Nice! I just got your friend request on facebook! woohoo!
Whippets are nice dogs, but I'm looking for a basenji to play with. Don't mean to discriminate!
Colorado NOTRA -
Colorado NOTRAThanks for your help agile but that website wants me to pay to become a member unfortunately. I am not really up for that right now. Appreciate it though! Okay Lisa! that sounds great. Here is my email if you don't already have it
How old are Trog and Xander? Sirius is about 13-14years old. -
Hello!Hey!!! Did you say you're from Colorado and looking for a play mate? I live in Littleton which is near Denver and I also looking for a play mate for my Basenji Boy Sirius who is thirteen. Pleaaase shoot me an email I would sososososo love to meetup with you!!!
Erica -
Colorado NOTRAHey!! I'm so glad I caught your post! I have a basenji here in Colorado where we live and you are absolutely right I don't see hardly any Basenis out here. I've been looking for a play date. Do you happen to be in Colorado now? If so shoot me an email
hope to hear from you, if not I hope you enjoyed your stay here in beautiful Colorado! If you ever feel like moving out here be sure to let me know ;)
Erica -
Colorado basenji meetupHello from Littleton Colorado! I have a sweet 13 year old Basenji boy named Sirius. I havnt seen many Basenjis around here to have a play date with and that's why I came here to look for someone to meet up with. Please write me an email if you live in the Denver area. I siriusly look forward to hearing from you.
look forward to hearing from you,
Erica :)Happiness is a healthy pet;)
Colorado basenji meetupHello from Littleton Colorado! I have a sweet 13 year old Basenji boy named Sirius. I havnt seen many Basenjis around here to have a play date with and that's why I came here to look for someone to meet up with. Please write me an email if you live in the Denver area. I siriusly look forward to hearing from you.
look forward to hearing from you,
Erica :)