I always heard it was dangerous to give dogs meat with bones attached, because the dog might splinter and eat the bones, which might cause tears in the dog's intestines. So is it okay to let the dogs chew on real bones? Do your dogs eat the meat and leave the bones? Just curious…

Eating Hare -
Pumpkin?Thanks all, for the advice. We fed Charlie a white rice-boiled chicken breast diet for most of last week, and thankfully it seems his systems are back to normal. But… we did have an interesting observation that I wanted to share and get your feedback on.
While he was getting the chicken and rice, Charlie seemed a bit more 'tame' than usual - calmer, more restful, less jumpy. We attributed it to him being hungry and weak from the diarhhea and the low-energy diet.
As soon as we added even a bit of usual kibble back to his meals, we noticed that his usual 'edginess' came back. He's always been a restless, edgy boy - ready for action at any minute - highly attuned to about what's going on, and what it might mean for him - and likely to create some action if he's bored. His crankiness came back too. Anyway, all this made me think that perhaps his kibble is causing some of his restlessness, edginess and crankiness. Is this possible? Or is it more likely that he's just feeling more like his usual basenji self again?
P.S. Charlie's on Canidae chicken and rice kibble. We usually add a spoon of pumpkin.
This is what we do before we go to bedHow did you teach Tillo to jump over your legs? That looks so fun! I'd love to teach our puppies that!
Pumpkin?If she has a tummy upset, the best thing is to withhold food for 24 hours and let the tummy calm down… then give her boil chicken (or boil ground turkey and/or chicken) and rice (brown is best) for a couple days.
Hi there. This is a very timely post for us, because Charlie is having his first bout of diarhhea with us. We are not going to give him dinner tonight, and tomorrow we'd like to try the chicken and rice diet. I'm wondering, though, how much chicken and how much rice? (Charlie is 20 months old and about 28 pounds - he's stockier than a purebred basenji because he's a pug mix.)
Troy's crate training, need some adviceHi there. Is it possible that Troy doesn't like being in the crate with his potty pad? Maybe he thinks that he's being locked in the bathroom…
Or maybe Troy isn't tired enough at the end of the day to settle down for the night. We used to train Charlie before his bedtime. As they say, a tired basenji is a good basenji...
Our Charlie didn't start using a crate till he was about 7 months old. He started out sleeping in a basket in our bedroom. Then progressed to sleeping in his basket in our puppy-proofed and baby-gated diningroom. Then progressed to sleeping in his crate in our livingroom. The biggest hurdle for him seemed to be sleeping away from us, not sleeping in the crate. When he was getting used to sleeping away from us, he'd cry at night and again in the morning when he woke up. We'd ignore him at night, and in the morning we'd try to get up when he got up. We'd sit with him for a bit, till he dozed off, then we'd creep back to bed till he woke up again. Eventually, he stopped protesting at night, and he started sleeping longer and longer into the morning. He never pee'ed or pooped during the night, though.
Lexi started sleeping in her crate in our livingroom right from the beginning (she was 12 weeks old). She whined here and there for the first month. When she whined, we let her whine a bit. If she didn't stop after a few minutes, we took her to the yard for potty. Then back in her crate right away, without any cuddling or anything. Kept repeating this until she figured out that whining would only get her a quick pee break.
Not sure if this helps... Good luck!
MountingHi all,
Lexi is almost 8 months old now. This past week, she started mounting Charlie (almost 20 months, neutered). Often, she'll do it when he's busy with something else, though sometimes it happens when they're wrestling, too. Charlie lets her do it for a bit, but eventually tells her 'that's enough' with a turn and a snarl. (Charlie and Lexi like each other and get along well… except that Charlie can be a bully at times, growling at her to give him his space or his toys.) The other day, Lexi met another dog on a walk, and mounted him, too! It looked like it was an attempt to play, though, because she started out with some play bows.
We were going to have her spayed around 6 months, but she started her heat cycle just around then. So, now we're waiting for it to finish. It seems that it's almost done - after over a month! She's not bleeding anymore, and the swelling is almost all gone.
So, do you think Lexi's behaviour is play-related? or is it related to her finishing her heat cycle? or is it related to her stage of puppy development, where she's trying to move up the social ladder?
Also, we're not sure whether to just let her go ahead and mount Charlie, and let Charlie deal with it as he wants to... or whether we should ask Lexi not to mount other dogs. We never had to deal with this issue before, since Charlie has never once mounted another dog. Any thoughts?
