Very wordy. but concerns none the less (pics of luna and zee)

  • @Whoalookitsme:

    The Cat: I adopted her when i moved into my apartment she is now almost two years old. She is around dogs at my apartment and at my parents house. Each dog she is different with. The Great Dane at our apartment.

    hi Whoalookitsme, glad you found the forum. It's great for everything basenji! And congrats for doing homework on finding a breeder you like. Also love your name - sounds like a good horse to bet on at the track!

    I am just waiting to be a basenji owner and my comments are going to be my opinion only. So please don't take offense. You and others on here might not agree with them. But what I like about this forum is that you can share knowledge, experiences and a host of other things with those who love the breed.

    Here is a few things you might want to really think about:

    SPACE: My husband and I live in a large 3 bedroom rancher with a backyard, though the backyard isn't acreage or anything like that. Do you know what my concern was? Would my pup have enough room. A breeder even mentioned this to me - about our backyard not being huge. I know that there are people successfully living with basenjis in apartments, in fact someone on this forum has posted pictures of their dog in their apartment, but if I lived in an apartment, I don't think I would choose a basenji. Cats? You bet. Really small dogs - maybe. But not a basenji or a great dane. I can appreciate how much room your great dane already takes. 🙂 Also, regarding your apartment, don't just think your basenji will just chew furniture. Those nice wood door frames are awfully tasty too. So are the cupboard doors. 🙂

    YOUR SCHEDULE: A puppy is really going to need more than exercise at the dog park a couple of times a week. I think it will need at least a couple of really good walks every DAY. Exercise (all out type) is just so vital for their health. You mention you are a junior. I've never seen what the schedule is like for someone training to be a vet, but isn't there more demand on your time the further you get into your program? Just a question. Regarding showing, I am in awe if you could fit that in with all of your studying. I would think all of that would be a big load for someone working so hard on a degree.

    THE CLASS: Horses are prey animals - that might be tempting for your basenji unless he is really well mannered. I would like to offer a caution (and I used to ride TONS and are familiar with horses) - a green colt is really going to put out that kind of nervous energy a dog can pick up on. Again, just my opinion, but it might not be the best of pairings. So if you don't bring your puppy with you, will he just be at home alone with the dog and cat? I remember being a student, and I would not have been able to afford doggie day care. 😞

    TRAVELLING: Well, we have a very wonderful member on this forum who does a LOT of driving, and the basenji goes along. AJs Human drives a semi, and AJ goes along. Again, in my opinion, that takes a special kind of dog and owner combination, bond, love and understanding. The hour long drives in a vehicle won't be the happiest times your basenji or cat will have (my cats hate the 7 minute drive to the vet). But oh how a puppy would like that hour to do some good hard playing or training with you. I'm not saying it can't be done, because basenjis that compete in shows do HUGE amounts of travelling, but I think that travel time is often offset with lots of playing and just being a basenji.

    Never apologize for a long thread. You are obviously thinking this out carefully, and you are to be commended for that.

    Remember, I am giving you only one opinion. With whatever information you get, absorb it and toss it around in your head for a bit. Then, in the end, you will know you spent a lot of time and consideration making your decision.

    All the best to you.

  • Hi Whoalookitsme. Great to see you are researching the breed prior to getting into basenji ownership.

    As a breeder, I have absolutely no issues with your schedule, animals, cat etc. I know that Becky would agree that you can have basenjis around horses, as she does.

    I would suggest finding some breeders to visit and explore your options through them. You may find that the Basenji is not the right dog for you. You may find a breeder that has a dog that would be a perfect fit for your situation and it would be the best option for you at this time.

    Best of luck to you (and the silly cat) in finding the Basenji [or if it ends up being another breed of dog] that is perfect for you!

  • Sarah, I sent you a note, yes, come and visit over your break!

