• Special time when Jaycee runs and jumps onto your lap and lays her little head down and then here comes Jayden right on top. Then all three of us let a movie watch us as we sleep all around each other. Need bigger chair. They are cool dog's well maybe sometimes warm but I would not change a thing so much love in these B's unreal.

    Rita Jean

  • It's great to read of the special moments - I have many and one of the sweetest is when Spring sits on my lap and lifts her head up and presses it against my mouth for a kiss.

  • First Basenji's

    Awe! Your stories are all so sweet!
    The special moment that will always stick out in my mind was the day I brought Cody home. He was about 3 years old and scared of everything. I let him take his time and wander around my living room, dining area, kitchen, and bedroom to get to know the apartment. Remi, one of his puppies that a friend decided to adopt, was with us, and he was all over the place. They played together for a while, but mostly explored the apartment. It was a little touch and go for a while because he seem so scared of me and would bolt and hide whenever I tried to pet him (especially since I had just given him a bath, so he must have thought that I was evil!). I laid on the floor in the living room to let him come to me when he was ready, and after a while, he came and curled up into a ball next to me. He looked at me as if to say, "Well, I guess you are ok for a human." A minute later, Remi wriggled his way to laying half on top of both me and Cody.

    Now, whenever I'm reading, researching, or working on a paper, he usually curls up next to me or behind me. If I'm especially frustrated, he'll lay his head on my lap and look at me with his brow wrinkled. Then I pet him and I feel better.

    I love that feeling though, and it always works. It doesn't seem to matter how bad my day has been, when I come home and he jumps up to greet me with his little curly tail wagging, and I pet him, I always feel better. I think it's amazing how the simple act of petting him always lifts my mood.

  • Oh, I was going to start a basenji-Christmas thread, but I guess I forgot. Anyway, this is the story I was going to share. My first basenji, Roxanne, enjoyed Christmas as much as any dog I've had. The first Xmas we had a tree I would often find her under the tree napping. Later Christmases I'd have to leave a Roxanne-sized space under the tree otherwise she'd rearrange the presents so she could nap under the tree. It took me a little while to figure out as long as I left a space for her (and show her the space) she would not bother anything on or under the tree. I miss finding a basenji napping under my tree.

  • Strangely enough, I'm on my couch, and I had my hand dangling off the side, and just as I opened this thread my sweet little Jersey-cat came and rubbed herself along my hand, purring as loud as she can (not very!). I guess she just wanted me to know she was around. πŸ™‚ Too sweet. Thanks for all your stories, guys.

  • I love it when the weather's nice and we sit out on the front porch early in the morning. Abbey climbs up in my lap and we watch birds and talk about stuff like squirrels and cats. Good Mom and Dog time. Or, before I get up and I think she's still asleep under the covers but then this soft little tongue starts licking my feet! Her tongue is so soft it's like being tickled with a feather!

  • Wouldn't all these special Basenji moments make a wonderful book!?

    I've had one 'go' but here's my husband's special moment.

    Bernie a Basenji we fostered was afraid of men when he came to us (difficult for him in a 5 male household) - after a whole year of refusing to acknowledge my husband, Bernie jumped on his lap one day and from then on they never looked back. Bernie has long since gone to the Basenji hunting ground but my husband still remembers that moment.

  • @Patty:

    Wouldn't all these special Basenji moments make a wonderful book!?

    I've had one 'go' but here's my husband's special moment.

    Bernie a Basenji we fostered was afraid of men when he came to us (difficult for him in a 5 male household) - after a whole year of refusing to acknowledge my husband, Bernie jumped on his lap one day and from then on they never looked back. Bernie has long since gone to the Basenji hunting ground but my husband still remembers that moment.

    I would buy that book! Love all your special moments..

    I've got another one, but this one with Lycia, our little brindle princess we had in our family for eight months.

    When she came to us, I knew it was only for a short time, so I decided I wasn't going to loose my heart to her and get too attached.. (yeah.. right..:rolleyes:) We spent one entire week together, because I still had vacation. The weeks after that, we brought her to doggy day care with Tillo a couple of days a week, they loved it both overthere πŸ™‚ BF picked them up most of the time, but in week three or something like that, I was the one who had to pick them up. I got there and saw these cute little B's waiting for me. They came running towards me and I got a big yodel from Tillo (aww..), but more special for me was that little brindle girl that was dancing around me, wagging her curly tail like a little propellor.. (Tillo never wags his tail..) I just felt my heart melt… And I'd been so strong... So, from that moment she was my princess πŸ™‚ We still miss her!

  • @Janneke:

    I would buy that book! Love all your special moments..

