@tanza I don’t think night vision is an issue. She seems to be afraid of the wildlife or scents at night and not actually the night. She has no problem going for a walk until it’s after midnight or so, then when I take her out she puts on the brakes immediately. I will still ask the vet at our next visit.
My Basenji Refuses to Poop at Night! -
My Basenji Refuses to Poop at Night!@jengosmonkey I had heard that some dogs will it poop on their property because it lets predators know they’re there. Maybe this is why your dog wants to walk far away from home to do his business?
@elbrant @eeeefarm she has absolutely no difficulty going the next morning. When I say she needs to poop, I say it because her butt is swollen and will pucker just like it does just before she actually goes. She will smell of something fierce all night long from farting, and then get up in the morning and go nearly right away.
There are a LOT of coyotes and other wildlife in our area. I’m wondering if she doesn’t go at night because of them? We moved to this area about a year ago, and the “not pooping at all at night” problem started not long after we moved here. At our old home she would go most nights unless weather was a factor, she would also not go if it was very late - like after midnight - when there weren’t dogs out and all the raccoons and skunks started coming out.
I really don’t want to do matching. I just didn’t want her to constipate or harm herself by holding it overnight.
Introducing a new puppyOddly, my B does worse when off her turf when meeting new dogs, and is much better meeting them at home. I have to say that the only way my B was okay with a new dog was if the new dog was crated and she got to sniff and check out the new dog without it jumping all over her. Once I knew my B was okay with the new dog, I put both dogs on leashes in case one became aggressive, and let them out together in one room.
My Basenji Refuses to Poop at Night!Guys, help! Please! I’ve had my girl for 2.5 years now and she has always been stubborn about pooping at night, which I know a lot of B’s are afraid of the dark. She used to require long walks at night (whereas daytime she would go almost immediately). If it is too windy she won’t go, if it’s raining she definitely won’t go, and if there’s any hint of danger - other dogs or humans - won’t go. But occasionally if conditions were just right, she would go at night. Now, she refuses to go at night all together, no matter what we do. For some reason, car rides used to make her poop almost instantly, but not anymore if it’s at night. Because she was so stubborn about going at night, I used to give her a favorite treat when she did go, but that doesn’t work anymore either. I’m afraid she’s going to get backed up or have medical issues from holding it all night long, and ai know she has to go! Any advice or ideas, please?
Best treats for sensitive stomach & picky eater!I know this topic is old, but I give my B freeze dried salmon bites as treats. I usually find them in the cat section
Car Rides and Safety@debradownsouth Thanks for the info! I still want to get a harness/seat belt because there are times where my mom takes the dog and kids. There is not room for a crate in her car with the kids. Also, I sent you a chat about a question I had.
Car Rides and Safety@senjisilly Thank you!
Car Rides and Safety@njdeb A neck collar definitely wouldn’t work. If one were to get into an accident, it would likely snap the poor things neck! Your suggestion of using the leash sounds like a good idea. I need to find a harness that fits her properly, though. When I first got her, I took her to get fitted for a harness at PetSmart and Petco. The only harness they had there that somewhat properly fit was the Kong harness. She hated it and it would rub her armpit area, so I noticed the hair was starting to bald there. Around the same time, the snap failed on one side. Not knowing what else to get for her, I went with a martingale collar. Also, in the harness she pulled an lawful lot, and if she really wanted to be stubborn, she would turn her body sideways and lean the opposite way that I was trying to go lol. Since I got the martingale collar she walks beside me with ease. So, which harness do you use for the car? I suppose if I used it only in the car, it wouldn’t rub her hair off under the armpit. Thanks for the advice!
Car Rides and Safety@redial United States, Illinois
Car Rides and SafetyHello! We got our Basenji a couple months ago. She doesn’t particularly care for the car and prefers to be in someone’s lap while we’re driving. We have a crate that we used to use in the car, but she routinely poops when she’s in it, then it gets literally everywhere on her and the crate. Now we have resorted to letting her loose, but in someone’s lap. I am looking for a good seat belt for her, I have read some forums on here, but all the links are bad. Does anyone have good suggestions for seat belts? Maybe one that would allow her to still lay in one of my kid’s laps so she’s not as nervous ? She is not too much of a chewer, so I’m not concerned with her chewing out of it. Thanks in advance!