Hi, new here…Yes, very sweet dog! I have two b-mixes: a basenji-pug and a basenji-boston terrier. I think you'll find the info and advice on this forum really helpful. I know I have!
To butt in or not to butt in?Just found this other thread with some useful info: http://www.basenjiforums.com/showthread.php?t=4396
One reply on that other thread mentioned listening to the play/fight sounds - if they hit that next octave, then it's time to intervene. It's only ever gotten to that extra intense level a few times, and then they either stopped by themselves or I sprayed them with water to split them up.
I'd like to be as hands off as possible, but without being irresponsible or allowing bad habits to form. It seems like a tricky balance to me.
To butt in or not to butt in?First of all: I think Lexi is a very cute girl! Love the first pic!
Thank you!
I can't really agree on keeping the BYB in business.. but that's your choice.
When we first got Charlie, we weren't aware of the concerns regarding BYBs. We knew about pet stores and puppy mills, and thought that BYBs were a better alternative. We joined this forum shortly after getting Charlie, and learned all about the 'cons' of BYBs through members of the forum. So we were more informed when it came time to pick our next dog. We actually intended to get him/her from the Humane Society, but finding out that Charlie had a blood sister… something about it felt like we had to bring them together. I know that sounds cheesy :o
If it is about him or her getting attention (or in their eyes.. not getting as much attention as the other..) from you, I wouldn't allow it. You decide who gets the attention.. not Charlie..
I read in your post that Charlie tries to get Lexi when she is being disciplined by you.. I would certainly not allow that.. It looks likes he is trying to 'get' Lexi when she is 'weak'. It's not his job to discipline her in the cases that you don't agree with her behaviour..
So if Charlie's growling and charging at Lexi because he's unhappy that she's getting more attention (as when she gets a special treat and he doesn't), or because she's being corrected by me (as when I'm telling her 'off' or 'leave it'), then you suggest we intervene. Okay… we can try that! I guess I've just been reluctant to make Charlie feel even more insecure - not only does he have to share all his things and humans with a new pup, he has to figure out his new place in the household, and his Mama and Papa are scolding him more than usual. But maybe it's helpful for him to have Mama and Papa lay down the law. I guess I just need to remember that this is a learning experience for all of us, and we all - including Charlie - need to learn new rules and boundaries. We were in such a good 'flow' with Charlie before Lexi came along... it some ways it feels like going back to puppyhood with Charlie, too.
Anyway, thanks again for the response!
To butt in or not to butt in?Hi all,
As I've mentioned in other posts, we have recently added another pooch to our household - another B mix. We got her from the same breeder as our first B mix. The breeder is, I'll admit, a backyard breeder, but we were thinking of getting another dog to keep Charlie company, and when we saw that he had a sister out there - the last one in her litter - it was very hard to resist.
So, Charlie (basenji-pug) is 16 months old, and Lexi (basenji-boston terrier) is 4 months old. Some of our favourite pics so far:
The first few days were kind of tense, with Charlie really not sure what was going on, and where he stood with us and the new pup. He was snarly a lot - guarding his space mostly. She wanted to cuddle, but he didn't. And he played pretty tough - not tough enough to hurt her, but it almost always looked like he was about to strangle her - he'd really pin her down with his mouth around her neck and make strange sounds. Trying to establish his status, I think.
Anyway, after that first week, things evened out a little. They seemed to fall into a nice routine of playing first thing in the morning, then again after their morning nap, then again after their afternoon nap, and in the evening before bed - basically whenever they were awake and perky. Their play sessions got less fierce - still very physical, but not as noisy. He became less touchy about her cuddling up beside him, and even started to cuddle up beside her!
So, it's been about two months since Lexi has come into our home. The past two weeks or so, I think I've noticed that Charlie is getting a bit rougher and tougher again. I'm not sure if I'm imagining it or not. But more and more, he reprimands her if she's doing something and I tell her to "get off" or "leave it" (commands he associates with 'forbidden' behaviours) - he rushes over to her, growling, to pin her down and mouth her neck. Or another example: we tell the pooches to get in their crates for meals and bedtime. Charlie goes right in, but sometimes Lexi take her time. Charlie then rushes out of his crate toward her, growling, snarling, etc. To me, it looks like he's telling her off for holding them up, or maybe even trying to herd her into her crate. Also, if Lexi gets a special treat for doing something good, or sometimes for what seems like no reason at all, he rushes over, all concerned and upset, and makes a big, ugly fuss.
