@takoda I was wondering how are you putting the collar on her. Are you reaching over her head to buckle the collar and put the leash on. Some basenjis get very nervous when a person leans over them and then goes over top of their head. It is a very dominate posture to our breed. You might want to try attaching the leash to the collar first then have her come to you while you are sitting and then come up with the collar from the front underneath her neck and put the collar on that way because she might feel a little more secure. To me this sound like a normal puppy. Some of them no matter how they are raised can be fearful at this age. On like other breeds Basenjis go through a lot more fear periods then other dog. This is what has kept them alive in the jungle for so long. You have to realize for a little basenji puppy if they are going to get eaten from something bigger it will be coming in and grabbing them by the back or neck before killing them. So I hope this explains a little on why your puppy is acting the way she is. The Basenji is still a primitive breed and not like other dogs, so in training you need to take this into consideration.
Weaned too early, no contact with dam -
Cancer treatments - herbal, homepathicI lost her September 16, 2009 to the cancer. But she had two years she should not have had. She should have only lived 3 months.
Dre & EV Babies three weeks old.
Florida Basenji, 1958I saw that Obit also. I think the reason why he got that breed is the same reasons some of use have gotten into Basenjis he red about them and fell in love.
Florida Basenji, 1958Neat photo to bad we don't know the dogs registered name.
Cancer treatments - herbal, homepathicI had given my girl with cancer Reishi Mushroom, shark cartledge and Coconut oil daily it helped slow down the tumor growth. Here is also a good site with some info. http://animal-hospitals.abeautifulurn.com/veterinarians/ . Bloodroot Black Salve is also good and Neoplasene is also good but both of these need to be done with a vet.
Sending good healing thoughts.
Too old?I can say there are times for the safety of a older bitch that she might be placed. I have had to place two older bitches do to bitch fighting that could have gotten them injured. This fighting did not start between these girls till later in life (Over the age of 7 years). Their option if they stayed with me was to live part of the day in a crate and then have a few hours out and then back in the crate again at bed time. This to me was not a fair life. They both now have wonderful homes with good friends near me they both come to visit and I can tell how they have latched onto their new owners that I made the right choice. They always act like OK new Mom we came said hi now I go home with you. These girls will always have a special place in my heart and their owners know if they ever have any issues no matter what I am there to help, I have even driven 1 1/2 to the ER clinic when one of the girls had a issue to be with her and her owner. I will also be with both these girls at the end of their lives also which I hope does not come for years and years.
Tammen's Basenjis 2012 BreedingThis year we have breed BOSS AKC GCH/MBIS Int. CH/MBIS/MRBIS/Int.&Nat. Puppy CH/MBIS&MRBIS UKC Gr CH Tammen's Sparks Will Fly AOE (Eukanuba 2011) (red/white) to CH Jokuba C-Quest First Round Knock Out (black/white). We will be expecting puppies around Christmas day. Litter should produce red/white, black/white and possible tri's if Dre is tri factored. If you are interested in a puppy from this breeding please contact me.
Halloween PicHad to share my boy Ripple as a Geshia Girl. Hope everyone is having a "Happy Howloween".
Need help naming my puppyAsk and post the registered name any how it might give us some ideas.
Tammen's Basenjis Breeding for 2012Just wanted to announce that we have breed BOSS AKC GCH/MBIS Int. CH/MBIS/MRBIS/Int.&Nat. Puppy CH/MBIS&MRBIS UKC Gr CH Tammen's Sparks Will Fly AOE has been breed to CH Jokuba C-Quest First Round Knock Out. We are expecting lovely Black/White and Red/White pups. If Dre is tri factored like EV is we may even have a few tri's.
Judge information Raymond V FilburnAny info on judge Raymond V Filburn likes, dislikes, will he do color, does he like smaller or bigger basenjis, toplines, etc. any and all info will be appreciated. I am trying to figure out which special to enter.
Basenji Judges AKC/UKC/UCI/CKC or any other kennel clubI figured it might be nice to swap notes that we have on judges. What they like, don't like etc and have it be related to our breed and have a easy place to check out future judges.
Beautiful Basenji for sale in NHI just wanted to respond to this thread. I hope everything is going good with you and things are working out. The thing I wanted to respond to was the thought that a man may have abused him since he does not do well with men. A basenji can make their mind up about disliking something for no reason at all. My first Basenji was with me from 6 weeks of age and never had a man abuse him and at two years old decided he hated men for the next two years. I kept him socialized and kept getting men to feed him pet him while I had him stacked and holding his head, had them talk to him, go over hime etc. after a while his dislike left as quickily as it came. I have had a few dogs do this sort of stuff between 12 and 18 months I call it the stupid stage, they all the sudden don't like men, women, the grooming table, the trash can outside etc. It is important to work them through their fear so they can be a complete dog. Just think how it would be for you if say you were scared of men but had to see them daily just think how stressful your life would be. I hope if you keep him you help him get through this or if you place him please be honest with the new owners and recommend that they get him out and work him through this.
Hello form Laura in MarylandChealsie508 Contact me privatley and we can talk more about my guys and planned litters. It will not be until next fall or later.
Hello form Laura in MarylandThanks Guys it is great to be here. I just found out about this forum while playing on the internet. I don't know how I missed it before.
Hello form Laura in MarylandJust wanted to introduce myself, some of you know who I am already and some may not. My name is Laura and I live in Maryland between DC and Baltimore. I am a Basenji breeder and also show these lovely little wild things. I have been involved in the breed since 1992 when I got my first Basenji Tammen's Tequila Twist, CGC who regretfully I lost to Fanconi at age 12. I have had a few dogs from Susan Coe and a bitch from Michele Gaghan. I have breed two litters with Susan Coe and two litters myself. The first litter I bred myself is a all CH litter, with one of the dogs being a DC and a Verstile Basenji Excellent and he is just getting started. Right now I am showing two specials my male AKC CH/RBIS UKC CH/MBIS & MRBIS Int CH & Nat CH Tammen's Take Me On and my bitch AKC CH/MBIS & MRBIS UKC GR CH/MBIS & MRBIS Puppy Int CH & Nat CH/MBIS Int CH Tammen's Sparks Will Fly. If you would like to see my guys you can check them out on www.tammensbasenjis.com. I know I will find lots of old friend here and make some new ones.:)