id like to know that too…and how much you are selling him for
One year old/male, needs Basenji friendly home. -
Oldest basenji?I wish mine would live to 20…I love her to pieces and i know she feels the same about me...she would give her life to save me...i know...she already tried...scared me half to death...a dog attacked me a big ol lab and she jumped in only being so small...and of course I had to jump in and save her...i ended up being bit on the hand and had a HUGE wound there....but i saved my lil she tried to save me...well I hope she doesnt try some stunts like that again cuz I would die if she wasnt with me...she means to the world to me...she is my baby dog....:) but ya 20 would be great for her if she lived that long....:D
One year old/male, needs Basenji friendly home.Hi. How much are you selling him for? Can you email me some pictures of him. I might be interested.
Waiting Listlol very nice job…they are VERY pretty dogs...and I love ur quote...its is a goodone...I also like this one:
when you are born, you cry and the world is happy, when you die, the world cried and you're happy (because ur in heaven) Loves it like I loves my Bs lol take care -
Puppy Pilelol that would be cool lol
Puppy Pilemine would deffenately be the red/white…but they are all ALL so cute...idk which one of the red/white ones Id pick! SOOO CUTE
He's more punk than mei dont think* if u didnt know what idt is lol
He's more punk than melol…idt a Basenji can be they are just to cute...MUCH TO CUTE...for their own good haha
Puppy PileAWWWWW…I was about to say...1 litter of 13...but ya that would be great to see a puppy pile down here in South Dakota
He's more punk than meLOL that is so cute…mine has the same one only its pink..haha cuz shes a girl It looks so cute on her...but yet I have like A MILLON for her...she is so but thanks for the laugh...HES SO CUTE!!!! like Jen Wilson
How Pathetic is THIS?I also just LOVE the name Alphie. SOOO cute! Loves It lots
Waiting ListI am searching for a male red/white Basenji. I want to make sure the puppy is sweet. Has a good health. Has no defects. I was also wondering how much a male would be. Can I buy on at 8 weeks old? I am 16 and would love to share my home with another male Basenji. I dont know when I can get on here next though…but ill try.
Take care
Whitney (AkA Twiddles) -
How Pathetic is THIS?haha….I love that...the Untrustables. I want to get another Basneji too. I am thinking of Jack. I love that name. And then Saddie. I liked the name Storm though...that was very Cute. Fits a Basenji well. Or Twister, like the storm. haha. Well good luck on the new B. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!!!!!
Take care
Whitney (AkA Twiddles) -
Found a Basenji….need help!What you do when Tobias starts nibling on your arm or shirt. Grab his mouth and say no! Then if he does it again, grab the bottom of his mouth and his tongue and hold it down. He will hate this and most likely stop. When he stops, say good dog and, "want out side?" then let him outside. I dont have this problem because my dogs are trained to scratch on the door when they want in. Missy will, if i get up to do anything, gets up fast and runs to the door. sometimes she will uff, baroo, or yodel to let me know she wants out. Also my pomeranian will bark, and Missy follows her to the door, but if you dont have another dog or a dog that barks when it wants out then that wont help you. But I have a feeling this will work(grabbing his tongue and bottom jaw and holding it down so he cant move his tongue or mouth.), Ive helped other people and it seems to work. But try that and let me know if I can help any more. But be sure you dont hurt him, just let him know that you dont like the behavior that he is doing and you want him to stop. Hopefully he will. Take charge and be the alpha dog in the pack. I hope I helped you…Best of Luck,
Whitney (AkA Twiddles) -
Found a Basenji….need help!Hi. I know how you feel. My dog is just crazy like that. She is pretty good on the potty thing now but when she first came…shed wait to go inside and then potty. But after a few nose dives into the pile of wastes that she left and praises outside...she is doing good. Crates work well when you leave the house, but if you are there, odds are, she will just wine, yodel, baroo, and wimper until u let her out. What you have to do is take her outside and let her go like u said. When she doesnt go outside bring her in. When she is inside Watch her closely as she is walking around...if she sniffs the ground, she is searching for a scent to remark and not soon after, gifts will appear. Follow her and when she squats then grab her quickly, say "NO" in a very sharp, authorative way and put her outside. When she is outside...make her stay until she goes. Either put her on a chain, in a kennel, or just watch her until she goes. MAKE HER GO.... If it is cold out, she should go soon, because the cold will stimulate a potty. Once you see her go, wait till she is done and her hind end comes up and run out and praise her FAST.. such as "GOOD DOG...O SUCH A GOOD DOG...YOU WENT POTTY GOOD DOG!!!! and make ur voice high and excited so she gets the idea.
As for the food thing. Im afraid there is little to do. I put duck tape on my fridge to hold it shut...and try to train her not to do it. When she does it and eats the food, put her nose in the rubble and say "BAD DOG...NO....BAD BAD BAD DOG!!!!" Then you give her a tap and put her outside, in a cage, or somewhere she dislikes going. Soon, HOPEFULLY, she will get out of that state. If you need extra help and my advise seems to be working, please feel free to private message me. I can give you private information if you please. I hope I helped you!
Take care, Whitney (AkA Twiddles) -
Basenji Christmas songs?that is sweet. I lovethem. im sure i could handle at least one more….maybe not to many more tho lol ...I hope u and Abby have a merry christmas
Basenji Christmas songs?sure was! lol so how are you? How many Bs do you have? I want to have another one sometime…but idk where to find one! lol even if I dont breed my dog, I just want the commpany of another B cuz she is 7...yes i accidentally put 5 on another part, but she is 7. So i dont know how much longer she'll live! Im scared...I love her to death!!!!
Good talking to you Lenora
~Whitney (Have a Very Merry Christmas!) -
Untitleddo you know where I can find a basenji to just have as a pet then? I just wanted to breed her to have a puppy, I wanted to keep ALL of here puppies, even if she has like 3 or 6 I love Basenjis and want good for them but I would like to have one of hers, or have one of another dogs…I just like the breed!
Hello…Or Should I say Baroo!Hi all! hope you are having fun beings Basenji lovers! I KNOW I AM!!!!! LOVE THEM LIL DOGS!!!!! ohhh so cute!!!!
Hello AllOMG…im so sorry...Toes was so cute! You should take that evil man to court...who cares about the hassle like youngangtired said! That is ur dog and he had NO right! NO RIGHT! to give away your dog. I would hunt down the person who took my missy away! I love her to pieces! :) Good luck in finding Toes! Merry Christmas!!!