Can anyone explain to me how to teach Growl?

  • @Dante:

    I'd like to know how to teach my Basenji how to growl. I don't have a clicker, just treats and patience.

    Any help is appreciated Thanks.

    My question is why would you want to teach that?

  • I think I would have to ask the same question?

  • Nothing wrong with teaching a dog to vocalize on command. I taught an Australian Cattle Dog to whisper. I did it by getting him so excited by playing with his ball his barks came out whispered then giving him the command "whisper" and putting my finger over my lips in a "shhh" gesture. When he did what I wanted, I gave him a treat and lots of excited praise. He learned it in an afternoon. After he learned it, I would give him the command and signal, he would wrinkle his lips a little then give a tiny woof without vocalizing it.

    I would imagine it could be possible to get your Basenji to do something similar by playing a game with him that he would growl while doing (tug-of-war?) then follow the steps I used on Chauncey. Make it fun, and have lots of patience.

  • @AJs:

    Nothing wrong with teaching a dog to vocalize on command. I taught an Australian Cattle Dog to whisper. I did it by getting him so excited by playing with his ball his barks came out whispered then giving him the command "whisper" and putting my finger over my lips in a "shhh" gesture. When he did what I wanted, I gave him a treat and lots of excited praise. He learned it in an afternoon. After he learned it, I would give him the command and signal, he would wrinkle his lips a little then give a tiny woof without vocalizing it.

    I would imagine it could be possible to get your Basenji to do something similar by playing a game with him that he would growl while doing (tug-of-war?) then follow the steps I used on Chauncey. Make it fun, and have lots of patience.

    I have no problem with teaching a dog to vocalize on command - whispering and speaking are pretty typical things. However, growling is usually perceived as an aggressive sound and not one that would normally be taught on command. It's usually one that people tend to discourage.

  • I can't imagine that a puppy playing tug-of-war with its mates and growling in play could be considered aggressive. When I play tug-of-war with AJ, he lets out little playful growls, but I am not afraid of him snapping at me. Just as there are different barks in other breeds, there are different kinds of growl as well. If an owner wants to teach a dog to make this sound on command, I really see no issue with it.

    However, if the purpose is to instill aggression in the dog, the owner should rethink owning a dog at all.

  • @AJs:

    However, if the purpose is to instill aggression in the dog, the owner should rethink owning a dog at all.

    Ha! This line made me chuckle. Sorry… off the subject.

  • I'm currently a Veterinary Student I begin my second term on Monday at the University of St. George's in Grenada. Do not doubt me when I say that the purpose is not to instill aggression. But to learn how to teach a new skill and going through the experience of bonding with my 1.5 Months Red & White with Sable Muzzle and Ears Basenji named Dante.
    I understand he may still be young and I'm currently perfecting the Sit and Stay commands. I will not start to teach the growl command till Come, Sit, Down, & Stay are performed flawlessly. Also I'm sure you guys know that Basenji's do not bark but they do have sort of a roar, Unique to their breed. The purpose of me wanting to teach him is to show to others that unique sound, having fun with my dog and learning how to teach a new command.
    Tips on how to teach Growl and also The PLAY DEAD commands are appreciated.

  • 1.5 months old means your puppy is only 6 weeks old? This is really young to be away from mom and littermates. You really need to be much more concerned with teaching bite inhibition than teaching him tricks right now. You will also need to look for ways to get him well socialized with other dogs so he develops a good canine vocabulary and good canine interactions.

    It also sounds like you are not looking to teach "growl" but rather to put "yodel" on command.

  • So far bitting has not been a problem I'm rigorously working on that and he is catching on. If it comes up later on to be and I can't solve it I'll post for help. Im using positive reinforcement to train this Basenji and ignoring him for a few seconds in a closed room while I'm there is working wonders. Though i don't know if it'll continue to work when he matures and likes his alone time. So far I've been rewarding the behaviors I approve and ignoring most of the bad ones.

