• I was browsing etsy.com for new dog tags for Callie & Lola's new collars, and I was not quite expecting this to come up in the search results. Can't tell if this is a serious product or not.

  • I *think it is for real. I cannot imagine why….but it isn't the first time I have seen it...kinda creepy...

  • I have never seen this before….

    It looks very real to me!

  • LOL - bizarre ideas never end. I can't imagine any dog just leaving that alone and letting it stay there. :eek:

  • You could maybe say whoever created this is anthropomorphizing dogs….. again. Imagining the dog is as uncomfortable as she would be with, um, "it", visible for all the world to see.

    I prefer this perspective: introductory smelling is short, other dogs don't have to go nosing around for it, it's just there. So by all means cover it up with a.....flower. I bet she totes around a doggy sized Febreeze too.

    Liz and I got a good laugh out of this. A gooood laugh. We kept going "What?!?!?!?! Really???"

  • Ahahahahaha that is hilarious…but I could imagine my mom buying one for Paco, because she doesn't like that with his tail curled up she has to see his bum all the time. Strange, but true.

  • ummmm… anyone else picturing poop falling from a flower or tree now? It's like a trap door... I wonder if they are scented...
    this is weird... I'll never look at my car freshener the same way again...

  • Is it for aesthetics, or is it meant to stop your dog from pooping? If for aesthetics, well come on! If a person is so ahem…. anal.... about the look of a dog's bottom, why are they getting a dog in the first place? If it's a poop stopper, I agree with Kipper. I think it would wind up being a pooping flower.

  • We are just glad basenjis have such cute,tidy little butts, as one gets to look at them so much!

  • Houston

    So stupid..I can not believe there is a business for that..let the dog be a dog..behind and all.

  • @MacPack:

    We are just glad basenjis have such cute,tidy little butts, as one gets to look at them so much!

    I agree, Basenjis have lovely tidy behinds 😃
    Thanks for posting the ad, it gave me a good laugh

  • I agree, definitely very silly. But between two basenjis & a cat who, for some reason, likes to wave her butt in my face while I'm sleeping, maybe I've just become immune to that facet of animal ownership. If its offending me that much, I usually just shove them off the bed/couch/lap whatever haha.

  • I"ll never forget the day at the dog park when Zip climbed on a pregnant lady's lap. Now she was really pregnant. Zip had her haunches on the top of her belly and her front feet on her knees…..which would place her bum in the woman's face. I kept wanting to apologize for the view. When she left she said the interaction with Zip was special because she knows how reserved B's can be. She was a shiba inu person, so I suppose immune to the exposed bum, haha. . Thank goodness Zip didn't fart. :eek:

  • @mauigirl:

    I"ll never forget the day at the dog park when Zip climbed on a pregnant lady's lap. Now she was really pregnant. Zip had her haunches on the top of her belly and her front feet on her knees…..which would place her bum in the woman's face. I kept wanting to apologize for the view. When she left she said the interaction with Zip was special because she knows how reserved B's can be. She was a shiba inu person, so I suppose immune to the exposed bum, haha. . Thank goodness Zip didn't fart. :eek:

    OMG I still wish I'd been there for that. Zip is hysterical. What kind of basenji goes & sits on strangers' laps?

  • Houston

    Mauigirl, that is hilarious..I wish you had a picture of that…

  • @Knipper:

    …I'll never look at my car freshener the same way again...


    It's Portland, Oregon. I'm betting these guys are for real. We have all kinds of goofballs in Oregon. You should walk around downtown Eugene sometime… I got yelled at by some hippie guy for having a fishing pole on the rifle rack in my pickup. First for having a rifle rack, then for having a fishing pole.

    "Butt"...I agree, it is a little creepy.

    I can just see trying to put something like that on AJ. He'd do everything he could to get it off. Hey, maybe that's how they got that Golden Retriever to "scoot" in that carpet cleaner commercial...:eek:

  • My question is: how are they supposed to attach? Are they sticky backed? That would be much better than the other way, which I leave to your imagination. All in all, it probably is real, but no thanks!

  • They have an elastic that goes around the base of the tail. I'll admit, at first I thought it was attached by going in. :eek:
    I can't imagine one of those staying intact for long on any basenji. Blaze would shred it, dispurse it around the house, then pee on something of mine for revenge.

  • @Knipper:

    They have an elastic that goes around the base of the tail. I'll admit, at first I thought it was attached by going in. :eek:
    I can't imagine one of those staying intact for long on any basenji. Blaze would shred it, dispurse it around the house, then pee on something of mine for revenge.

    I thought that at first too, and I was horrified!! Took me a moment to realize it had elastic string.
    Mine would rip that off immediately. I don't even know if I'd be able to get it all the way on.

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