Hi all,
I have a 2 year old male basenji.
He got castrated November last year as he was very aggressive towards other dogs and even humans. The vet advised us to castrate. It helped he's less aggressive.
But now since 4, 5 months ago he started to gain weight.
The vet advised to reduce his food, first 10% than 20 %, since August he's on halve portion, he didn't lose 1 gram.
No vet tells me to reduce again, but he's hungry, it's not normal to constantly reduce without any result. I don't want to reduce anymore.
He has daily long walks and I go running from time to time with him. Nothing helps.
Anyone else has same experience? ))
Weight issue -
Behavioralist in the DC area?@vizzy
I'm experiencing exactly the same. My dog nearly 2 years now, becomes increasingly aggressive towards dogs and neighbour's.
I don't have an idea how to react to this.
I had already 3 times a dog trainer here, but so far none could help. The breed is very little known, also with the comportementalists. Very hard to find someone who can help.
I feel really desperate with this situation -
Aggressive behaviour out of the blueYes I wanted to take him out for the night, he didn't want me to put on his leash, he turned very aggressive towards me.
He's going to be castrated tomorrow and hope this is going to help a bit.
I also contacted a dog trainer, but had not much result following his advise.
I feel completely lost with his behaviour, I don't recognize my dog anymore. I admit that I have no idea how to handle this. -
Aggressive behaviour out of the blueHello, I'm the owner of a Male Basenji for nearly 2 years now. He was always friendly towards people and mostly friendly towards other dogs (with some exceptions). All of a sudden, since about a month he turned aggressive towards a neighbour, and it becomes worse and worse each time.
He becomes aggressive towards other people now too( mostly men.
But yesterday evening he started growing towards me too when I wanted to let him out for the night.
I don't understand nothing of he's behaviour because it came out of the blue. He had no bad experience, he has never maltreated.
I really start worrying and even feel desperate because I don't know how to handle it.
Anyone recognize this kind of behaviour?
Any tip is very welcome.