Impulse control is a great thing to work on at home to set some of those boundaries Sharron mentioned and begin to manage their crazy behavior at that age (which isn't ending any time soon even when you neuter him). It's an important thing for a puppy to learn how to think through when they get highly aroused. If you aren't already, you can start with simple things like requiring him to sit (or whatever else you like such as watch, down, stand) before he gets his food bowl, treats, gets to go outside, gets to play with a toy, chase a lure whip, etc.
As an example, my dogs, like many basenjis, like to chase a lure whip, so usually what I do is run around a bit with it and then stop, stand still and hold the lure. Then I wait for my dog to sit, and then I very excitedly start running around again and then stop after a minute or so. She gets very excited chasing the lure but is now able to stop and sit very quickly because she knows if she does it will start moving again.