My b will chew almost anything allowed he has gotten better i've had him for 2 yrs he's 3 yrs the shoes are no longer allowed in the house they go in the hallway otherwise they are his lol any remotes, phones, and anything else that has any value that i need i always put up high so he can't reach it Mine is addicted to bottles if he see's a empty bottle anywhere he doesnt stop till he gets it and can put his little love bite in it lol If he see's a full bottle he leaves it but not a empty one anyways all i would say is just put things where he can't touch them that pretty much the only thing i have figured out that will work with his little addutude and the bolting i got phoenix to wait for a treat before he thinks hes going out so he doesnt bolt unless he sees a animal or something outside other then that he just sits and waits for his yummy lol the only bad thing about it is that i always have treats in my pocket lol :D Good luck