his happy Baroo, the way he stretches to get attention, i love how he smells, or well, how he doesn't smell, i love his heat sharing ability at night. i love the way he will do anything to get a sunbeam. i love how good he is with kids and babies. i love how smart and inquisitive he is. i love how he smacks things. I love how he hates puddles but is usually the first in the river…i love how happy he makes me everyday, in between spurts of me wanting to strangle him :)
but what i love most is that he loves me too, and is my best friend.
I adore just everything about Basenjis - their independence, their inyelligence, the way they always stay one jump ahead, the way they work things out for themselves, the way they look out for each other, the way they know when someone is not feeling well, the way they smell, their aloofness, their beauty, -I could go on and on. I'm just addicted to them and could never live without one!
I love that when I come home, Cody is standing at the door to his kennel waiting for me to open the door. Then he bolts out, runs to the bedroom door, jumps on the bed, goes back to the door, then rears back on two legs and boxes with me. The whole time, his curly little tail is wagging. When I reach down to pick him up, he jumps into my arms. This is our daily ritual.
I love that Cody sleeps under the covers with me, and even though he can get under them himself, he waits for me to hold them up so that he can make himself comfortable.
I love his grumbles, sighs, and snores, how expressive he is with his ears and forehead wrinkles, and how sometimes he looks at me like I'm an idiot when I try to bribe him to do something I know he doesn't want to do (a b-slave can try though, right?). I love how he is content to lay next to me while I'm reading or writing, and how he has to be touching me while he's asleep or napping.
I also love that he rarely destroys my clothes anymore, he doesn't scream for hours while I'm gone anymore, and he has taught me to be neater.
I love that he has taught me patience, to laugh at my mistakes, to be silly even when other people are watching, and to enjoy the little things that we usually take for granted. I love that he puts up with me, and I love that the little butthead loves me back. (I say that as a term of endearment :) )
I love this thread :)
I love that basenjis think I'm one of them because I'm aloof and snarky, too. They pull me into their little circles and make me give them all the good bits of my meals. I love that they are so obvious :D
I love that they can take a human who says "I'd never sleep with a dog" and turn them into a person who buys a bed big enough for two humans and two basenjis and a cat. They have magical brain powers.
I love looking out the window over their heads, between their ears, and seeing the amazing things they are seeing.
I could list a whole lot of things but the snuggling under the covers is the sweetest. That's when I love her most. One thing I'm really really thankful for now that Abbey's 7 is that she no longer explodes out of the covers at 2 am when a helicopter flies over. Gotta love her for that. Took 7 years but my girl has finally grown up!