Exactly how I feel. Fortunately I love my vets, it's a husband and wife and they have come to know how I am and always work with me. I have 2 goats and the husband does farm calls. I feel very lucky. I always take the staff chocolates and snacks just in case I feel the need to get obnoxious about something…they will placate me!
Thanks again for the input. I adore my dog and it's very cool to talk to people who love basenjis!
To Spay or Not to Spay 11 years old -
To Spay or Not to Spay 11 years oldHi Again! I stopped at the vet today and made an appointment for next Wednesday. She (the dog) had blood work done several weeks ago and all is well but they will do it again the morning of the surgery. My vet is so wonderful….she knows my bond with my dog and is going to let me take her home at the end of the day instead of keeping her overnight. That was also a big part of my concern since we have never been apart one night since the day she was born. I know the dog would survive but I'm not sure I would! Anyway, thank you everyone. I will post again post surgery and let you all know how well it all worked out!
To Spay or Not to Spay 11 years oldOK…that's a good idea and a good place to start. If the bloodwork is good and it should be, (she had a work up before her dental), I'll go ahead and get it done. I am planning a vacation in Florida in February and my dog always travels with me. In the back of my mind I've been worried about a sudden problem hundreds of miles from my own vet. I get her bloodwork done A LOT! Her mother had Fanconi but so far we have dodged that bullet. THANK YOU! I'll let you know how it goes!
GF -
To Spay or Not to Spay 11 years oldI'm new at this forum! Is this how I add to my own discussion?!
First, thanks for the input!
I believe my vets concern was pyometra. Her thought was better to have a scheduled surgery rather than an emergency surgery. It's a tough decision! I could do nothing and everything could go fine… or not. I could have the surgery and everything could go fine... or not.
BIG SIGH......
I can't decide!
She (the dog) just had a dental 2 weeks ago and had to have 5 extractions but she's fine now.
I thought if I posted my dilemma and got enough opinions I could make a better decision so PLEASE let me know what you think!
Thanks so much
To Spay or Not to Spay 11 years oldI need some advice. My basenji is 11. I never had her spayed. I know….I should have... My vet refered to her uterus as a powder keg! She is in good health. Should I have it done now?
Fanconi & ProtocolMy best thoughts to you and your boy. It is overwhelming at first, but the protocol does work. It may not help with the frequent urination, but he will shortly begin to feel so much better. I'm currently on my 4th Fanconi dog - my experiences have been varied; each one is a little different.
There is a group for owners of Fanconi dogs and it is an absolute godsend. I will e-mail you privately to give you info on how to join.Terry
Hi Terry
Will you share that info with me. I've been through Fanconi once and fear I may be facing it again. Thanks
Gay F. -
Question About FanconiHi…I have a 9 year old Basenji with slightly elevated liver enzymes. I am familiar with Fanconi syndrome as a kidney disorder. I had the dog to the vet and he ran tests for Cushings. That was ruled out. We did blood work...the only thing outside of normal range were liver enzymes.. ALKP / 463 U/L and ALT 259 U/L. She is drinking a bit more than usual but well within the accepted normal range of 1 oz. per pound of body weight. We also did a hypo thyroid test...a little on the high side but within normal range. I had a dog with Fanconi but liver enzymes were never an issue. Does anyone have any thoughts on this situation? Could this be an early warning sign of Fanconi? I would appreciate any and all help!
Gay F.