I discovered with my 11 week old puppy, not tofeed her too close to bedtime as that just meant she had to go a lot at nigt. And I do wake up when she begins to make a lot of noise (I've been told not to respond to her noise but it seems to be a signal that she has to go so I do at night) and take her outside (yes putting on her and my jackets) at 3 am. BUT I say "go potty" and when she does she immediately gets a few tiny treats and lots of praise. No accidents over night since.

Potty training nighttime -
Tummy spotsCan't quite see from the photo - if they are rash-like it could be an allergy.
Super Senior IssuesI have a 14 year old female. She's in great health according to my vet so no worries there. But she can be exceedingly whiny at times -- she wants to go potty but its too wet out so she comes and whines; she whines because she wants to go to bed but she wants me to go too; she whines because I'm talking on the phone; she whines because I'm in the kitchen preparing dinner and she wants me in the other room (but she doesn't want to sit in my lap or lay next to me on the couch, she just wants me in the room). She has no problems getting around, up/down stairs, etc. - I take her for walks and and to events (she still likes to sprint race and goes to a senior agility class) but the whining is getting obnoxious.
senior dog and whining@basenjimom2 Yes I wondered if that (CCD) mght be happening.
senior dog and whiningMy girl is 13 1/2 years and in very good physical condition according to my vet. This year she has become quite the whiner - whines to go outside, whines because I didn't go outside with her, whines to go to bed, whines because I didn't go to bed with her, whines for treats, whines because I didn't give her enough treats. Is this typcial of older basenjis ? She seems to want to be near/under me all the time - when younger it was just the opposite.
A few pink areas plus paw licking: allergies?Just because the breeder's other litters didn't show signs of allergies doesn't mean yours won't have an allergy to the corn. Dogs like people are individuals and allergies aren't necessarily genetically passed along. But as someone mentioned, a lot of allergies are environmental. But it is important to "test" to find out - make detailed notes on when the hot spots become most irritating; is it right after the dog has been outside after a rain where soil molds become an issue; are there certain blankets or crate pads that cause an issue; and don't forget to run a food test eliminating corn, as it might not be the corn but some other ingredient.
Possible allergies?Try switching to chicken or turkey based foods.
Here's a link to an excellent evaluation of kibble brands:
I would also be careful what you put on your hands before cuddling with your dog; lotions, essential oils, etc. can cause allergies in dogs -
AKC National Championship todayAnd Best in Show was a whippet "Bourbon" - it doesn't happen very often that a hound breed wins BIS
www.akc.org/expert-advice/news/whippet-bourbon-wins-best-in-show-2020-national-championship/ -
We had a great run!So so sorry on the loss. May the new year bring a new pup to your home.
More birthday dogsGossip (left) and Teddy (right) had their birthdays last week. Gossip is 13 yrs and Teddy is 10 yrs and both still going strong!!
Rabies Vaccine reactionMy female always gets a swelling reaction to rabies - benadry before helps, warm compact afterwards, and no other vaccinations at the same time - we always wait at least two weeks. For some reason, that last seems to be key for her.
Male basenji puppy attacking other male dogsDitto to everything said by others. But also keep in mind, just because an owner says her dog is not in heat doens't mean her dog is not coming into heat. My Teddy can tell a bitch coming into heat a day or two before the human knows it. If there are intact dogs at your dog park, stop going there (I don't recommend dog parks either).
Basenji LossSo very sorry on your losses.
Training techniquesAs mentioned basenjis require positive training techniques, consistent consistency, mean exactly what you say (is "down" for get off or is "down" for lie down?), have patience, training needs to be fun (always use happy voice never yell or reprimand), PLAY with your basenji at each training session (read When Pigs FLy as suggested).
When you take a obedience class, never worry about the other dogs and how fast or slow your dog responds relative to them (this will require you research possible intructors). When my male was in class and we were learning the down command (for lie down), other dogs would have it in one or two sessions BUT my instructor understood basenjis and said No Worry, he'll get it - it took almost 9 months but he finally did it (patience needed).
My dogs have Rally Master titles, Master Agility title, Intermediate Tricks titles, and Barnhunt title. It can be done. -
How to introduce a 2 year old to a dog parkI took my male to one when he was about 2. First went in the small dog area (where there was only one other dog) but the grass was so high I was afraid of ticks. Then went to big dog area and mine just wanted to sniff the fence area until some bullies came along and started to really pester him - he took off for the far corner (thank goodness). Forget the dog park.
Trouble walkingSorry it took so long - the vet checked her out and she pinched a nerve (apparantly when she tried jumping on the bed). He checked for tick diseases, organ functions, etc etc. All fine but the x-rays did show a bone spur on one of the lower vertebra so that little jump was all it took. She's walking much better now and almost back to normal.
Trouble walkingJust today, I found my 12.5 yr old girl has trouble keeping her balance - her rear legs (one more than the other) can't seem to keep her up for long periods. Friday she was normal, Saturday she seemed to just want to lie on the couch. Today she is aware of her surroundings, can walk very slowly, did eat a little breakfast and most of her dinner. She is having a lump removed this week so not sure if this is related or something due to a tick bite (a week or so ago) or something else altogether. I will be calling the vet first thing in the morning but wondered if anyone else has encountered something like this.
5 PM Tasmanian DevilYou said this is your first experience with the breed --- get used to it, more to come (Bwa ha ha ha).
Sore pawIf you put some kind of salve on (I like Calendula cream) then also put a teeny touch of Tee Tree oil near. The smell of that will keep him from licking for awhile.
Older Basenji Mix WhiningSo she's 14 years old, deaf, and visually impaired. Maybe she needs to have her bed closer to yours so she knows you are still there? Maybe close enough so you could put a hand on her to let her know where you are?