Jake will sleep until I get up. During the week I get up around eight and on weekends I sometimes sleep until noon. Doesn't make a difference to him.
Getting your b out of bed in the morning -
First aid kit?Jake woke up in the middle of the night with a rash and itched non-stop until morning when I was finally able to get some benadryl. This got me thinking I should put together some sort of dog first aid kit. Are there any other medications I should have on hand?
The Other BasenjiEvery day Jake and I go for a hike in the Pacific Spirit Park in Vancouver. I've gotten to know a few regulars and for months now I've been hearing stories about the "other basenji" in the park. With over 30 miles of trails and countless twists and turns, I figured the odds of ever meeting the dog were pretty low. Well, today was our lucky day because when we came around a bend, there was a large group of dogs milling about with a little red and white basenji right in the middle of things. I had never seen another basenji before so I was super excited! When the owner saw us he laughed and said "That must be Jake! I've heard a lot about him". It didn't take long for our basenjis to find each other and, after a careful sniff, a spirited game of tag broke out.
We spent about 15-20 minutes together and it was so cool to see them get along. Their mannerisms were so similar…from their playfulness and sense of pride, to the fact that both of them completely ignored us, it was a nice reminder that I'm not the only one crazy enough to own a basenji. ;)
Are B's good jogging partners?I started marathon training on the weekend and took Jake on a 13 km (8 mile run) and he did fine. He hardly moved the rest of the day but it was kind of nice… :P
My best pictures so far…O.K. I would have guessed ocean…...because of the rather large driftwood......but your QTH is Edmonton. Yeah, I know about wreck beach. My best friend used to live in Vancouver.....
Haha yeah, I've moved…Guess I forgot to update my status here.
My best pictures so far…Doggies can run around nude there in the winter though. :) Really superb pictures - what camera do you use?
Ha exactly! And thanks, I have a Panasonic dmc lx5. It's a top range point and shoot…Don't really feel like committing to a DSLR at this point.
My best pictures so far…Wonderful pictures! Looks like your dog is having a great time. What lake…...or river.......is that?
It's actually the pacific ocean :p
Wreck Beach is a famous "clothing optional" beach in Vancouver but it's gotten too cold for the nudists so now Jake and I can enjoy it.
My best pictures so far…
A Question About YodelsThe only sounds I can consistently coax out of Jake are the ones where he sounds possessed.
Step 1: Flip him on his back
Step 2: Tickle/Rub his spine area
Step 3: Wait for the demonsHe'll make other noises when he feels like it but I haven't figured out the "triggers" yet.
Dealing with an open cutGoing to go look for some Betadine and failing that I'll switch to neosporin.
Also, I was able to get a picture of what bit him…
Dealing with an open cutI gave him some cheese before, during, and after the cleaning. I didn't know basenjis could scream while eating. Haha.
Dealing with an open cutOkay so it's definitely a puncture and not a scrape. I disinfected it with peroxide and the poor guy screamed bloody murder the whole time. He's off sulking in the corner now. :(
Thanks for the advice. I'm pretty useless when it comes to first-aid.
Dealing with an open cutJake either got bit by something or scratched himself while on our walk today. He was running around in the bushes so I didn't see what happened. All I heard was him scream and yelp before running back to me.
Here is a picture of the wound:
As you can see, there is basically a chunk of skin/fur missing from the inside of his leg. It hasn't been bleeding and he doesn't seem to be in much pain anymore but I'm just wondering how I should take care of this. Does he need to see a vet? Stitches? Bandages?
Thanks for the help!
Is this oddHow old is she?
Clubmatch, Dutch Basenji clubReally like the look of the darker brindle.
Can you vote for me?You got my vote as well. Kipawa is the only Basenji so far!
Fussy about where he goes to the washroom.I didn't realize basenjis, as a breed, were so particular about where they went to the washroom. I've thought a bit more about the matching approach and I'm okay with doing it short term but it's not really a long term solution. My plan is to get him to go in a specific spot and then reward him with a high value treat. Repeat until he'll go without the matches but still give him a reward. Eventually I'll phase out the treat as well.
Winning strategy?
I don't really want to be the guy that sticks matches up his dogs ass unless I have to be. Haha
Fussy about where he goes to the washroom.You could try matching him. For an explanation see post #12 in this thread:
Haha I've never heard of this. I'm going to give it a try!
LOL… that is a Basenji for you... might as well get used to it... they want what they want.... Matching works, but many don't agree with its use... I have used it for years with puppies at shows ... with no problems..
Tell me about it! I'm usually pretty stubborn but he's outdueled me in this matter. I didn't realize the matches sitting in my drawer would be my secret weapon. ;)
Fussy about where he goes to the washroom.Jake is now 15 months old and pretty much the perfect basenji with one exception: he is extremely picky on where he'll have a bowel movement. He won't go if there are too many people around or if he's in the open. It's basically in the bushes or bust. The problem is that there aren't any bushes near my condo. The result is that it sometimes ends up taking 10-15 minutes to take him to the washroom. I'd like to cut this down if possible.
I've tried to train him to go in a specific spot by simply refusing to take him elsewhere. He'll scratch at the door, I take him to the spot and then he just stands there. After repeating this for an hour or so I get frustrated and just give up. This cycle has been going on for about a week.
Any ideas/suggestions on how to better handle the situation?
Thanks :)