• He has had a great reputation around smaller dogs, my old roommate used to have a miniature dachshund and he would prevent other dogs from getting too close. He actually did this for many random small dogs at the dog park. That being said I'm going to ease them both into the situation, and slowly introduce them in a neutral territory.

  • I spoke to the breeder about the Dam and Sire for the pup and referenced the site you provided in regards to Fanconi. The Dam is clear, and the Sire was an outside source as the two registered were listed as carriers albeit not affected. The sire of this pup also checks clear. The breeder provided a pdf of the heraldry for both parents. When we spoke, as you mentioned before, the breeder said she would include a blanket with scents from home. One last thing, the breeder registers CKC due to color variations in other parents not yet accepted in the AKC.. aka the blues/grays. Upon futher investigation the European clubs do accept this color scheme, and it prevalent in the basenji dogs closer related to their African ancestry. The registration, is not important to me, I'm not breeding the female, provided the genetic line and health issues are intact.

  • @bdenault:

    I spoke to the breeder about the Dam and Sire for the pup and referenced the site you provided in regards to Fanconi. The Dam is clear, and the Sire was an outside source as the two registered were listed as carriers albeit not affected. The sire of this pup also checks clear. The breeder provided a pdf of the heraldry for both parents. When we spoke, as you mentioned before, the breeder said she would include a blanket with scents from home. One last thing, the breeder registers CKC due to color variations in other parents not yet accepted in the AKC.. aka the blues/grays. Upon futher investigation the European clubs do accept this color scheme, and it prevalent in the basenji dogs closer related to their African ancestry. The registration, is not important to me, I'm not breeding the female, provided the genetic line and health issues are intact.

    And did you check it out on the OFA site about the DNA for Fanconi? I know that sounds pushy, but you really want to do that…
    And that is NOT true about AKC and the colors, we have no DQ for colors, in the show world, it may be considered a fault, but they can still be registered AKC. So what they are telling you is incorrect.

  • @bdenault:

    One last thing, the breeder registers CKC due to color variations in other parents not yet accepted in the AKC.. aka the blues/grays.

    This is not true. If the parents are AKC registered the pups can be AKC registered, period, irregardless of the color. CKC, Continental Kennel Club is used by breeders who do not have AKC registered dogs usually because of mixed heritage at some point in the pedigree or the use of dogs marked as Limited Registration through AKC so designated as non-breeding by their breedrs.

    Blues are absolutely registerable by AKC if their parents are AKC registered, they are listed in the alternate color codes, http://www.akc.org/breeds/basenji/color_markings.cfm

  • lol i'm sorry i didn't make myself clear earlier, I did check the sire and dam on the OFA site, and you are definitely not being pushy. I really appreciate the information you are providing me. Also thanks for the heads up on the registration, i will be sure to review the papers again.

  • If I were you, I would seriously think twice about supporting a pure for profit breeder and unless the sire and dam are AKC and they have applied for the papers and depending on how much they were bred, requirements for DNA for parentage is required… I doubt very seriously that AKC papers will be available. And AKC papers has nothing to do with breeding for people that are just wanting a great family companion... they show that the breeder is responsible and has records that prove parentage, which is why AKC requires high volume breeders to supply DNA testing for parentage so that the offspring can be DNA typed back to the parents listed.

  • Also, though Fanconi is easy to verify one way or the other if the dog is health, it is not the only health problem in the breed. The Nocturnal dogs do not have any of the other recommended health testing for the breed, OFA hips, CERF for eyes, or OFA thyroid. If they were tested and had passing results those would show up on the same listing as the Fanconi results.

    Pat and I care very much for the breed and have both known dogs who were PRA affected, hip dysplastic, or hypothyroid and all of these disorders effect the dog's quality of life. Some have better treatment options then others but none are curable and all require lifelong management.

  • And there are many responsible breeders that you could support then a pure for profit breeder… again I refer to the parent club of the Basenji Club of America and how to find a responsible breeder.

  • Thank you very much, I will definitely take your advice into consideration.

  • Welcome keep us all up to date on the new puppy. Good luck.

    Rita Jean

  • bdenault, the advice that Pat and Lisa has sent to you is golden. I don't breed or show. I just do rescue and I deal with folks who have gotten a basenji from "someone" and ended up with a sick dog. I am not saying about this place, but if they don't do the testing Lisa and Pat suggest, you could very well end up with a dog who get sick
    Some bad breeders will say, oh, well, if the dog gets sick, we will give you another one..but its not a sweater you just take back. We all fall in love with these b's.
    These are wonderful dogs, great companion animals and to have one you paid good $$ for die before it should is heartbreak all around.
    I have been there and done that…so please, do take their advice to heart and maybe wait to get a health basenji who will be with you many years.

  • Absolutely I agree 110%

  • Thanks Sharron… it is always super to receive confirmation on why to go to a responsible breeder, especially from one that is so involved with rescue and does such a great job..and to support responsible breeders

  • Thank you Pat. My friend Lisa is going with the Gregory's to Africa and will hopefully be bringing back some b's to add to the lines.
    We live in exciting times!

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    Thank you Pat. My friend Lisa is going with the Gregory's to Africa and will hopefully be bringing back some b's to add to the lines.
    We live in exciting times!

    SORRY to go so far OT here :o…

    Sharon, does this mean there is likely to be another group going to Africa to get some more B's, to bring back to America ??? If so, is this likely to be happening this year ??? How excitement 🙂 :D.

  • So this thread does not get hijacked, I started a new thread with a link to the webpage with the info on the newest Congo trip.


  • ⭕o:o Thanks AGAIN Ivoss ⭕o:o…

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