Yesterday we bought a new camera, so today we took some 'practice shots' of Tillo. Enjoy!
Tillo on the flexi
"Did you call me?"
Tillo running after the birds
A safe place to walk off leash
Here I come!
Sniffing around..
..and following the pack
"Hah.. you can't get me!"
"I'm gonna get you!"
"Here I comeβ¦.."
"This is fun, isn't it?!"
"Gotcha again!!"
"I'm goood"
Tillo kept trying
Until he found something more interesting
"Are you taking pictures of me?"
You can see I brought some yummy treats
After this pic he took off after a fox and came back with itchy feet.. So time to start our way back home..
We hope for some better weather tomorrow with more pics