@pearlypoo Awwww...that face is one that you could just rub your face all over!! Looking at her eye's ... I believe she's thinking something along the lines of: "WOW! That was kinda' scary but fun too...sure glad my humans were keeping me safe! I wonder what all other fun things they're gonna' teach me about!!" I love the whiskers too! I have whiskers in my Yorkie's scrapbook & in both of my B's scrapbooks too. If a tooth came out & I found it ~ I still have it. I have some toe-nail clippings from all 3 dogs too. But pictures are best!! All 3 of you are lucky, lucky ... lucky!! :)
I'm with Deb! I can't stand when they are under the blankets but on top of the sheets! Makes me feel trapped. They have their assigned spots 😀 and will snark at each other if one of them crosses into the others spot
Hm... if you click that last icon with up arrow, they should load. If not, if you don't know how to resize, let me know and you can send to me and I'll resize and send back to you