He should adjust in time to losing his companion. However long that takes is questionable though and he will continue to be angry and feel neglected and reflect that anger with destruction just out of loneliness. It may improve with time and may not. You have to ask yourself is this fair for your dog? I would spend nearly all my time with him when I was home taking walks, etc. and if you can't do more than 2 hrs. it may be best to find a better home for him where he has a better environment. If his new home is a better place where there is a yard to run, and owners that can spend more time with him he will gradually accept the new home and owners. I know that is hard but may be the best. When your living situation improves you may think about owning another dog.
Other than that, working 2 jobs leaves the dog alone too much to be fair so you need to get someone…the same person all the time... over to your apartment to spend time with him if you don't want to give him up. He can bond to that person and that will help the loneliness somewhat. If you decided to give him up, the new owners could come over frequently for walks and visits before you gave the dog to them so that the dog would consider them friends before adoption, that would help the dog transition. I would not give that dog to an inexperienced owner though. That could end in disaster. It will do the same things with the new owner although it should get over the transition quicker because it will be in a better environment. Also, was your husband the dog's leader? You now have to be a positive leader for him because it sounds like he lacks leadership.
Jack has a couple issues…
Welcome and i reiterate the advice you've already been given here.
Hello all! This is my first post. I had an excellent breeder who started very early with my Basenji "Scarlett" at litter box training…Basenjis seem to take very well to it at a young age. When pups are real young the distance they can handle when they need to go is just a few feet. So litter box training can be key to success with house breaking! Use all the steps you would use for regular potty training but instead of going out use the box. How many times has a dog peed or pooped on the floor as your preparing to get leashes on or a coat and shoes. Later on in life they will progress to naturally growing out of the box method and you can take the boxes away (one in each room when there young), With no box they will let you know they need to go. My girl will walk over to the door sit down and look at me patiently when she needs to go...no training or bells needed! Plus having them litter box trained works well if you must crate them for an extended amount of time...if you get a big enough crate you can fit a box inside. BTW, never use regular litter as for cats, use an all natural non-treated pellet that can be found at any feed store.
While I guess it's okay to use a litter box, sorry have had dogs for about 40 yrs, never used one and never needed one… even with basenjis.
Well litter box training is a good option when your an apartment living city dweller…like I said it is not ideal but there isn't always one way to raise a basenji. I do not have 40 years of having dogs but I am always open to new ideas and techniques. My girl Scarlett doesn't use the box often now but she has one in her crate at all times and uses it when necessary!
Hello all! This is my first post. I had an excellent breeder who started very early with my Basenji "Scarlett" at litter box training…
Hi Walter - I believe Scarlett is Kipawa's sister, right?
The litter training worked well for us in the beginning as well. As Kipawa's bladder got bigger and stronger, we gradually did away with the litter box. Sure, we had some accidents, but we gave Kipawa free access to the secure back yard, and he picked up using outside quite quickly.
Great to have you here - I look forward to hearing more 'Scarlett' stories!
Hello Fran,
Yes Scarlett is Kipawa's little sister…I will post some pics of her soon. I am so glad to be able to chat with someone who has a litter mate of my girl. I must say that Therese is awesome! BTW, Kipawa was originally our first choice but Scarlett's personality was more of a match and we are so happy...she makes us smile and laugh all the time, I know he does the same for you!
Walter, hopefully we will see you in August at the EBC specality.
Re housebreaking, routine, and good clean up keep the dog from "re" peeing in one spot. -
Hello Sharon,
We have a great routine with Scarlett…I can't remember the last time there was an accident in the house. I take her out at all the usual times needed (wake up, play, eat, etc.). She learned on her own to sit in front of the door (back to door and facing us) of whatever room me and my gf are in and give us the look...she trained us well in when she needs to go!
Yes, Walter, its all about learning to "talk" to your pet. Once you have that, it does get easier. Course, Bryan and Laurie do a great job with their puppy's.
You'd need a huge litter box to keep a male B from missing the box and hitting the wall or floor around the box…unless you are talking about an enclosed one with a single entrance... Do they make them that big? My male is 28lbs and when he cuts loose on the sofa...it's a 4' line buy the time he's done. He likes to get ALL the cushions in one sitting.