I think I might have to start my hunt from scratch. There is a good possibility I will move to Jamaica in the future so I called the customs office yesterday about dog policies. Since there hasn't been rabies on the island in 200 years they are REALLY strict. they only let dogs in from the UK and Ireland. Im soo mad :mad: . . . but I'm glad I found out now. Sooooo does anyone know any UK sources / breeders? ::SIGH:: I want to be an owner so bad

I want a R/W Male -
Startup Costsi forgot actually before i registered to this forum, but i know that it was a place in oklahoma. his name supposedly was "marymail" before i got him. that probably sounds like a load of bull to you doesnt it? im also fairly sure that they only breed basenjis.
lol that some name
I want a R/W Malethank you. I have contacted a few breeders for info based on your recommendations.
Startup Costswow that filled up pretty fast. There is a lot of helpful info here. Thanks guys
Startup CostsI am trying to estimate how much money I need. Would you be able to give a ball park range of what a puppy + crate + food + toys + vet + whatever else will cost at initial purchase? What about an average year of spending thereafter? I would greatly appreciate any estimates that will give me some idea
I want a R/W MaleThanks a lot for the help. Yah I was actually was on that list earlier today. There are only about 4 listed within 400 miles of me. It says not all BCOA members are listed so I was hoping I would come across some one who knew a member that was not listed.
I want a R/W MaleSo I have been doing my HW on these little guys for about 5 months but was still a little reluctant. Luckily I met a neighbor with 2 females the other day. I have been taking tips from her and spent some time with the dogs and I am HOOKED. We are in NY but both her dogs came from a breeder in Florida. Thats a bit far. Are there any breeders on this form from the NY area or anyone here that has purchased from a reputable breeder in the New York / Tri-State area? Also, how far in advance do most waiting lists close out?
For those that sleep in the bedhmmm ok… good to know. thats doable thanks a lot guys
For those that sleep in the bedwhat % of basenjis always want to sleep in the bed? and how does that work play out on nights when their owners want to be "romantic". will they flip out because you locked them out the room and try to ruin the moment. that might sound like a joke but im dead serious haha. im trying to get full understanding of what im getting in to if i get one. Just by reading all these stories it make me think they are smart enough to try ruining the moment
What does your B do all day?Hollie goes to work with me. I am fortunate to have an entire wall that is all glass and Hollie spends most of her day standing guard, watching for the squirrels to come to the bird feeders.
When not squirrel watching/hunting, she divides her day between playing with her bestest buddy Beau (a 65 lb standard poodle) and Thelma (lab/pit mix) and getting people attention from all my co-workers.
She LOVES having a job!! :p
wow thats a cool job…if i had to take one guess id say u work for google lol. their employees, pets and kids are treated like rock stars
These are some disheso ok, I was starting to think that they dont eat dog food at all
These are some dishesWow this stuff is amazing…they eat stuff like chicken & rice with veggies?!?! I dont even eat half this stuff. They eat some healthy stuff. They don't eat dog food? Sorry if thats a dumb question. I dont own one yet I am just researching. Is this the bananas, melons, peas and all that stuff a part of their normal diet or is that only on special occasions?
Hello Everyone!I have found links the the Basenji Club of America and a list of breeders. The closest one is about 4 hours away. I do see a number with a local area code listed as a rescue resource so I think I will give him a call to see if I can see some and spend a little time with a few. I really would like to raise a puppy but I would be open to getting one that is a year or 2 if I find the right one.
Good luck - and of course once you go back to Jamaica - each and every one of us on the list will be coming to visit! :) LOL
lol no problem. At least I wont be the only one with a 4 legged buddy everywhere.
Hello Everyone!O wow, thanx WBL. $99 is a lot less than i though it would be. thats not bad at all. I was expecting it would cost at lease $1000.
Hey dmcarty, yah most dogs in jamaica do run free. Leashes are a rare sighting. Most dogs are small mutts that roam their yard to alert the owner of intruders. Leashes and pure breads are almost unheard of. There are TONS of dogs in the country areas but I will be in the city / tourist areas where there aren't as many wandering around. I will look like a mad man taking my dog everywhere I go on a leash but it wont bother me at all. I would be more concerned about the Basenji chasing after other dogs than them picking a fight with us because most dogs roaming around are not aggressive.They are like pigeons in NYC…they are just there minding their own business. The aggressive ones are too busy protecting their territory around the yard.
Hello Everyone!Hello, my name is Tahj. I am a 21 year old male. I actually don't own a Basenji but I am thinking about getting one in a year or so. I want to lean as much as I can about them before I can decide if they are right for me. I've actually only known about the breed since last night. I did a survey on Animal Planet's site and a Basenji was one of the top matches. The survey was only 10 questions so I cant bas my decision entirely on that but the 2 things that jumped out at me the most is their size and the fact that they are heat tolerant. After I graduate college I plan to move to Jamaica so it would be nice to know that my house mate / travel buddy will not mind the warm climate.
I have been watching videos on Youtube to get a better understanding of them I think the sounds they make are cool and they seem to be really loving and gentle even though they play rough. My main concern with them is if I will be able to control / train one because it will be my first dog. I would greatly appreciate your advice on whether you think a Basenji will be a good fit for me.
About Me:
- I have never really owned a dog for myself
- I spend most of my time at home
- I have played on sports all my life so enjoy psychical activity
- I enjoy going outside
- usually keep my surrounding neat
- would dislike having a dog that pees all over my house
- don't like lots of shedding and hair all over everything in my house
- dislike houses that smell like barns
- I am pretty tolerant and don't get mad easily
- fresh out of college I will have limited funds for training school (i am still trying to find out that that costs anyway)
- maybe I will be living in a condo by myself or crashing at my sisters house for a year or so after school
- will most likely be commuting between the US and Jamaica regularly
- I would probably travel with the dog because its only a few hrs in the air