Hi there,
Does anyone know why my 11 year old male licks the sheets and pillows at night? He sleeps with my 5 year old daughter. He didn't always do this, it's fairly new, and getting worse. Thanks!
Compulsive licking! -
Very aggressive female!Hi everyone,
Just a little update on our girls. We still have everyone here…we have been using muzzles for the girls when we are all outside together. (Never unsupervised!) They are doing great! They realize that they can't hurt each other and for the most part get along! They still try to get off the muzzles, but every day, it's less. They are giving up on that. We only use the muzzles a little each day, and for the most part still keep them separate. It's easy when it's nice, b/c someone is always outside during the day when I am home. Thanks to everyone for their support! Stacie -
Very aggressive female!Thank you for your advice. Yes, this will be a very difficult decision. If any one out there knows of any one looking for a basenji, please let me know! I only want what is best for everyone. I have also e-mailed BRAT to see which girl would place best. I think the younger one would place easier, but maybe there is a retired couple out there looking for a calm girl to snuggle with and take for walks. Lord knows, our younger girl is anything but calm! She and my daughter have equal amounts of energy! Thanks again.
Nutered and hates the Non nutered?!!??I used to run my 2 b's every night at the lake near our house, off lead. They were great at first, (and LOVED swimming!) but then I think they thought it was THEIR lake and started nipping at cyclists and chasing other dogs away. So that was the end of that (off lead, anyway) I have actually been nipped by my male b at his frustration on lead to get to another dog.
Very aggressive female!I live in Northeast Pa. near Wilkes-Barre/Hazleton, close to the Pocono's. Thanks so much! I definitely think the person that we would work with would have to be basenji friendly!
Very aggressive female!Can you recommend anyone? Thanks!!!
Very aggressive female!Thank you again for all of your input…it looks as if maybe Allie (the little girl) may have to go. I would miss her so much and would only want to place her with a basenji friendly good family. She is like my baby...she follows me around like I am her mother. I am willing to try to work it out here, but again like everyone has said accidents can happen, although my daughter (she's 5) knows to get away if there is any kind of scuffle. She is very aware of the situation. Right now it's actually kind of easy w/ her, b/c I always know where she is (my daughter, I mean).
Very aggressive female!We actually got out Gish's crate (the older female) to try to prevent accidental encounters…she's not that happy about it, but I'm trying to do my best here! I'm also not happy about the damage she is doing to the woodwork at the gate at the top of the stairs. It is good to hear that there are people out there like me who are struggling just to keep all of their animals. Most people think I'm nuts!
Very aggressive female!also…any thoughts on medicating our older girl? She has always been a little anxious/nervous...the vet gave us a script for prozac. We have not filled it as of yet...I just don't know. Our other thought is to keep them separate...which is not fun, but for the most part works, and to get the girls each a muzzle, so when the warm weather FINALLY comes around, we can all be outside together. I wouldn't leave them alone unattended, even w/ the muzzles. It's a little easier when it's nice outside, and someone can be out all the time...in the winter it has been HARD! Of course, they want to be where the other is...the grass is greener sort of thing. They will sit at the top of the stairs at the baby gate, right next to each other...each on an opposite side. Then all of a sudden they will start growling at each other. It's like a love/hate (mostly hate) relationship.
Very aggressive female!I agree with you that the older girl (Gish) should stay at home…I've had her for so long, it would be hard to let her go. We have tried to have some one close to us help us out, so that we could at least see the dog that we let go. But, so far that hasn't worked, either.
However, I'm trying to think of my daughter. She is an only child and thinks of these dogs as her brother and sisters. That's why we got her a puppy to grow up with (Allie). She and Allie play all the time, while Gish kind of just wants to be left alone. If our daughter hugs Gish, she kind of grumbles at her. But I know that Gish is the top dog and I love her very much and she should be able to keep her home in her senior years. That's why this is just so hard. Our daughter considers Allie "her" dog and gets so upset about the situation. -
Very aggressive female!Thanks to everyone out there for your help and input. Yes, everyone is spayed/neutered. I have some tough decisions to make. I have never had to think about finding one of my dogs a new home before…of course they are like family. Does anyone have an opinion of who I should find a new home???? My husband thinks we should find the older girl a new home...he thinks she would do very well with a family w/ no other dogs and could hang out w/ her and take her for long walks. Thanks!
Very aggressive female!I honestly don't know what happened. One day they were fine and the next that was it. We then tried to keep them together, and it would be good for a couple of weeks, then it would happen again. Just last week we were "switching" them from upstairs to downstairs and the puppy (she's 1 now) took off after the older female. I really think she still wants to play. Well, they fought, and for the first time the older girl got a little injured and the puppy was fine. I got bit in the process of breaking it up. We are obviously worried about our child, although she knows to get away if there is any kind of scuffle.
Very aggressive female!Hi, I am new to this…I really need some help! We have 3 basenji's. An 11 year old sweet male (who is blind) and 2 females. We rescued the older female when she was 6 mos. old...she's 10 now. We bought our 5 year old daughter a female basenji puppy last valentine's day. The older female and the puppy got along great...until the puppy got older. Now the older female wants to KILL her. And I mean kill. We have to keep them separated at all times. We probably should find the puppy a new home, but our daughter is so attached to her. We don't know what to do. I would hate to get rid of the older female...she really is a sweet dog (just not to the puppy!)
Does anyone know anything about medication that would help? Like prozac for dogs? It is extremely stressful at our home. The other thing we are considering is a muzzle for both females so we can put them together. Thank you for any input!