I tried to get my hubby to let me keep Zena and Zora, but he put his foot down and said "fosters only"….I guess that's ok since we'll be helping more than just these 2 girls, but eventually I'll widdle him down for more 'senji's in the pack. ;)
28+ basenjis need rescued -
28+ basenjis need rescuedDon't know about the others, but I am pretty sure they are either rehomed or in wonderful foster homes.
Suzanne Sarlls-Hartwell
MI -
28+ basenjis need rescuedZena and Zora have been with us since April. They are wonderful fosters. They've made tons of progress in health and socialization with other dogs and us. Zora jumped in my lap for the first time last weekend. Best of all, they have found a new forever home TOGETHER! They go to their new mom on June 14th. We couldn't be happier for all of them. Their new mom is so nice and patient. They are i for the high life! Another reason to love being involved with BRAT - happy endings! :D
Suzanne Hartwell
Pampered Pooch Resort
Sherwood, MI
www.pamperedpoochresort.com -
28+ basenjis need rescuedWell, I think the girls will be up on the BRAT site soon for adoption. Wish us luck. They get spayed next week!!!!
28+ basenjis need rescuedWell, that sounds great. I just found that they like cheese. They didn't care for the Zukes treats and milkbones are too big and not an exciting enough treat. I'll start trying that this weekend. I wanted to make sure they were at least paper trained as much as possible "just in case".
28+ basenjis need rescuedPS: I have a friend interested in one of the girls, so if I can convince my hubby to let me adopt the other, that'd be awesome. BUT…with 3 of our own, these 2 foster girls and another foster we'll have until this time next year (or less time hopefully), I doubt he'll agree.
28+ basenjis need rescuedThat poem was so beautiful. I'm in tears! I am in love with both of my foster girls. AND today we made a breakthrough…I brought the girls into the living room and sat in the recliner with them for a bit. Twister, my youngest male basenji, jumped up too and sat with us for only about 1 minute. Hunter, my oldest basenji boy, sat on the couch ignoring us. I wish I could keep them both, and yes, Zora has a face that captures the soul. However, Zena has these beautiful big doe eyes that are just adorable. She is a little more outgoing than Zora, but they are both starting to show signs of being all basenji. They have started helping with the laundry...they like it clean or dirty! :) They like to shred and eat newspaper. They pulled my leather coat down and chewed it up today - no I didn't get mad. I left it there and shouldn't have! Oh well, it isn't the first time a dog has chewed up something I loved. They are consistant with the paper training. This is the hardest part of the rehab for me - potty training. Now that we have them consistantly going on the paper, now what? The socializing is going well and they seem to be playful. They are showing signs of trust more and more daily. They don't mind the cat either. They all sleep in the same room together. I don't think they will or should go to home with kids only because they are so shy and skiddish. Hopefully that'll change. Anyhow, thanks for letting me rattle on. Any advice is appreciated and welcomed!
28+ basenjis need rescuedZena and Zora both have their dogster pages up. You can check them out through the following links.
http://www.dogster.com/dogs/763142 -
28+ basenjis need rescuedSusie is soo soo cute! I'm so happy she is doing so well.
28+ basenjis need rescuedZora is the brindle girl and yes, she is very scared, but is beginning to come up an smell hands, legs, hair. She enjoys milk bones and treats. She also enjoys fish oil. Zena is the one that recently had pups (8 weeks ago or so). She is coming around, but slowly. They are both great about going potty on the papers. They HATE the leash, but we'll work on that later. It seems that it'll be a long road, but they'll get there in time. We're patient and willing. They are so adorable. I'll post pix soon.
Does yours do it too?Always….when our Twister was young he watched our older basenji, Hunter, destuff a toy. He then joined in and now there is not a safe stuffie in the house. :rolleyes:
28+ basenjis need rescuedI am fostering Zena and Zora. Christie helped me get them from Liz to MI on Thursday. They are doing well. They are scared, but eating well and seem to understand that the papers are for going potty. They've even begun chewing on a few toys and enjoying a couple of treats. We had to get them new collars as the metal was causing a rash to Zena's neck. They both have pretty new pink collars and new Fido Fleece coats. They have VERY thing fur and dry skin. They are so precious. We managed to get a few pix too today. I'll make them a dogster page too. We are going to the vet on the 5th to see how they are and to do a pre-op for getting them both spayed. Maybe Zora will have put on some weight by then!
Thanks for all the support. Christie, you're wonderful! Thanks for your help in the transport.
New from MichiganThanks. We like to think so too…:)
New from MichiganHello everyone. I'm Suzanne and I live in Michigan. A friend told me about this forum since I'm fostering 2 dogs from BRAT. I have 2 male basenjis, Hunter and Twister, who are the loves of my life (besides my hubby of course). I have a boxer/lab mix too. I am fostering 2 females from BRAT and I have a foster pit/shephard mix we're caring for while his owner in is Iraq. We are starting our own boarding hotel for dogs (opening labor day weekend) and I have a full time job (for now). We are active in agility with our boxer mix and enjoy Dogster too.
I hope to get to know you all better.