Luke barks sometimes…Usually when someone knock into the door, or when somebody opens my door when it closed...

Barking Basenji!!! -
Breeds That BiteThanks,
That's why I've made it..Cause I got tired of ppl calling dogs such pittbulls - killers…so I decided to make a true video...Dog never rais by itself...Someone have to help them...So it's really fortune, to get into good family, not an asshole who gonna make a money on dog's blood... -
Grofts Q Tip…Here we go lol
Grofts Q TipHere's our latest pics :rolleyes:
She grows sooo fast, though just yesterday she was only 3 month and now, she's gonna turn 6 month July 12th :eek:
At this pics Luke is 5 month and about 2 or 3 weeks :cool:
And yeah, I renamed her lol…Now her name is Luke, yeah I know it sounds like male's...but I think it's cool :D ...And she likes it more than Lulu :p
She's Mega Hyper Dog...She's just a Rocket Power...Sometimes it's really annoying and pisses me off...She ran around, jump everywhere, crushes house...Steals things...She drive me crazyyy!!!!!!:eek: -
Where does your B sleep?My crazy Luke sleep with me since we brought her home…Yeah, she has her create and bed, but she loves mine bed the most...So we sleep together, and cheeses, sometimes she snore like an old drunk guy!!!!!!
Breeds That BiteBasically, if look up at the statistics of dogs which bite usually, so first place takes Labradors, then Beagles and then Cocker Spaniels…
I'm not afraid of pitbulls or some other Fight-dogs, cause, if dog raised in normal family so it will be friendly to everyone, but if dog raised in hands of the Fighter, so it will be "Machine For Kill"...
By the way, I've made a video, if anyone'd like to see it, it's there => -
Grofts Q TipThank you,
This doll biting and scratchuing as tiger!! -
Grofts Q TipThank You, Thank You !
If you were going to add another dog….I'd like to get a German Shepherd or Rottweller…
I can't now, coz my mom don't let me get a large dog...
In my future I want to have 5 dogs!!! -
Where does your B sleep?Lulu sleeps with me in my bed and takes whole bed, and sometimes snores…
Who gets "groomed" by their "B's"?Oh yeah, Lulu wake up every night (she sleeps with me) and starting licking me….
Grofts Q TipAww, thank you very much!!
I bough her in New Jersey, at the Petite Puppies…
We had to choose from 3 colors - B/W, Red, and Tri color....All puppies was soo cute at the pics, but Lulu (how i called her) had a tears on her eyes...and looked soooo sad...So I choosed her :) -
Grofts Q TipThank you!!
Yeah, she is sooo cute, and fun.
Today I went to the school, coz Im in high school, and she was with my mom…And my mom has a baby also, who is 16 month, so she sooo much tired with this two kids LOL....While mom cleaned Lulu's sis was beside Lulu's food LOL....
And now I'm laying on a floor with my laptop, and she's close to me:)
Also, every night she sleeps with me..Well, first night I was couldn't sleep, coz she were sooo snorring LOL...and she took whole my bed...I was so wondered..So little puppy and sleep like Imperror LOL
Here's her pics :)
Grofts Q TipMy baby!!I got her just yesterday, and she's almost 3 month old!!!!
Grofts Q TipI always wanted a dog…For 8 years it was a huge dream, which seems never will come true...And few month ago my mom said to me "Allright, you can have dog...but small."...So, I started searching any breeds of medium or small dogs...I found Basenji!!...And I got her yesterday, she is really cute, and I love her!!