From reading other threads, I gather that intervening can sometimes do more harm than good, and that dogs need to sort things out between themselves. But I don't like seeing Lexi get so much grief from her big brother. She's already more timid and submissive than Charlie ever was, and I don't want her to become a fearful dog. Thankfully, Lexi seems to bounce back from Charlie's outbursts pretty well, and doesn't seem to hold things against him. Funny thing is, she's actually pretty feisty with him, but much more timid around other dogs. She has learned, though, when to leave him alone.
So, after that long description, my question is: Should we let Charlie 'discipline' Lexi? Are there times when it's okay for him to reprimand her, and other times when we shouldn't allow it? How rough is too rough?
Wrestling in the crateIn this case, it sounds like you are there, and the play is just happening in the crate? Unless it looks like Lexi wants to be getting away, I wouldn't worry about it…
Yes, I'm around when they're out of their crates, and sometimes they take their play sessions into either his or her crate. They do each have their own crates, but sometimes Lexi wanders into his and vice versa throughout the day. I make sure they sleep and eat in their own crates though - Charlie can be too grumpy when he's tired or hungry, and I think a conflict would be very possible if they were to be in the same small space for eating/sleeping.
It's hard to tell if Lexi wants to get away from Charlie when they're wrestling in her crate. It looks like usual play, except she can't escape him. I suppose she'd scream or something if she were distressed…
I like the idea of keeping their crates closed while they're out and about in the house - building the mystery and special status of the crate, as you say. But that prevents them from seeking refuge in their own 'bedrooms'... not that they've done that so far, though...
Wrestling in the crateOur boy Charlie (now 16 months old) has been getting to know his baby sister Lexi (now 4 months old) for the past month and a half. In general, all is going well. Though he can get grumpy and short with her, he can also be very gentle and 'motherly' with her, too. The past week, I've noticed that they sometimes take their wrestling sessions into her crate… picture Lexi on her back, wriggling and pounding her little paws into big brother Charlie... Charlie snarling and bearing down. I'm not concerned when they're doing this on the rug or out in the yard, but I wonder if her crate should be her safe zone, where she can go to get away from Charlie if she wants. Should I intervene, or just let them sort it out?
25 Pounds!!Canned unsweetened pumpkin is a great filler for the dogs.
Keeps the anal glands clean as well.How much pumpkin do you put into a meal? Also, do you do this regularly, or just when you notice the 'butt juice'?
Training two b's at once?Just read some past threads about resource guarding:
I'm going to order "Mine" by Jean Donaldson. Sounds like there may be some good ideas there.
Training two b's at once?As for Charlie eating poop, I'm of the frame that no matter what you need a good base on lead first, then should move to off lead. He's not going to 'leave it' off lead unless he's 100% on lead.
Agreed. On and off leash, he will "leave it" when it comes to inedible garbage like kleenex, discarded fast food containers, and other such goodies. (Without the command, he'd carry them around or rip them apart.) But when it comes to actual food - chicken wing bones, cat poops, goose poops - he will not leave it whether he's on or off leash. He will leave his own food (kibble) and his own treats (cheese, chicken pieces) during training sessions at home, but all bets are off if he finds other kinds of food outside.
For now, I tell him to "leave it" a few times, tell him "too bad" if he doesn't listen (which he understands to mean that he missed out on a treat), and I do pull him away if he's on leash. If he's off leash, I just let him go at it. Not sure if this is the best approach, but not sure what else to try.
Training two b's at once?Thanks, everyone, for the tips. Thankfully, Charlie and Lexi do seem to be understanding that "Charlie, sit" or "Lexi, come" doesn't apply to both of them! Charlie - the older one - seems to understand better, though it's practically impossible to keep him away when I say "come" even if I say Lexi's name first. I guess he knows there are better treats for coming than for the other commands :rolleyes:
As Ivoss suggested, I'm training them separately as well as together. When I train them together, I get one of them to sit and stay, while the other one gets a string of 4-5 commands. If they make a mistake, I say "too bad" and switch to the other one for a while. It seems to work well.
Taking them out together is the hardest part, though. They don't walk well together, and when I get the chance to let them off leash, I find that Charlie gets more 'pig-headed' with Lexi around than when he is alone with me - or maybe I'm just imagining. Today, he found all sorts of stuff to gobble down - goose poops mainly - and refused to "leave it" no matter what I said or did! He was off leash then, so I couldn't just pull him away. What do you do when your pooch doesn't "leave it"? I remember a previous thread where Janneke mentioned letting her B finish eating and praising/treating when he came to her afterwards. Any other strategies?
Peeing in crate during the nightI have a related question. Do you let your pup tell you when it needs to pee at night (by whining), or do you decide to get them up at a certain time and take them out?