    I can answer one of your concerns - one of our puppy owners plays polo, and her girl Scarlett has been around the horses pretty much her whole life. In fact, Scarlett even rides the horses (with Mom, of course)


  • In response to Kipawa.
    Thank you for your opinion it is appreciated greatly. it definately made me ponder of my situation and i would like to think aloud lol.
    As far as space: I will not be living with my current roomate next year. Its too stressful for me and seeing as how she got another dane i have decided I shouldnt have to deal with that. Plus she wants to move in with her boyfriend. So i will either choose a new roomate or hopefully the boyfriend will move in with me. I do not plan on being a couch potato keeping the dog in my apartment. I love being outside mainly why i am hoping to be a livestock vet. i want to take this dog everywhere with me, If i could i would take him/her to class and i might lol! And personally I dont like small toy dogs. Im more of a big dog person I do have a chihuahua and I do love her but i was only allowed her because of her size. As far as the chewing thank you so much for that i forgot that furniture isnt the only target. I should know this because the dane has already chewed my checkbook. I will definately take chewing into account and the thread you made helped alot with that.
    I also plan to move close to the horse barn so I dont have to drive since i will be going daily. I would love to take the dog and it will come on the walk with me. Also the walk to campus can be taken. As far as my degree you are correct. However the hours of endless school do not start until you get accepted to a vet school. Right now its just normal school and i keep up with showing my rabbits whats a dog show to add? I love showing and the feeling of winning a trophy just makes me excstatic. I have shown rabbits, cows, goats, lambs, and will be attending horse shows in the spring. The experience is amazing and you learn so much! Seeing as how I got three A's out of my four classes and one lab studying isnt too bad yet.
    The class: I believe that this dog being in my life should be exposed to everything I will. I will be dealing with cattle and horses on a daily basis because i plan to get some of my own and therefore this dog must know how to act around them. Biting or nipping at a nervous animal is dangerous which is why the dog will be on a chain until the horse and the dog are safe around each other. I dont think i should baby this dog because these things will be apart of my life and they must coexist. Plus seeing this animal everyday the colt will not stay green, trust me. My friends colt from this past semester is such a baby and a lovebug!
    As far as the car ride I think you're cat doesnt like the car ride because it knows where its going. lol I wouldnt like car rides either if everytime someone took me for one i was going to the doctor. My cat knows that when she gets in that car its time to go home where she can romp with her brother and finally go outside since shes inside only at the apartment. I plan to associate car rides with this dog to make it a happy experience where it knows nothing bad is at our destination. I was just worried about car sickness mostly.

    Thank you khanis. I know i am nitpicking but i just want to be sure. I plan on meeting more Bs and getting to know this dog in person before my decision and im only afraid that this will make me want one even more!

    Mrs. Terry I will be in contact with you soon! I am excited to see your new puppies!

  • I like so much that you are thinking things through. That will be the best thing you can do for you and any future puppy. And you're right - my cats probably DO know where they are going and why. I don't think I would like a car ride if I knew that it would mean having a thermometer stuck into my "private" area. 🙂

    Sorry, I misunderstood about the dane situation.

  • lol. its fine. Although i love the dane to death he's just too much for me to handle especially since she still hasnt paid a pet deposit on him so any damages done get taken out of my deposit. Not the best situation for me or her seeing as she will owe me for anything he does that gets taken out.
    I really still am contemplating on whether to get a puppy or a young adult. I feel that the adult would fit in much better with my scheduling and circumstances but i love the bond you share with a puppy. I am still not sure. If anyone has any input on this it would be greatly appreciated.

  • She probably needs her teeth cleaned. Cats can build up tartar on their teeth just like humans do. It has to be done at a vet because the cat will have to be put under anethesia. I don't know how much it will cost…you would have to ask your vet about that.

  • Looking at your future, hopeful vet school, etc, I think it is very wise to wait until you are settled.

