• First thing this morning, and I mean first thing, Kipawa and I were at the pet store. I picked up a 30 foot leash for him, because yesterday I got him a great doggie frisbee, and I wanted to throw it down our cul-de-sac and have it zoom to get it. Boy did he ever, carrying it back proudly to me. No pictures of that - unfortunately my little camera only has a wrist strap, and I just can't get all of the activity organized so I can get a picture too. But once we get our new camera, I'll have it around my neck when we go out for play and walks.

    Here are some pictures from today. Investigating the fireplace, the "I'm a good boy" look, and one sacked out basenji after a walk and backyard play. Note my socks. 🙂


  • He is just the cutest! I love hearing your daily stories and pictures!!

  • cute pictures!

  • I don't know which one I like best. Leaning toward the sacked-out ones though.

  • Houston

    Great pictures and story too..I love the ones of him laying on his back..passed out.

  • A tired puppy is a gooooood puppy!
    Very cute photos!

  • I love how basenjis sleep with their legs sticking straight out! How adorable!

  • Hug the boy for us…he looks happy. Sigh - makes us happy too.
    We miss him tons but know he is truly home.
    Therese and Kevin

  • @Therese:

    Hug the boy for us…he looks happy. Sigh - makes us happy too.
    We miss him tons but know he is truly home.
    Therese and Kevin

    Don't you just LOVE when that happens!!!!!

  • I love all the pics. What an adorable pup!

  • Thank you for keeping us informed on Kipawa's progress - I adore the pictures.

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