Nope, haven't tried benadryl, and I only noticed it today upon coming home from work.
Rash & sores near her labia / vulva -
Rash & sores near her labia / vulvaHi, sorry this has to be the first post, but I'm at a loss and won't be able to get to the vet for at least a week. Bailey's about 2-years old and has always had some matted crud near her vulva, that I've cleaned softly with a wet paper towel, but recently she's been biting at it, and has opened rashes / sores. The crud's been cleaned in this pic, and I was careful not to rub off the scabs, but they came off easily. She's been licking herself all day because of this, and I'm wondering if this is temporary, or has the ability to get a lot worse. Any help would be much appreciated, and I have a picture of what it looks like here:
(be aware, this is my dog's naughty-bits)!