My tri boy has been blind for a while the result of cataracts from diabetes. He does the same = my house has pillows and pool noodles on door jams to protect him as he is still stubborn at 14 and wants to do it his way!. Best of luck!!

Dog went blind -
Cluster seizuresmy now 13 year old brindle girl started having seizures this last Sept = not cluster. She is on 100MG of zonisamide 2 times a day = the last go round was 65 days between seizures - did they ever test to see her zonisamide levels? Hoping you get some answers soon. I know how terrifying it is.
Strip test positive for my boy!!I am so glad he is doing well! If he is easy to give the shots to, that is huge! And caught early, with good control, maybe, like humans, he won't have too many complications. That said, my old diabetic dog went blind and you would not have ever noticed, she just slowly adapted. I am really so happy for you that Anzi is doing so well.
Anne in Tampa
it is so HUGE - he was NOT at first and it was a battle and you would have thought i belonged in a loony bin!!! but he's awesome now!!! so far no cataracts - eye specialist says just ever so slight of one but that he woould be surprised if a diabetic dog didn't have ANY - so = so far so good!!! i bring him to the eye specialist about every 3 or 4 months now but his eyes look clear and he sees the tiniest of spots on the floor that he thinks is food so i know he is seeing fine!!!
Strip test positive for my boy!!well here's an update on my Anzi boy - he definitely is diabetic - was finally diagnosed on 12/14 - he has lost weight - and looks GREAT now - and his sugar is okay - he gets shots and food twice a day - it's almost just like a human having the disease - there are some complications that can happen like blinding cataracts but so far so good - he HATED his shots at the beginning but is now a brave boy - love him so much!!! if there are any other diabetics b's out there holler -
Strip test positive for my boy!!so far no issues - they love it! - sometimes veal, beef or lamb! they eat better than i do!!
Strip test positive for my boy!!why is lamb sometimes not the best? i have been mixing a little cooked ground lamb in my boys food so he eats it???
Strip test positive for my boy!!also let us know what the test strip says
Strip test positive for my boy!!can't the vet prescribe some food if need be? or maybe certain home cooked stuff?
Strip test positive for my boy!!i agree - take her to the vet asap
Strip test positive for my boy!!has she tested positive for diabetes? all the sympoms you mentioned point to it - get the urine glucose strip and if it's positive take her to the vet and get blood work done - also get the strip for ketones - if that is positive she has way too much sugar and may be getting ketonosis (not sure if i spelled it right) - if her blood glucose is high then she has diabetes and if it's normal then she may have fanconi - get the strip asap - how old is she? - get her to the vet for sure
Strip test positive for my boy!!i use the diastix Bayer urine glucose strips - i just follow my girl and when she squats put it in there and get some urine on the strip - you can try a low pie tin to to catch some - but my girl is okay - i just follow her around
Strip test positive for my boy!!can you send me a private message with your email address - would love to stay in touch -
Strip test positive for my boy!!Anne - thanks for the words of encouragement - it has been very hard - and that fact that you are a nurse - ugh for me!!!! right now the last 4 shots haven't been so bad - i have been using abesol and let him lick pure 100% pumpkin that i smear on a plate - the last three times it worked - no flinch not nothing - tonight he yelped but didn't stop licking the plate - i was probably also a little but slower tonight - i wanted to make sure it went in - that is still my worry - whether the needle goes in - i am using a 30 gauge 1/2in needle - so it will get better? it is just me (and my other B) so it's a bit harder to really hold him down and i really hope it doesn't have to get to that cuz that would be oh so stressful for me!! and him i am sure! ugh - so is yours okay with shots now???
thanks - Terri, anzi and deja!
Strip test positive for my boy!!thanks - it's been tough - the boy HATES his insulin shots!!! gotta figure this one out!
Strip test positive for my boy!!right now it's just me and that's part of the issue - actually my two b's were "inherited" from my ex - but i wasn't about to let them be put up for adoption when he left so after 6 years they are mine now - and there isn't anything i wouldn't do for them - i will ask around at animal hospitals and see what i can do - thanks
Strip test positive for my boy!!Anne - thanks - when you had to go away did you kennel her? that now is my worry - it's just me and the two dogs and i would really want to make sure he was left in reliable hands - and preferably boths bs are together! they've never been apart for more than a few hours
Strip test positive for my boy!!i have to search around - will ask vets in the area but this is now my challenge - if anyone has any ideas i would be very grateful
Strip test positive for my boy!!good idea - i will ask for a copy and so far he is fine with the shots -
diet food is purina OM - its very light - my issue now is finding a kennel that will take him and treat him correctly
i can probably board him at the vet and pray then that they take my girl who is fine - they hate being apart - i travel once in a blue moon for work - know any good bergen county NJ kennels?? -
Strip test positive for my boy!!i asked and they said all the other tests and there were plenty were in the normal range - i will ask again re the liver and kidney values - so since yesterday he is on 5 cc of insulin humulin N 5 cc and diet food - he seems okay - he sleeps just like my other healthy b and has his appetite and despite the very cold weather here in NJ he was happy to go for a walk and he usually HATES the cold - any thing else i should be asking about ? i also bought ketone strips to start testing him on that
Strip test positive for my boy!!Anne - thanks - i keep reading info on line and it is making me a bit more nervous re complicaitons - i am hoping i caught it early and that with good treatment he will be find - no blindness etc