  • I dont think space is an issue,,.. time YES!!, if you live in an apartment you need to know you will probably have to dedicate more time to take him out. I live in a small apartment. 70 square meters with my basenji and 2 cats,(they play around and sometimes the cats get angry and let him know it, but nothing to worry about) and until a few months ago had my great dane Chelo for ten years without a problem. I would love to have a backyard and hopefully will eventually, but "letting them out" really doesnt substitute walking your dog everyday… So I would say what is most important is knowing you will have the time and also that your situation will not change next year and then you wont be able to keep him/her. Ayo rides in the car with me almost everyday. I take him with me whenever I amgoing somewhere that I can take him or just to run a quick errand and he loves it. When its a longer ride he usuall falls asleep.
    I know for apartments its better to choose a lower energy dog, but really, as long as you take him out and keep him well excercised and "mentally entertained" it should not be a problem. Lots of people crate their basenjis so , they really spend a large part of the daytime in small spaces anyway....
    Another concern is maybe if you are intersted in a breed that will be able to hang around with you at the barn etcc. then maybe you should also consider a breed that can be off leash with you.. which is a lot more simple because you will not need to worry about it on the ocassions that you want or have to take him with you to places like the barn.... just a thought. I find that that is probably, at least for me , the only real "problem" that I come accross with basenjis with regard to other types of breeds. It can be a practical problem sometimes. but...

  • Lots of good advice here.

  • Updates:
    I went to visit Mrs. Reeds new puppies and my are they adorable!! I will post the pictures when i get back to my apartment. So I am pretty sure on an apartment and will probably live there till I graduate from Sam Houston. My mom is being very wise about this whole situation and is very helpful. I filled out an adoption form with BRAT and they are so nice and flexible. I am going to have someone come to the house one weekend before the summer. My mom said I could get a Basenji then. I am ok with this decision so i can think of what would be best for me and the dog.
    Oh as far as the apartment. There is a dog park a short walk down the street. The barn is maybe a quarter mile and campus is probably a 20minute walk. I plan to get a bike so I can ride to class but I can also walk with the Basenji

    I have also tried looking at another breed that might be right for me. I think the only dog I would consider is a Golden Retriever. But even then I worry about the grooming and ear infections they get. They are mighty pretty but after really visiting Basenjis (we were there for 3 hours and the time flew by!) I think I'm in love. I got to visit with all of Mrs. Terrys dogs and they had all types of personalities. I love their mischievious personalities but they do it with the most innocent look. Oh and the basenji that comes to our clinic to board finally came back! Was it fate that I got to see her? She is a beautiful tri and her name is George. She can be very cautious and wasn't as friendly as Mrs. Reeds dogs but thats probably because she doesnt like the vet. As far as any other breeds i can't find a breed i like that doesn't need an actual job, such as an aussie, a blue heeler, or cattle dog. And i'm not too interested in toy breeds.

    These upcoming months are definately reserved for thinking. Thank you so much for everyones input and help

  • @Whoalookitsme:

    I went to visit Mrs. Reeds new puppies and my are they adorable!!

    This isn't Martha J Reed is it?

  • @nkjvcjs:

    This isn't Martha J Reed is it?

    I think she's talking about Terry Reed 😉

  • @Janneke:

    I think she's talking about Terry Reed 😉

    Oh good.


  • Who is Martha j reed?

  • Martha J Reed is a puppymiller who bred Simon, who is in rescue with BCOSW right now.

  • Oh no. I definately didnt see her dogs. lol. I was talking about Mrs. Terry Reed.

  • Houston

    Did you upload pictures of Luna and Zee yet? Would love to see them now..We went and played when they were only 6 weeks old..too cute for words.

  • Oh of course Ill upload them now! I hope I can do it on this thread? Granted they arent the best because the puppies move so fast and we dont have as good of a camera but here they are!

    luna is in the red collar and zee is in the pink collar

    luna liked to climb on me

    momma and dude playing with the pups

    he stole the lobster!

    i think dude liked my mom 🙂 and i think I she liked him too

    the cutest picture of zee

    Dude looking for a light to catch

  • Houston

    I love cute. Terry's dogs are so sweet..

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