That was amazing…he was a gorgeous boy. I'm watching the breed selection video now and all those dogs are beautiful! Of all the B's in the breed video, number 9 (little girl) a tri beauty who stopped to scratch an itch during judging, number 16 (little girl) a black and white, and number 18 (little boy) a red and white are my favorites.They were all beautiful, but those really stuck in my mind. What I found so amusing is that number 9 the one that scratched her itch was the best of breed for our little angels. She did a wonderful job and showed beautifully. She was a great representative of this breed!

Westminster Dog Show -
LoganRobyn, I'm so sorry about Logan. I know how difficult it must be. Hugs and prayers from us here in South Georgia. I'm sure Logan was comforted in having you there with him in the end.
Holiday GreetingsHey guys, Just wanted to say Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Kwanza to everyone. Hope everyone has a wonderful day and enjoys their time with their family.
ScarlettThank you guys so much, it has been a rough day at our house. I'm sitting getting ready for bed and keep thinking i should be calling her in for bed. I thank God for all the people around me today that have helped ease my pain and keep me company and for you guys. I want a full blooded 'senji, but i'm definitely not ready just yet to start looking. My boyfriend had a rough night at work and that has just made tonight worse. Once again thank you all for you support and care.
ScarlettMy sweet baby girl was hit by a truck this morning. She had gone out to potty and had rarely gone to the road and for some reason this morning she did. The truck was pulling a trailer and the trailer is what hit her. The lady driving the truck stopped and came to the door and told us. I was with my sweet baby in her last minutes, but she was blinded by the trauma to her head when I got there. She died in my arms with her mommy and daddy at her side. She will be sorely missed and in our hearts forever.
Go run in peace my sweet Scarlett. I will see you again one day!
Note To Self:Scarlett gets about 10 baths a year. Most of those are once a month from March to October…what can i say the deep south only as two seasons and the other 2 are around the holidays, before long trips. The summer baths are in a wash tub in the yard with watering can and hose...she loves these because she watches the other dogs get one first. The winter baths are a bit rougher, the bathroom is horrible after those. But luckily these only happen twice one before driving to my parents house and one before coming home. Definitely don't want to be stuck in a small space with a smelly dog for long trips!
New baby….good news!!!!!!!Congrats…your new baby and my boyfriend share a birthday! We would all love to see some pictures.
How about a Southeast Georgia B get together?The end of september is good for me. As long as it is definitely a weekend…Class and work would interfer otherwise. Yeah Tybee is definitely the place to go. Just keep me informed...
Cali, Scarlett's feline sisterAbout a month ago, Cali, the calico, that we had managed to get out of the house. She had done this before and always came back, but not this time. Scarlett and I were out on our daily walk and found Cali on the side of the road. She had been hit and the buzzards had begun to feast. I fell to the ground crying and Scarlett went over and laid down beside her. Scarlett had this look in her eyes like she was crying inside. She began to dig beside the body and i had to stop her because we were in the edge of the grass on a somewhat busy road that we live on. I took her home and went back to bury Cali alone. When I arrived home Scarlett had pulled Cali's blanket off the dresser and had curled up on it and gave me that same, "i'm crying for her and miss her" look she gave me earlier. We both sat on the couch and Scarlett would nuzzle me and lick me face every now and then as her way of comforting me. She pulled that blanket around the house for a week afterwards and finally left it in her crate and she still sleeps with that blanket. I tried to take it from her and she got mean with me. I guess she really wanted that blanket.
Cali blessed us with her presence from the 27th of April 2005 until the 16th of July 2008. She had a twin sister that left this Earth the 15th of May 2007 due to feline infectious peritinitis. They were both near and dear to us all.
We love you Cali and Shelby and miss you both…
Love Mommy, Daddy, Scarlett, and Chloe.Cali's picture is attached.
Basenji TVScarlett's first t.v experience was with Milo and Otis. She and both of the cats were enthralled by that movie. None of them moved while it was on. At one point Cali was on the t.v. and pawing like she was trying to get to the animals and Scarlett was watching her like she was nuts. I haven't really seen her pay much attention to the tv these days, but the minute i turn on the XBOX to play something she just sits and follows what ever is moving on the screen. During Halo games she will sit in front of the screen and follow the character movement with her head…she helps give the bottom screen a hard time by blocking part of their screen. LOL
Scarlett's first baroo!Scarlett was sound asleep in the couch in th living room the other day snoring and she started moving her feet like she was running and let out the quietest little baroo ever.:D About ten minutes later she did the same thing a little louder. I called her name and she never even heard me, just went back to snoring. She occassionally whimpers and whines if she wants something and can't get it herself but other than that she is pretty much silent. Has anyone else's B done that…baroo in their sleep?
