Three Cheers for the Bus Driver…
When I was a teenager in a marching group, we would always thank the bus driver with a group song. I received an email today saying that Mike Swan will be stepping down from BRAT.
"Three cheers, for the BRAT Man,
the BRAT Man,
the BRAT Man,
Three cheers for the BRAT Man,
the best of them all!
He's dashing, he's daring,
he smell's like a herring…........ (edit note... there's gotta be a better rhyme!)Thank you, non-herring smelling Mike Swan!!! If your time was served in dog years, it would be 14 times 7... well, in basenji life, it's like 14 times 14!!! lol:)
I am writing to you as the interim president of BRAT. Mike Swan has retired after 14 years of dedication, leading all BRAT members in our mission of rescue. I wish to express for everyone on the board our sincere appreciation to Mike for all he has done. His daily presence will be missed.
I am happy to announce that Debbi Johnson, BRAT's treasurer, has agreed to return to BRAT's board of directors, joining Jackie Kuhwarth and myself. During the next few days we will be busy regrouping and selecting new board members. Applications and letters of interest have been requested and are being received from BRAT Advisors.
Change can be difficult however I am hopeful that most of our stationmasters will see that the transition to a new board causes no interruptions in what all of us do every day.
Please feel free to direct any questions you have to us at
We could not accomplish BRAT's mission without the dedication of all stationmasters who rescue, foster, transport and love our curly tailed friends. I look forward to leading you in this mission.
Liz Newton