Kim, James looks adorable…I can't wait to see him in your lovely pictures..yes, Ryan is a lucky boy..we have the same type of scenario here, 3 dogs, 1 cat, 4 birds, a lizard, and 14 hens, 3 roosters..crazy, but happy house..we are adding one more dog..a basenji for me, but we haven't found him/her yet :);)
It?s great to have animals in your home, we had reptiles too but they really couln?t live at the ship (not stabile enough :( )
Another Basenji! How Exciting!!!! Keep us updated!
Your new kitty is absolutely adorable! Love love those cats! Matter of fact, the more I'm around my dogs, the more I appreciate my cats!
Oh I can't wait for mor pictures
Today Kas went to see the kitty's :D
The one that we thought it would be our James isn't giong to be our James…
He is not growing fine anymore and she will hold him if he isn't growing better... :(But we got two options left,
1 get his sister
2 get a kitty that is a bit older (just turned 13 weeks, so that litter is leaving their mommy this weekend! bengal cats leave their home at 13 weeks)We feel a little bad about the little kitty but we have to make a choise, we will pray the little one turns to be a great guy that will spend his life with the breeder and we are now thinking about the older kitty... (we don't want to have a female cat)
tomorrow we will make the final decision.. exciting..Our heart already made the decision... but we want to sleep on it a night...
It's a georgeous bengal cat, his daddy is a very sweet boy (BIG and likes to get hugged)
The pictures are uploaded one of these days... but I will tell you.. you will be in love :D
Sorry to hear about the little fella..I know you will make the right decision…share when you are ready..hoping for pictures soon.
Sorry to hear James is not going to be right for you - whatever kitty you get will be adorable and we want pictures. I've had boy kitties and girl kitties - all have had their own personalities, and all have been wonderful. My one remaining kitty is a female, and she is as loving and complicated as all the others. The only constant I've noticed regarding the sex of the cats is that females want to rule the roost - just like the B's.
Thanks all ;)
We made our decision, I kept thinking about the little one and asked myselfe what's my biggest reason to choose that one.. And the reason is that I want to give him such a loving home until it's his time… After talking about it with Kas, I know for sure the breeder can and will give the little boy also that much love he needs..
So I have peace with not taking him after all, he WILL get everyting he needs.So... we called the breeder this morning to say: We will get the little fellow from 13 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The timing is perfect, we had to get used to the fact we didn't have to wait much longer...
Tomorrow morning Kas is driving to the other side of Holland to pick up our James..
He looks so beautiful and he will be spoiled so much :DLater today I will post some pics :D
wow, so James is coming home today..how exciting..I bet you can not wait..
Tell us all about it when he arrives..
Congrats -
Meet James (pictures from yesterday)
James!! this is the way they hold showcats
just woke up :D
Great headSome other pictures from the cattery
Mommy and daddy from James (mommy is on the left, at the other side of the fence)
Dad, a top show cat
Playing with the Chi
These are pics from the other litter, the little guy is on the left.. his sister on the right
You can see the difference in apperance… :(
He likes to eat… :D!stil have to wait about 17 hours.... :rolleyes::eek:
Great pictures..he is adorable, his spots are stunning..huge congrats..
Wow,James is a magnificent Cat. I noticed the younger Kittens aren't spotty, do they develop the spots later then?
What are Bengal's temperament like? -
He is absolutely beautiful. I love this picture
Wow,James is a magnificent Cat. I noticed the younger Kittens aren't spotty, do they develop the spots later then?
What are Bengal's temperament like?Bengals come in all different colors this website has nice pictures of the different bengal colors and patterns http://www.nitewindes.com/pattern.html The two younger ones could be a different pattern as usually at that age you can usually see their full coat pattern at about 4 weeks of age. They are also like brindle dogs where the stripes will spread out as the dog grows, with the cats the will spread out. I don't know that much of Bengal coat, but I think the younger ones might be a "marble" coat pattern
Basenji_fan is right, the little ones have a different pattern it called: Marbled
Marbled cats are turning lighter when they grow, just as brindle basenji's!
Caracter of Bengals are pretty much the same as Basenji's :D
Very very naughty, sweet to the family, great with other pets, not a cat you must have allone, a bit difficult to train.
It's a breed that is very close to nature, that's seen in their caracter..
It's a basenji in a cat jacket :D -
He arrived!!!
Everyting goes very well!
James is a very sweet kitty and snores the wole time ;)Buana and Chafuko are totally in love… Chafuko plays a mommy :D
With Spaik it goes fine so far..
He doesn't attack James and he let him explore the living room...
Spaik left the living room and is upstairs so it's really exciting how it will go at night... :rolleyes:Here the pictures!!!!
Putting his stuff in the room
Chafuko thinks he could fit in it
If he knew what was coming…
James show his caracter
Can we play with him???
too cute
:D :D
Tickle my tummy???
Buddha will keep an eye on James
Sigh.. i'll stay here… grumpy old man lol -
Absolutely a doll, how precious..
I love how well the dogs and Spaik has taken to him already, good sign..