• It would be such a shame if she misses a chance of a good home. 3 - 4 years is not such a long time to wait for a Basenji and after all BF may soon change his mind!!

    It seems awfully cruel of someone to bring her from her homeland and then 'abandon' her. I just can't understand people! At least if you take her, her story could have a happy ending after all.

  • @sinbaje:

    Take her. Puppy breath can wait another year - besides you have to work on Tillo's agility career before bringing in a pup to take up too much of your time :O) She is lovely. And as Kim says - I have five very active in every possible performance venue basenjis - three is easy breezy!

    Agree!!! Take her…she needs an understanding, knowledgeable human like you. Puppies will always be available..this girl needs you now 🙂

  • Quite the Basenji "mix". She looks very basenji other than the perky ears, very unique in my opinion.

    If Tillo likes her, I think you know the answer. 😃

  • @sonnyboy:

    I think she ended up in the Netherlands for a reason! 😉 What better home could she have then with you both & Tillo.. 😃

    I totally agree with sonnyboy…

    AND I want to meet her too 😃 😃 😃

  • Things happen for a reason, too many coincidences led you to her to ignore. And perhaps you will "foster" her and socialize her for someone else? The odds are that BF will fall in love with her. She is indeed very striking, and her ears may come up, who knows. If she is a mix, she is 90% basenji. And very cool that she is actually from Africa!

    If you were hoping that votes from Forum will help your decision, looks like you have another dog. My "motto" is that "often the best dogs just 'happen to' you when you least expect it, be open to the call".

    That said, it is hard when you have a plan, so if you stick to your plan for a puppy next year, that will be great too, I'm sure this darling girl will find a home.

  • I agree things happen for a reason she was meant for you ,enjoy her im sure if you really want to have a puppy for show what's one more ?3 basenjis are fine together

  • Thank you all for your opinions 🙂 It was a hard decision for me, because I'm the one that wants a show puppy.. BF could care less about shows, pedigrees etc, as long as it's a sweet dog, it'll do 😉 It took me two years to really convince him to get a second dog, and after meeting Fossa it only took about 30 minutes for him to say that a third will be welcome too, but not for the next 3-4 years. (money, time, space.. everything, I fully agree with him on that one.. And Fossa will need time to grow up too)

    Sooo.. Do I want that puppy now..? Or can I wait…? Pff.. hard one.. I already have a bunch of puppy collars.... but I think that the best thing I/we can do.. is go for Fossa.. She's already on this planet looking for a good owner.. I think we can offer her what she needs. And who knows? Maybe she will turn out to be great in agility 😉

    I will call the shelter tomorrow morning. The only problem we have is that we can't pick her up before wednesday... I hope the shelter won't mind keeping her two days longer..

  • If Fossa finds a home between now and Wednesday, then maybe it wasn't really meant to be.

    If you were already on a breeder's waiting list, be sure you also call them to let them know. They may have been turning away perspective homes because their list was full and will now have to start screening for another home.

  • @Benkura:

    She is gorgeous. I see a bit of Azawakh in her. She is tall in the leg and quite rangy looking. I don't envy you the decision, I would be heartbroken over such a lovely girl. Let us know what you decide to do. 🙂

    I saw the Azawakh too in the pictures.. especially in this pic: http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/jobammerlaan/Fossa/Fossa6.jpg
    Another breed I love, so I have no problems with that.. 😉

  • Take her!!! Jaja i agree, next year who knows, you may get the puppy anyway!

  • @lvoss:

    If Fossa finds a home between now and Wednesday, then maybe it wasn't really meant to be.

    If you were already on a breeder's waiting list, be sure you also call them to let them know. They may have been turning away perspective homes because their list was full and will now have to start screening for another home.

    Yes, I agree and yes, will do.. after wednesday of course.. I still have a hard time letting that puppy go.. Sigh..

  • Fingers crossed you can give her a lovely home. I love Azawakhs too 🙂

  • Janneke,
    i think in your heart you already knew you were going to take Fossa. She looks a realy special girl and how interesting that she actualy comes from africa. I do agree with Patty that it's a shame she was taken from her home country and then abandoned.
    I look foward to hearing all about her.

  • @Janneke:

    Yes, I agree and yes, will do.. after wednesday of course.. I still have a hard time letting that puppy go.. Sigh..

    It is a hard decision and one you will have to really think about and find the right answer for you, not what everyone else thinks. Though Fossa is already here and in need of a home, that puppy will be here in part because you said you wanted her and will now need a new home. Of course, there is no way to know for sure that there will be a girl puppy in the litter so it is still a bit of gamble. No easy answer, that's for sure.

  • I also don't envy the decision…I can only say just listen to you heart :).
    Have you been thinking about getting more time for your decision? It is important decision and you should have a clear mind and don't be "stressed out" ;).

  • I just had a horrible night, with little sleep… And I feel really selfish.. But I don't think that I can wait another 3-4 years for a puppy.. Like I said.. We can't pick her up before wednesday.. So if she's gone by then.. It was supposed to go that way.. That will at least give us some extra time to think. I'm really a planner.. So I can't 'just' do something big like bringing home a young dog... :S

  • She is a lovely looking girl, I am sure she will settle in with you.

    Tillo will enjoy the company and showing her what to do!

  • could you foster her for the shelter? i understand about wanting what you want, and certainly you should have the dog you want. after all, we're talking about a 15 year commitment.

  • If you are not sure that Fossa is right for your household right now, maybe you know others in the basenji community that might be interested in her? Perhaps letting the basenji club know that she is there, what her story is, and that she is in need of home, will bring the right home to her.

  • Fossa is very beautiful - since she and Tillo get along, and you are already losing your heart to her, I would suggest you keep her - you are so wonderful with your pups, owned and loaned, that she would have a great home, and she really needs it. I have a "real" basenji and a mix, and am very happy to have both.

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