How about a Southeast Georgia B get together?Hey guys good news…no surgery for the sinuses, just injections to help reduce the size of the polyps. Anytime after Labor Day is fine for me, weekends only though. Classes at GSU start the 18th of August and no spending money until after my tuition refund check gets here. If we want to start planning a get together with all the guys and girls just let me know if anyone is interested.
Basenji Gift Buddies!i agree with wizard about a cap on the amount we spend on treats. I am still in college and everyone knows how broke you are when you are in school. I definitely want to participate but if it gets to expensive or we are sending packages too frequently i won't be able to continue.
Basenji Gift Buddies!Sounds like fun, and we should definitely include holiday gift exchanges too. Sign me and Scarlett up if you get it going.
Chasing Chickensproblem with using a hot wire is that we have already tried that at the base of the pen when she was digging out and that never stopped her…we have also seen her hit the hot wire used in the cow pen at the trailer and that didn't phase her. Each time she has hit the wires nd kept going our first reaction us to check the wires and every time they have indeed been on and "HOT." We are working to secure the base of the pen as well as creating a cover to keep rain and provide shade while allowing a breeze and ventilation for the pen. In the meantime she is either in a borrowed kennel in the yerd directly beside the house that i can see from my room, in the house with me, or in the crate.
Chasing Chickensit definitely took sometime and effort, but i have never heard a more pitiful baroo after her favorite cow(to tease) had to be put down last night after a three day labor and was unable to deliver the calf. We lost both mother and calf and Scarlett laid by MooMoo's head (on lead) the whole time we were trying to help her deliver last night…they were both so pitiful. After burying MooMoo and calf Scarlett laid on the grave for at least 5 minutes before she would not fight with me about leaving.
Chasing ChickensThank God, we reached a conclusion before she did something like that or worse.
Thank all you guys for all you help and suggestions, we are still looking into the coyote collar for the pen as well just so that she does get some of the outside run time that she is soooo used to now.
Chasing Chickenswe have discussed the issue with his mom and have decided that for the time being that she is going to let us have the dog in the house even with her allergies and she is just going to up her allergy meds per ok by her doc today! YAY :) Our bedroom is way to full of furniture to put a crate and she is too big for a baby gate…she jumps into the bed of the pick up truck unassisted, so we are placeing her crate in the spare room until his mom moves.
We, meaning myself and my boyfriend, took Scarlett to the trailer today on her harness and lead and let her meet the cows and bulls and new calf and the roosters and hens and chicks. She was with me and I was in full control of her and the situation on my side. We slowly walked around the barnyard and passed the henhouse and where the chickens were walking. She initially seemed like she wanted to chase but after a few firm commands and tugs at the harness and reprimands she stopped. The rooster did approach us and my boyfriend's future step-dad quickly approached to helo mediate if need be. Te rooster became angry and showed his aggression but never actually attacked, but it scared Scarlett good. She quickly realized that the chickens could in fact hurt her if they wanted to. As we approached the cow pasture, we noticed a cow currently calving and we stopped to watch, none of us noticed the bull approaching the fence except Scarlett. I felt her move behind me and noticed him approaching and was immediately on alert. All of the cows and the bull are Brahma's so they all have the huge knots. The bull is relatively young and unless he feels threatened will not usually react, but you can never be sure. Scarlett immediately laid down and she slowly and surely slid herself across the ground to the fence and Nutter Knot (the bull) had bowed his head and was sniffing at her. They eventually sniffed each other and touched noses and he licked her head. ( i wish i has my camera to get pictures of this) Scarlett acknowledged him as the dominant beast in the situation and she didn't get up until he had walked off. I figure that she learned that chickens aren't always nice and fun to chase and that cows and bulls are bigger than her, but i am definitely not letting her loose anytime soon to find out other wise!
Chasing Chickensi have started tying her out on the porch but she looks pitiful and once his mom leaves she is going to be coming inside and go back to being the inside dog she was before we lost our place and had to move out here…lets just hope she doesn't figure out how to get off the leash and off the porch in the meantime. the porch is daytime only and she is being crated at night to get used to the crate again...she will continue to be crated during the day once she's brought in unless we can figure out a way to keep her in the pen in the yard.
Chasing ChickensShe doesn't look like a killer…:(