I just wish they would build a dog park in my area, even a crappy one… lol. But it does sound like you should put in some complaints or suggestions for the fence issue.

New dog park -
They have taught Aries to barkMy female pup barks too… Mostly at her daddy when they are playing. My older female doesn't like barking from other dogs and she just wants them to shut up... lol
The Joy's of the Web CamThe best thing that yahoo did was putting the "BUZZ" button on there. My wife will get up to go do something and that is when our B's will start to get into trouble, I'll watch for a minute, laughing because I know that they know what their doing and they waited till she was gone. I'll hit that "BUZZ" button and they will scatter and my wife will come running and ask, "What were they doing this time?". I think it's real funny watching them steal her coffee, that's the last thing that 3 Basenji's need, CAFFEINE!!! LOL
Sam discovers his voice!My female get's embarrassed when she does it. I have to coax her into it and tell her how pretty she is. then she covers her face with her paws after she does yodel.
The Joy's of the Web CamWhen do you think you will be able to go home again?
Bless you and the troops for making our country a safe place to live…I should be home sometime in April. and thank you
The Joy's of the Web CamThis is my 3rd deployment to Iraq, and I can't tell you just how much I miss my B's… Of course I miss my family too but they don't baroo and meet me at the door when I walk in. This isn't about them anyway. So all I have is my Yahoo Messenger with the web cam and I watch my B's all the time. Sometimes I look and can see my boy just staring at the screen and I wonder if he can see me too. I call my wife's computer from time to time just to talk to my dogs, is that strange? I'll call them by name and they get excited and run around the house looking for me. I learned my lesson after my 1st deployment, if you've read my post "The Day I Got My Heart Broke", and try to let them hear my voice so I won't be a stranger when I get home.
What kind of activities/sports..Thanks Lisa, I don't think I will be home by the beginning of April, I'm scheduled to come home around the middle to the end of April, but perhaps my wife could meet up with you. She can get some pointers and get some great pictures for me…
What kind of activities/sports..Track Racing? I didn't know that was a sport for Basenji's. I had read somewhere, a long time ago, that the Basenji is the fastest breed of it's size rang, so I guess that would make sense to race them… just never heard it done. Are there any places in the central Texas area that I can go see some of these sports in action? I've tried looking online but nothing comes up. I would like to try teaching my pair Lure Coursing. Any training tips on that? What is a good age? And how old is too old?
RE: Where is That Dog?in the 1st one Sheba is trying to hid from bath time and the second one is Ramsey as a pup
Lennys family reunion! So fun!Yeah, it was in a hotel room. We snuck them in. shhhhhh…...
I guess you got real lucky they didn't all start to Baroo at the same time… I think someone would have noticed that... lol Great pictures
The Toilet Paper ThiefMy Bs just love it when I step out of the shower. They come straight over and start licking me dry! It tickles when they 'do' my feet. :o They also love loo roll!!! :)
I have read somewhere, a long time ago, that they hate their humans getting wet just as much as they hate getting wet themselves and that is why they try to lick you dry.
Training Advice, Please helpAre you for real??? that is why I hate trying to get answers here. You all read too much into everything.
1. I take my B's the the park, unfortunately there is no dog parks here, almost everyday and the kids walk them on a regular basis.
2. I don't hit my dogs at all. I tried it, it didn't work, I'm trying other things now.
3. My financial situation was not part of the question so why you brought it up is beyond me.
4. if you don't have positive advice to help, then I would appreciate it if you would continue to "…sit back and keep quiet..."
5. If you think I am abusing or neglecting my Basenji's then feel free to call the ASPCA or Basenji Rescue to come and investigate.
When a question is asked, just answer it, don't go judging what you do not know!!!
To all of you with the good advice, thanks!
A lot of what was suggested, we do. Keep doors closed, moved the litter box, push the food away from the edge, a basket full of toys for both of them. but the one good one I didn't think of was having him watch my girl learn something she already know and see if he learns from that. What has been happening is she has been following him and doing some of his bad things. She just started chewing clothes again after many years of not doing it no more. He has learned "not yours", for the most part... if he really want's it, he will run outside with it when we say "not yours"...
That's enough for now, thanks for the "good" advice.
If you don't have any "good" advice, please keep you comments to your self and just "...sit back and keep quiet..."Porthos
In Heat?John, There should be a veterinarian on Fort Hood. Have you tried that vet clinic? I know that the one on Fort Meade has pet care and they do their best to work with us.
As a matter of fact I called them at 9 when they opened and they said that they could not do X-Rays or ultrasounds and I would have to go to someplace off post…
oh, yes, she has been eating and drinking and is currently sleeping on the couch next to me
Training Advice, Please helpIf you read any of my other post's you will see that Ramsey is not my first Basenji. I new what I was in for but he is a lot more stubborn then Sheba. They both get lots of exercise. The thing is, Sheba was not this much trouble… lol The big problem with her was her running out the door. But now that she sees what he is doing, she is starting to pull the same crap. She responded to yelling and the rolled up newspaper. that was after taking her to a training class that did not work. I was clicker training and she hated it. She also responded to Treats, but that was a little difficult because she is so picky. I now have her to the point that i can take my dinner plate and set it on the floor, and if there is silverware on it, she will not touch it. She will get close and sniff, but not take. But if I remove the silverware, then she can have it. Now, like I was saying, Ramsey is just the oppasite of her and I'm having trouble... I was looking for that little something different in training advice. But, thatks for the advice you did give...
In Heat?Well, according to my wife, Sheba looks like she has been looking for her babies. We don't think she understands. She has been staying in her room or coming to us for extra attention and love. No signs of labor, no leaking or seeping. we are trying to find a vet that will let me pay them on payday or make payments.
thanks for the advice and support…John and Michell
In Heat?We just called around and there is no vet available at this hour… 10pm
In Heat? -
In Heat?Is she showing any signs of Labor?
No, but she hasn't come out of her "Room" (crate) in several hours now
In Heat?thanks, I will call the vet tomorrow and set up an appointment
In Heat?is just 2 pups normal??? I've read tat it is not. Does the amount of developed teets have any indication of the number of pups to expect?