If it is a mix, then do not call it a Basenji. In Hawaii we use the name "poi dog"
Stafford-ames Morse
[removed email address]
And mine: http://www.youtube.com/user/JannekeJ87
And this is ours:
Not much in it yet :rolleyes:
Rand and I and the furkidz spent the holiday weekend racking up some serious qualifying agility runs. After he and Drew finished 1/2 of their 9th double Q today we found out their run was being fed LIVE to the Channel 12 newsroom.
wow, that was so cool how they happened to film a Basenji.
That's a great video! Drew looks like a pro!
Wow, how cool..Drew really does look like a pro..congratulations.
(Lots of Capt. Jack ) ENJOY
We've got one too
Hey, Mr. Nerdy: My little camera records things in a .MOV format and when I download them into the computer, they are useless to me. How do I change this to something I can look at in my computer? Is there something I need to download to make it into a .MPG format? I am not using a Mac. I have an IBM clone. Thanks, man!
Here is ours:
Not much there yet, but I'm working on it.