Lady Kay-Dee
Actually when I got her I took her out to see my horse she wanted to run right up to him. She was so tiny when I got her weighed less then 3lbs at 3 months old. I put her on Blue Buffalo dog food and she started growing her weight now at 2 1/2 is usually between 18 and 19 lbs now. Anyway back to the subject of her with horses. If I pick her up and am standing beside my horse she tries to climb onto his back. She loves to ride in the cart when I'm driving my horse.
Thank you. Everywhere I go she attracts attention and I call them members of her fan club. LOL
We've been putting her on my friends pony and I walk beside her. She walks around on him then she will lay down on him. She is still trying to get her balance on him She doesn't try to jump off. In fact when I pick her up near the horses she will try to get out of my arms and onto him. When she sees me harnesses my horse to the cart she gets all excited. She loves to ride in the cart too. -
Great pictures. Thank you so much for sharing them with us.