We have had a very stressful and upsetting few weeks.
My eldest girl Dobe Jovi nearly died from bloat, and has had to have her spleen removed and stomach stitched to the side wall. Her and Cooper usually have an understanding that she growls he runs !!!!, as she is def the alpha bitch ( after me that is !!! ).
However she has proved us all wrong and survived, after spending 2 days in the vets she came home. She curled up on her fav sofa. Cooper came creeping into the room, normally he wouldn't even get up on the same sofa, slowly but surely he crawled up onto it and edged his way over to Jovi, she looked at him as if to say OK you can stay, he then sat right up next to her just watching, as if he was taking care of her. Once she had gone to sleep and he was happy she was Ok, he then came over and sat with me, could sense that I was worried sick. Now Jovi is well on the mend, he knows he has done his bit. What a special, special boy.