Aggresiveness toward other animals at meal time?
Pedro, please, never, never hit your dog with your hand. Its just such a way for the dog to learn to distrust you. Honest…no hitting...
Re your question on trainers. Did you ask your vet? Most vets have puppy training classes. I would do that first.
I can tell you love your b and you want to help make him the dog to bond with you.
We all here would like to help that happen as well. -
i will never spank him again!!. now that i know even more on the breed!!!> i will have to check with my vet. but i don't thank he's got time for stuff like that. he's a young guy!!. coukld you guy on here help me find someone close to here that has a basenji ?> i need sooo much help i'm going crazy here!. i just did the ofa test today to.!1 i have my fingers crossed that he's clear. i want another basenji but i can't aford another 600-800. ! if i could fine one for 300. and keep them both as a pet and not breed i would do it in a heart beat!!. but there all so exspencive pet or show basenji. i'm looking for a black and white female.!but not to breed! i thank i'm done with that for now till i know more!!. and see some basenji shows!. but my daughters b'day is comming in april and i'm trying my hardest to fine a blk& white female basenji for her because she loves the colors. and the breed too.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> i guess i have to brake her hart and tell her i can't find one for her b day!.
Why don't you get your boy neutered and then apply for a rescue? It may take awhile before your perfect black and white girl comes along but that will give you time to find a trainer and work with your boy so you are ready when she get there.
There are many rescues that never even get posted so your best bet is to get your application in and get your home visit done so when a good match comes into rescue you will be all ready.
Pedro, thank you for wanting to be the very best basenji dad you can be.
Re your vet, just call and ask the girl at the desk. They have folks call all the time to
find gentle training for their dogs. Let us know how it goes.
Also, when your b is doing something you don't like, get a water bottle and squirt him.
It wont' hurt him and it will let him know your not happy. -
Re BRAT, often there are dogs that are not posted on the site in your area, you need to fill out an on line ap and go from there.
Re having 2 basenji babies, I think that is not the way to go. Basenjis watch trained dogs in the house to learn the house rules, so if you want a good basenji, you work with your boy to become one, then add a second dog, who will watch your boy to learn.
B's learn by watching the dog in the house. -
well it will take a 1-2 yr. but i might by then be mover out in a house and have more then just 2 maybe 5!! then i dont'have to go to the park for them to run and play with each other!!, and got out to my cousints'huge yard to let then play in the summer.!! that would be vety cool!!!!>