    I would still like to know how to teach Growl and Play Dead for reference in the future, Any help is welcome.

  • Wow, only 6wks and taken from the litter? That is really young. My pups don't go to their new homes till at least 10 weeks. Maybe 9 if they have a Basenjis or other breed already…

    And do you mean "yodel" not growl? Not all Basenjis yodel, my old boy never yodeled in 17+ years and many times they will learn this or start to vocalize hearing their Mom or siblings... There are some sites on line that have recordings of Basenji's talking, you might want to try them.

  • Some b's are more vocal than others..I have a girl who woof maybe 2 if she is really excited, or wants her brother to quit bothering her…
    It always shocks my boy.
    I will be intersted to see what advice you get re teaching this behavior.

  • I would suggest teaching OTHER stuff… yodel, talk, roll over, High 5, shake hands....
    while YOU may think growling would be cute...
    it will be the ONE person that doesn't and feels the dog is bring agressive towards it.
    OR even worse... another dog thinking yours is getting aggressive and NAILS him for starting that behavior.

    I also agree with Pat and Lisa, that a pupy should not be in its new home at 6weeks of age. It should be learning social skills from it's mother and siblings. I am hoping you also got your pups fanconi results prior to purchasing him. Of course, I can't imagine the results would be back already since it becomes fairly easy to get the fanconi swabs once the pups are 3 weeks old.
    Where did you get your puppy?

    Best of luck with your little guy.

  • I know the Consequences of Teaching Growl and of the age of my Pup. There's nothing i can do about that other than the best i can. And I will Try my Best.

    I plan to teach Dante To behave properly First and Foremost with his surroundings since he'll be an indoor pet living with me and also to make sure he is gentile with humans.

    Now the Tittle of this post is: Can anyone explain to me how to teach Growl? Please refrain from posting anything else other than that.

    Besides i'll keep you in contact with his progress and someday post a few videos of him.

  • The suggestions were just to help you and your basenji.

  • I know and I am Grateful! But do try to maintain with the subject.
    Thank You All, For your Tips & Help.

  • Please refer back to my post (#4) on the list. There is a suggestion there. And please do not take my comments out of context.

  • @tanza:

    Wow, only 6wks and taken from the litter? That is really young. My pups don't go to their new homes till at least 10 weeks. Maybe 9 if they have a Basenjis or other breed already…

    And do you mean "yodel" not growl? Not all Basenjis yodel, my old boy never yodeled in 17+ years and many times they will learn this or start to vocalize hearing their Mom or siblings... There are some sites on line that have recordings of Basenji's talking, you might want to try them.

    I do mean growl but Yodel will be nice too, Thanks for the Recording Tip.

  • @AJs:

    Nothing wrong with teaching a dog to vocalize on command. I taught an Australian Cattle Dog to whisper. I did it by getting him so excited by playing with his ball his barks came out whispered then giving him the command "whisper" and putting my finger over my lips in a "shhh" gesture. When he did what I wanted, I gave him a treat and lots of excited praise. He learned it in an afternoon. After he learned it, I would give him the command and signal, he would wrinkle his lips a little then give a tiny woof without vocalizing it.

    I would imagine it could be possible to get your Basenji to do something similar by playing a game with him that he would growl while doing (tug-of-war?) then follow the steps I used on Chauncey. Make it fun, and have lots of patience.

    Thanks AJ This is helpful. I'll Make sure to try something similar in the future.

    If anyone has any other recommendations I'd be happy to hear.

  • I wish you lots of luck in teaching a Basenji to do anything immediately upon command. I hope he's the exception to the rule that Basenji generally do things after they've thought about it and decided whether it's in their own best interest.

  • I am sorry but I do not know any way to teach growl. Dogs growl because they are uncomfortable with situation and tell those around them that they would like more distance by growling. If you put the dog in a position where it will feel the need to growl you are not setting up a positive experience for the dog.

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