So Excited
I had a rottie litter and one of the puppy people came over every other day lol … even tho didn't know which would be their pup. made them wash, leave shoes outside... But they lived about 3 miles from me.
DebraDownSouth- I emailed my breeder to see if when I could come and see them- I am very curious and interested to see how they develop and since I myself live so close to them it would be so nice to take some time and visit them soon- I don't want to offend anyone or step on any toes so whatever they answer with will be what I go with.
It's so hard though to see the pictures and wait though!!! so so….so difficult
I also have people over pretty regularly with my pups. Visitors every weekend after 3 weeks old and really, many people just pop in to say "Hi" when we have pups in the house hoping to sneak a peek. Moms have all been great about letting people see even the wee babies.
My last puppy, I visited the breeder when the puppies were about 4-5 weeks. She lived about 4 hours away so that was basically the most convenient time to see them. It was a really cute age. I posted a video of it a while back. hope you get to visit often since you're so close. :D
my two bobs worth -
i got to visit every weekend from when they were born, i lived about 20mins away from the breeder. i didnt know which one i was going to take home but playing with all of them was the greatest experience and to watch themand their personalities develope. Also was great time to spend time with the breeder and learn things.
And i love having all the photos and i look back now and she was so little lol
Puppy season can be a great time- last year I remember being jealous of everyone and now its my turn (brag)…will certainly post lots of pictures since I am taking the first week off when he/she comes home. Love hearing all the stories of the breeders about their puppies- fills my head with lots of cute thoughts
Just an update: I have a few more weeks to go… I have been finishing up my shopping and will be going over the house with a fine toothed comb next week and puppy proofing.
I have:
-ex pen with top
-toys,toys,toys and more toys- 2 litter box,litter, scoop and puppy pads (as our breeder litter trains)
-lots of blankets
-treats and food have been chosen
-clicker for training
*have set up socialization classes
*have a vet chosen and already made an appointment for them to see the puppy after I get him/her
Anything else you can think of will be helpful.Thanks
- 2 litter box,litter, scoop and puppy pads (as our breeder litter trains)
renaultf1- I thought of that but I am afraid to do it myself…..I am a big baby! ask me to cut a newborns nails- no problem but a puppy or a dogs and I run for the hills
how often are you willing to make grooming appointments to take your pup to get its nails trimmed? it scares me every time i do it, with clippers or pedipaws, but i still do it because suki's nails grow soooooo fast! they need trimmed about every other week.
I am lucky that one of my close friends is a groomer so I can easily get them done as needed, which I know is often. If I wasn't in a place to be able to do that then I would familiarize myself with the process
There is a thread here on what you need :)
A dremel is so much easier than nail clipppers. You would get used to it quickly.
If their nails are white is is pretty easy to dremel since you can see the quick, which would be the case of a r/w. B/w can have a combo of white and black nails (I guess tris would too?) It gets more challenging if they have a lot of nails that are black, and in that case I dremel to the same length as the white ones.
I am lucky that one of my close friends is a groomer so I can easily get them done as needed, which I know is often. If I wasn't in a place to be able to do that then I would familiarize myself with the process
Using a Dremel is easy and I bet that your breeder can show you… this is something that every dog (and cat) owner should know and be able to do... nails should be done every week. And using a dremel is much better then nail clippers.
Using a Dremel is easy and I bet that your breeder can show you… this is something that every dog (and cat) owner should know and be able to do... nails should be done every week. And using a dremel is much better then nail clippers.
+1. Eldorado uses the Dremel on their pups, so the pups are already used to the Dremel by the time they go home to their new families. My pup Aaliyah came from Eldorado, I've been doing her nails with the Dremel since I got her at 11 weeks and she just lies there and licks my face while getting her nails done. My 2 6yo basenjis (also from Eldorado) are just as easy to Dremel. My pup Ozzy (breeder Jean Martin, Hounds of Timar), is also a breeze when getting his nails done - he kisses me during the course of getting them done.
Have your breeder show you how to do them, and then start doing them yourself the first week your pup comes home. I do Ruby and Brando's nails every 2 weeks. I do Aaliyah's every week (as she has really long nails) and I do Ozzy's every week as he is still being shown.
I actually used my dremel on Pippin's nails the other day to see how he liked , he didn't even care…so I will do his regulary to make it an every day= no worries thing... a few of my older dogs hate it, act like I am killing them..but I didn't start them on it as puppies...