Charlie always slept right through the night, even as a very young pup - he would wake up between 4am and 6am. We didn't crate him back then. He'd sleep in an old laundry basket in our bedroom. We knew he'd be awake because he'd start chewing his bones (or the basket) really loudly, or he'd come over and try to find us. So we'd take him out, and then try to get him to rest a little more. Usually he'd just want to start the day, though. Nowadays, at 15 months, he sleeps in his crate and doesn't wake up till around 8am (though we've been getting him up earlier since we got Lexi).
Lexi - our 14 week old - usually sleeps through the night. She goes to bed (in her crate) around 9pm after a last-minute pee. A few times she has woken up around 2am and whined. She regularly wakes up around 6am and whines. I take her out when I hear the whining - she has to be quiet for me to open the crate door, though. If it's 2am, she goes straight back into the crate after her pee, with no cuddling or anything. If it's 6am, she goes out for her pee and we start the day. I hope that eventually she'll wake up later and later, till she can sleep through the night till around 8am like her brother.
This morning, I found a little pee spot in her bed - clearly not big enough for a full pee - maybe some came out in her excitement to greet me and Charlie? She has also peed in her bed once before, while I was out of the house. Charlie never did this, so I have to admit I'm a bit surprised. I certainly don't want her to get used to peeing in her bed. Should I just see how things evolve and expect that she will wet her bed here and there till she matures? Or should I put her on a schedule at night - e.g. up at 5am for a pee, and then back to bed?
Also, I don't want her to get used to whining for my attention. Though, at the same time, I'm happy that she can tell me when she needs to go out!
Any thoughts?
Training two b's at once?I was wondering if any of you have any tips for training B's in a multi-dog household. We recently got a new pup, Lexi, who's now 14 weeks old. She's sister to Charlie, our 15-month-old 'first-born'.
I used clicker-training with Charlie, except instead of a clicker, I used the word 'yes' to tell him he did the right thing. I'm using the same method with Lexi. The problem is this:
1/ When I give Lexi a command, Charlie doesn't realize I'm talking to Lexi and not to him, so he follows through on the command and expects a treat too!
2/ When Charlie does something good, and I say 'yes' to him, Lexi comes running for a treat, even though she didn't do anything to deserve it.
The whole premise of clicker training is that the click or the 'yes' is a marker of the exact moment that the dog did something right - am I messing things up for my pooches if I say 'yes' when one dog does something right, but the other one is just milling around?
I always make eye contact with the dog I'm talking to. Also, I usually precede the command with the dog's name ("Lexi, sit"), but the pooches haven't figured it out yet. Any suggestions?
New crate issues - seeking adviceThank you so much for the input! We've been doing as you suggested, Quercus, and things are much better now, though Charlie will still whine a little before going into the crate. Also, I think I figured out why his behaviour changed in the first place. Well, in the past month, Charlie started going to 'daycare' once or twice a week, and he just loves it. He realized after two or three times that when he didn't go into the crate in the morning, he went to daycare instead, so he started refusing to go into the crate in the morning. Now, I ask him to go into the crate whether it's a daycare day or not. Problem solved… I hope :rolleyes:
New crate issues - seeking adviceSome of you may remember that we had had some issues with getting Charlie (now 10 months old) to accept being in a crate. Well, I'm happy to say that we did get past that by making it a cozy place for him, rewarding him generously for going in, and being consistent about our expectations.
However… we have a new issue. After a few months of this lovely cooperation, Charlie has decided that he doesn't want to get into his crate anymore - but only when he knows that we are about to leave the house. He'll get in for meals, for sleeping overnight, and during training sessions, but not when he knows that it's time for us to leave the house without him. It's only been a few days like this, and I've managed to pick him up and put him in, but I'm afraid that soon he'll start snarling at me if I try to physically place him into the crate.
So here's what I've tried. First, I give the command for him to go into the crate. When he doesn't go in, I say it a second time. When he still doesn't go in, I say 'too bad', which means he missed an opportunity to get a treat. I wait a bit, and then give his command again. Still no cooperation - just whining. I put the treat right up to his nose, and say 'too bad' again while withdrawing the treat. I give the command again. Still no response - just lots of whining, and now some play postures and tail chasing.
Also, after lifting him into the crate, I've still been giving him his treat, even though he didn't go in on command. Not sure if I should do this or not. My reasoning was that he gets something good for being in the crate, but at the same time I don't want to reward him for all that whining and fussing.
Any insights or advice?