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A few of Roxy (Basenji x BC)

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  • Hello Shelley,

    Thank you.

    Roxy's temperament is outstanding, best I have ever known actually! She's not the brainiest dog (!) but she knows basic obedience and a few tricks. I guess if we'd had her from a puppy her training might have been more advanced but who cares! She's great as she is.

    She loves nothing better than to soak up the attention given to her by people and she adores other dogs. She has tons of character and I just think she's great. :D

    Yes, that's John Barrowman, Captain Jack himself! :cool:

  • Lucky you meeting Captain Jack, yum, yum :D

  • Can you take your dogs most places with you there? In the states, some places are restrictive re dogs, unless their service dogs.

  • "Captain Jack" trumps all . . . 'cept the Doctor himself, of course! What a great time you and Roxy must have had! Great photos! Isn't there a song…."I'm just waitin' on a friend"....the picture seems to say it all.

  • I am so jealous of Roxy! John Barrowman is awesome. Even better than the Doctor (well, depending on which one you're talking about. :p)!

  • Great pictures..she is such a pretty dog..

  • We could, of course talk about the "Doctor" and confuse many…and you are absolutely does depend on which one we are talking about (my first was Tom Baker), and we Americans tend to have an affinity for our "first". But the pics are still great and "Captain Jack" still rocks!!!:D:D

    Torchwood, anyone????

  • @BART:

    Torchwood, anyone????

    Umm, totally! I hope it comes back in some form in the future. And Tom Baker was my first Doctor too, although I like David Tennant alot. Not so sure how I'll feel about the new one. To make this basenji related again…now that Roxy has connections with Captain Jack, maybe she can be the Torchwood mascot. :D

  • @Nemo:

    Umm, totally! I hope it comes back in some form in the future. And Tom Baker was my first Doctor too, although I like David Tennant alot. Not so sure how I'll feel about the new one. To make this basenji related again…now that Roxy has connections with Captain Jack, maybe she can be the Torchwood mascot. :D

    Shouldn't we tell Roxy first???:D:D:D

  • I apologize for kinda highjacking your thread. Your pics are beautiful and having Cap't Jack just made them more wonderful. Done here…..Nemo?

  • @BART:

    I apologize for kinda highjacking your thread. Your pics are beautiful and having Cap't Jack just made them more wonderful. Done here…..Nemo?

    Yep, I was done. :D And I agree, great pics!

  • I've met Roxy and I must say I could have taken her home! Her temperament and personality are fab! Glad to see you got her on the train no probs.

    Now on to the important stuff - Definitely Torchwood! :D
    I love Doctor Who, David Tennant was/is the best. Don't like the look of the new guy though.

    I do prefer John Barrowman when he speaks with his proper Scottish accent, it makes him even more handsome!!! :o

  • Oh dear i remember the first Doctor, William Hartnell ;)
    I must admit that David Tennant does nothing for me, but John Barrowman, Oh Yes, especialy in his uniform :D
    Lucky Roxy getting a cuddle :D

  • Haha, what are you all like! :D

    I must admit, David Tennant doesn't do anything for me either though I do love him as Doctor Who. I love Doctor Who and Torchwood, especially when the Barrowman makes an appearance. Oh yes, he's gorgeous! Even more so in the flesh. :o And like some others, I love it when he speaks with his Scottish accent. Oh my….:p

    I'm sure Roxy would be happy to be the Torchwood mascot. :cool:

  • @Benkura:

    I've met Roxy and I must say I could have taken her home! Her temperament and personality are fab! Glad to see you got her on the train no probs.

    Now on to the important stuff - Definitely Torchwood! :D
    I love Doctor Who, David Tennant was/is the best. Don't like the look of the new guy though.

    I do prefer John Barrowman when he speaks with his proper Scottish accent, it makes him even more handsome!!! :o

    Thanks for the lovely comments about my Roxy. :)

    Yes, I agree, DT is the best Doctor Who that I've seen and I adore John Barrowman, especially when he speaks in his Scottish accent! Oh, delicious. :o

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