Sleeping on the back of the sofa?

  • I know a few people mentioned that their basenji's sleep along the back of their sofa when i posted some pictures of Maya doing it, but i was wondering just how many do this? And, WHY?

    I have never had another dog do this, only my cat Simon does. I guess that could explain it as basenji's are always described as very catlike. Or maybe its a dominance thing? Wanting to be higher than the other dogs (who sleep on the seat part of the sofa) to show they are top dog?? Maya is generally quite submissive with my other dogs though and i wouldnt say she is top dog in the house, though maybe she is now we have lost Gracie who most definately was… 😕

    But its really strange. She only started doing it a couple of months ago, but now whenever im (or anyone!) is sat on the sofa Maya gets straight up on the back and sits right behind my head. Right now she is fast asleep with her chin resting on my shoulder :rolleyes:

    But yeah... Is it a basenji thing in general or just a quirk a few have??

  • All of mine do it. I would rather think it would be a 'be safe from pedators' thing than dominance though.

  • @nomrbddgs:

    All of mine do it. I would rather think it would be a 'be safe from pedators' thing than dominance though.

    I hadnt thought of that…

    I suppose the puglets would possibly try to eat Maya if she went to sleep in reach of them :rolleyes:

  • All ours have done it especially if the sofa is near the window so they can lie there and look out:rolleyes:

  • All mine do it. I think it is to look out the window.

    But on cold nights, Bandit will sit up top and then slide in right behind me for warmth!!! Quiet as a church mouse!

  • @vickilb:

    All mine do it. I think it is to look out the window.


    Kananga always lays across the top to look outside.

  • Jaycee sleeps say way if your in her way she will wrap around top of your head and neck.

    Rita Jean

  • Zoey likes to sleep on the back of our sofa even the one that isnt near the window. She has also been known to fall off in her sleep but it doesn't stop her from doing it again

  • Tosca does the same thing. She loves to watch out the window, but will do it on the other couch too, so that's not the only reason. Both couches have permenant dents in the fabric at the top cause she does it so much 🙂

  • Houston

    Otis hasen't done that ..yet, but we are struggling to take to couch back from the dogs..with 4 we simply decided no more dogs on the couch…
    I read somewhere that they are thought to do it because of the predator thing, from way back when..and that does make sense I guess..

  • Shaye sleeps on the back of the couch - I'm pretty sure it's mainly so she will be able to catch anything going on outside that she doesn't want to miss. Her sleep while on the back of the couch is very light - not like when she actually gets in her bed to sleep.

  • Benji loved to sleep on the back of the sofa, i think like nomrbdds it is an instinct to avoid predators. Also they have discovered it is often a nice sunny spot with a good view 😃 Sometimes his back legs would straddle either side of the sofa top like he was riding a horse. My parents Papillon does it, probably because he has learned it from Benji.
    The third pic shows him in a planter, i noticed he liked to lie on soil warmed by the sun. Good job there were no flowers in it 😃

  • @thunderbird8588:

    Benji loved to sleep on the back of the sofa, i think like nomrbdds it is an instinct to avoid predators. Also they have discovered it is often a nice sunny spot with a good view 😃 Sometimes his back legs would straddle either side of the sofa top like he was riding a horse. My parents Papillon does it, probably because he has learned it from Benji.
    The third pic shows him in a planter, i noticed he liked to lie on soil warmed by the sun. Good job there were no flowers in it 😃

    Great pics.

    I agree also, it's probably what they would do in the wild to stay safe (except there are no couches, but same principle).

    I find it funny when Kananga is outside he likes to walk close to parked cars and indoors he usually walks along the perimeter of a room. I've always thought it was a trait to essentially never be out in the open and vulnerable. They are certainly smart dogs and know how to survive on their own. So when we house them, we get to enjoy their quirks. 😃

  • I agree with the predator theory. All of my gramma's B's slept there and AJ will do it when we're somewhere there is a couch. In the truck, he sleeps on the dashboard when we're parked.

  • All of my Basenji's do this. One of the sofa's is in front of a sunny window so this is always the prime spot!

  • Mine probably would, but they are not permitted on the furniture, except on someone's lap. :=/

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