I came home from work and took Rex out for a walk. I happy to report he went pee pee and poo poo with no complaints from him! I also got reports from my wife that he was terrorizing the cat. I guess he is back on track, lol.
Rex's Dad
Trouble with poo poo after neutering -
Trouble with poo poo after neuteringI don't think he was/is constipated as I observed fecal matter start to evacuate and then he starting screaming and the feces retracted. He was obviously in pain for trying to go poo poo. (I use that term because that is what we vocalize to him to associate with going potty)
Trouble with poo poo after neuteringI will say one reason we did elect to have the procedure now (there was no resistance from the vet or we would have waited and took her advice by all means) but we are going on a family vacation in about 3 1/2 weeks. There seemed to be no resistance so we wanted to make sure he was healed and fine before we left for a week. My brother who is an experienced dog owner will be puppy sitting while we are gone. This morning he was happy and playful and full of energy. He slept well last night and ate his normal breakfast and had extra water. He urinated a couple times this morning, but no poo poo. My question was to see if anyone has experienced this issue with any age Basenji when it comes to going poo poo after neutering. The incision site looks clean, and no complications with redness or swelling. By all means Rex has a wonderful home full of love, fun, and structured training as well. Feel confident we are good owners, and are excited to become a Basenji owner, but I was curious if this condition was normal and heal quickly. Again, any suggestions or input is appreciated. One thing I have learned by reading is that Basenji owners who particpate in online activity are proud of their dogs and have the best intentions for the breed.
Trouble with poo poo after neutering@Shaye's:
I am surprised your vet would neuter at 10 weeks.
It is a very well respected vet in the area, and she had no issues at all. They were very very busy as well with patients so I do not think it was a situation where they were trying to get business. She took lots of time to talk to me and make over Rex and she seemed to adore him. I feel confident that there were no issues.
Trouble with poo poo after neuteringHave you talked with Rex's breeder? 10 weeks is really young for a neuter. Were the testicles both well descended into the scrotum? If not, which at that age is a possibility, since they tend to sort of come and go when they are that small they may have had to go searching for them making it a more invasive surgery than it would have been on a older dog/puppy.
No they had not descended.
Trouble with poo poo after neutering*I am inexperienced with Basenjis"
Trouble with poo poo after neuteringFirst off I will say I am very new here, but so glad to have our new pup Rex. I have been a dog owner before, but a Basenji has been a much different experience. He is a super sweet dog that has taken well to his training so far. No horror stories except for the screaming the first couple nights in the cage/den. He is getting better each night and we have tried to make Rex as comfortable as possible in his extra large cage. Rex is almost 10 weeks old and today he was taken to the vet to be neutered. Since he is not going to be in a breeding program and will be an inside dwelling dog we felt neutering was best for him. The vet was very nice and through and his demeanor has been good considering what he went through today. The issue is that he did urinate several times once I got home with him today, but both times he tried to poo poo he screamed bloody murder. It was a scream that made me feel like he was saying "Hey I am in pain and what is attacking me? Why am I hurting so bad?" I am worried for him because he has such a sweet demeanor and I don't want to lose his trust. The second time he tried to go and screamed I reached down to pick him up and comfort him he bit me as hard as he could. I was not upset and continued to console him and felt helpless. I had a tiny tot rat terrier and he had no issues getting neutered so this worries me. I am I experienced with Basenjis but I have learned his sounds and today it sounded like he was in sheer terror and pain. Any suggestions, comments, concerns, or criticisms would be greatly welcomed.