    I've got another one, but this one with Lycia, our little brindle princess we had in our family for eight months.

    When she came to us, I knew it was only for a short time, so I decided I wasn't going to loose my heart to her and get too attached.. (yeah.. right..:rolleyes:) We spent one entire week together, because I still had vacation. The weeks after that, we brought her to doggy day care with Tillo a couple of days a week, they loved it both overthere πŸ™‚ BF picked them up most of the time, but in week three or something like that, I was the one who had to pick them up. I got there and saw these cute little B's waiting for me. They came running towards me and I got a big yodel from Tillo (aww..), but more special for me was that little brindle girl that was dancing around me, wagging her curly tail like a little propellor.. (Tillo never wags his tail..) I just felt my heart melt… And I'd been so strong... So, from that moment she was my princess πŸ™‚ We still miss her!

    Janneke, do you hear much from Lycia and her people?

  • We got Ella as a six month old pup that had no socialization and was afraid of everything, including me. One of the few joys in her life at that time was chewing. We had several chews toys for her, but she had apparently never been given a toy and she was very suspicious of them. Mainly, she had not figured out how to hold the toy in her paws to keep a grip on it, so she would chew on it just for a few seconds until it got away from her.

    One day she was sitting on the couch next me–a rare event. I decided I was going to teach her how to play with her toy. I mouthed the toy as if I was chewing it then gave it to her as I held it between her paws. After multiple attempts she figured it out and was holding the toy in her little paws and chewing with a contentment that was pure joy to behold. She stopped for a moment and looked up at me with those golden eyes before resuming her bliss. I was hooked.

  • Aww, Tillo is so cute!

    Maya is all adorable when im driving too. She also sits on the passenger seat and she has this weird habit where she has to "hold hands" while im driving. She puts her paw on my hand on the steering wheel and thats how she sits for the journey - how cute is that πŸ˜ƒ

  • We have had a very stressful and upsetting few weeks.

    My eldest girl Dobe Jovi nearly died from bloat, and has had to have her spleen removed and stomach stitched to the side wall. Her and Cooper usually have an understanding that she growls he runs !!!!, as she is def the alpha bitch ( after me that is !!! ).

    However she has proved us all wrong and survived, after spending 2 days in the vets she came home. She curled up on her fav sofa. Cooper came creeping into the room, normally he wouldn't even get up on the same sofa, slowly but surely he crawled up onto it and edged his way over to Jovi, she looked at him as if to say OK you can stay, he then sat right up next to her just watching, as if he was taking care of her. Once she had gone to sleep and he was happy she was Ok, he then came over and sat with me, could sense that I was worried sick. Now Jovi is well on the mend, he knows he has done his bit. What a special, special boy.

  • @Scoops:

    We have had a very stressful and upsetting few weeks.

    My eldest girl Dobe Jovi nearly died from bloat, and has had to have her spleen removed and stomach stitched to the side wall. Her and Cooper usually have an understanding that she growls he runs !!!!, as she is def the alpha bitch ( after me that is !!! ).

    However she has proved us all wrong and survived, after spending 2 days in the vets she came home. She curled up on her fav sofa. Cooper came creeping into the room, normally he wouldn't even get up on the same sofa, slowly but surely he crawled up onto it and edged his way over to Jovi, she looked at him as if to say OK you can stay, he then sat right up next to her just watching, as if he was taking care of her. Once she had gone to sleep and he was happy she was Ok, he then came over and sat with me, could sense that I was worried sick. Now Jovi is well on the mend, he knows he has done his bit. What a special, special boy.

    I am so pleased Jovi is ok and yes Cooper is a special boy

  • @Maya:

    Aww, Tillo is so cute!

    Maya is all adorable when im driving too. She also sits on the passenger seat and she has this weird habit where she has to "hold hands" while im driving. She puts her paw on my hand on the steering wheel and thats how she sits for the journey - how cute is that πŸ˜ƒ

    It's called backseat driving from the front, Jess ;):D

  • I'll never forget my very first (all mine) puppy- I was 16 and convinced my father to get a dog- his requirements were that it has to be white and has to be small and has to hair hair and not fur, I think he said this because he didn't think I'd be able to find one. Eventually after talking with breeders I came across a peekapoo puppy. Long story short- my dad took me to the airport to pick up my puppy and on the drive it started to snow for the very first time that season; it felt like a sign (that maybe I was in over my head but all be it a sign nonetheless). He was the love of my life and every year since and even in his passing the first snow of the year always reminds me of how special he was to me. Hopefully I'll have some new memories to share with the new puppy!

  • Thank u Shelley, yes thank goodness she is well on the road to recovery πŸ™‚ x

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