Gift Exchange: Winter Holidays 2009
What a great pics everyone!!
Our Baby's have to wait a long time before they can open their gift…
We're leavind Holland with our ship and we can't pick up our mail for a few days...
I'm hoping my mom and dad are driving towards us the day after christmas... -
Tosca got her gifts today…thank you so much Rita and Jaycee! She loved them, especially the bully stick...those are her absolute favorites. The plastic bone is awesome, that'll be great to use, especially in the summer to make popsicles with beef broth. We had the smaller one of those awhile back, but it was too small for her, and she just chewed it up...I bet this one will work great being bigger :)
Tosca had a great time opening her gifts, chewing on the wrapping paper, and trying to eat as many of her new treats as I'd let her. I allowed her to have the bully stick for like 10 minutes, then took it away so it wouldn't be gone immediately...I want to save it for a time when I really need to keep her occupied:p Anyway, she did not like that idea at all, and kept running away from me when I tried to take it. She ended up taking it and crawling under the Christmas tree, where she knew I wouldn't be able to reach her, especially being 9 months pregnant :p. Smart dog! I had to trade her for a different treat just so she wouldn't eat the whole thing immediately.
Thanks again!!Oooh..and notice on the first Christmas tree how some of the presents are partially unwrapped? See the thread on keeping basenji's away from the Christmas tree...that's what I meant by she unwraps them and eats what she can when I am not looking...sooooo frusturating!
Miss Jaycee got her package yesterday. I looked but Jaycee has to wait until Christmas thank you so very much Tosca, Jill. Try to post pictures as Jaycees gets into her goodies on Christmas will say more then don't want to give it away. This is like when my kid's were little I can hardly wait.
Pics of Tillo and Lycia here:
Rita, thanks again for sending us the toy and the food…you had already sent plenty, you didn't need to do that :) However, I am sure Tosca will love the food, she doesn't usually get "gourmet" food like that! We haven't tried it yet, but will soon, probably after this actually when I go to feed her. She loved the toy as well, and threw it around the living room for quite awhile already. Have a Merry Christmas, and I hope Jaycee enjoys opening her gifts!
Hunter and Bandit love their gifts. They were driving me crazy last night, as I was trying to go to bed, and they were having a nice game of tug-o-war with a stuffed dog!!! I have been trying to upload some pics for a while and I'm not having any success. I will make the effort again this weekend on my home computer.
Thanks again Gossy and Merry Christmas!!!!:):)
Medjai got his and has enjoyed it. He can't figure out which stuffed animal to play with at a time, so he jumps through all 4 of them. He did already start to rip the tail off one, :(. It is fun watching him though. I think his favorite is the stuffed hedgehog.
Jill thank you Jaycee loved her present hopeful Ashley can down load pictures Sat onto here. Jaycee loved the cookies that she went crazy over. Jaycee not to sure about the whole Christmas thing. First snow up to her belly then presents she finally just got onto Steven's lap and went to sleep like I will wake soon and this night mare will be gone I hope. Thank you again love the blanket going into her kennel so soft. Don't forget to let us know about the baby.
Rita Jean
There's no doubt that animals do appreciate recieving gifts, they must learn that exciting things for them come out of packages. Even our Cats come into the livingroom on christmas morning and wait for their pressies. I love the pic of the Cat looking up as if to say "Let me into that radiator bed !" :D