Mister Two Dicks is five years old. I got him when he was 18 months old. Because I was a police officer, I had to work 12 hour shifts and would have to leave him alone for 12.5 hours each day. While I was away, he had the full access to the inside of my home through the doggy door and the backyard as well. He had lots of toys to play with and when I returned from work I would play with him for hours both inside and outside. One of my favourite things he would do was the basenji manic run around my house and out the doggy door into the backyard and back again. After a while I felt that although he was a happy dog, there was something missing. So I decided to get a companion for him. Pepper is 3 years old and I especially wanted a younger dog so that Mister Two Dicks would be higher in the pack, as he was here first. The best laid schemes of mice and men oft awry. Although Pepper is 2 years younger than Mister Two Dicks, from the very moment she arrived, she was determined to be the alpha bitch. The amount of times that I have had to take Mister Two Dicks to the chiropractor because of her jumping onto his back from the top of the stairs. But I digress. All those toys that I bought (my children often lament that I bought more for Mister Two Dicks than I ever bought them) that he loved playing with, he never even looks at anymore. It wasn't until after Pepper came onto the scene that one of my neighbours remarked that often when I was at work, Mister Two Dicks would sit alone in the backyard and yodel for hours on end, however now he happily plays in the backyard with the evil one. Do you ever wonder what your dog does while you are at work for 8, 9, 10 or more hours. Now that I am retired I get to spend more time with my basenjis and I feel lucky for that.