Abby does like to "burrow" down in the covers…and doesn't mind being covered up.
B's and Cold… -
Hi From Michigan - USAHi Sue. Glad to meet you. We found a B…and decided to keep her.
B's and Cold…With me having the other 2 dogs…that love snow by the way...I'm waiting to see if Abby will join right in with them. She is not found of rain.
B's and Cold…Abby has watched my other two dogs stick theirs heads out the doggie door…and now she has started doing it too...:D She picks up a lot from them.
B's and Cold…We did buy Abby a coat….so she will be ready for cold weather. Thank you for your answers. I'll let you know how she does in it. It was 46 degrees here this morning...but she and the other 2 dogs I have played outside a lot, so she didn't have time to get very chilled..LOL
B's and Cold…Do they mind the cold weather? Do they hate snow?
Hello From IllinoisShe only digs in the middle of the yard…LOL which is a good thing if she is going to dig I guess...we have never seen her even put her feet on the chain link fence we have. And the only thing she has bothered in the house is paper towels...she loves tearing them up if we leave them lay someplace. The people who had her MUST have taken time to teach her things. She is pretty well behaved, and will sit on command...The Vet did do the Dna blood test and all was good. And I have to agree..they are a breed all there own..LOL
Hello From IllinoisIt sounds like it would be best to creat her. I'm learning a lot already from the forum…thank you.
Hello From IllinoisYes we do have a doggie door and a fenced in back yard.
Hello From IllinoisThank you…we think she is pretty cute...and are still very confused as to why she was not claimed...again...small town, and it would not have taken much effort to find her...after reading posts here...we have been lucky so far...we have left the 3 of them alone for a little over 2 hours on 4 different never mattered to the boys when we left...they could get in and out and had food and water...After reading the posts here...I'm wondering if we should put her in a create when we leave?
Introducing CONGO–-photosHe is a handsome dog.
Hello From IllinoisThank you for the welcome….and advice...we have started watching Abby closer..Here are a couple of pics...Not very good...taken with camera phone.
Hello From IllinoisI live in a small town…about 2 months ago my hubby was riding his motorcyle uptown...and noticed a small dog in the middle of West Main Street...jumping up at cars...when he made another trip through town he saw the same small dog on East Main Street...jumping up at cars and stopping he went into the street and picked the dog up...and stood with her on the corner for awhile to see if anyone would stop or come by and claim one he brought her home...and called the police and a few shelters around our area. STILL no one claimed her...we searched the newspapers in the area to see if anyone had place a lost add..and no one took us awhile to figure out what kind of dog she guessed it...she is a Basenji...We already had 2 dogs at home...Ozzie McMutt..A real Mutt...and Murphy McDog...a full blooded and registered Big Yellow Lab...With no one claiming the Basenji...We have ended up keeping her...and her name is Abby...So now we have 3 Dogs...Large, Medium, and Small...All 3 dogs get along great together..The Vet guessed her to be about 9 or 10 months old...we had her spayed, because of Murphy...Ozzie is neutered..he was a rescue dog from a shelter. Ozzie is 9 and Murphy is 7...I do have some questions about the breed..LOL...she is very active..and the boys and her play well together...she uses our doggie door with no problem at all. It took here less than 2 minutes to master it. The only problem we found out at the Vet was...she had mange...which she was born with...her mother was a carrier...and if Ab had pups, she would carry it also...but we treated it..and she looks great now.
1. Is it normal for them to sort of "fly" around a room?? She does it at least once a day...
2. Do they like to dig? She loves to stand and dig holes in our large fenced in backyard...and she uses her nose it is almost always scratched up.
3. She will pee outside with no problem...but loves to poop in the house...she will go days on end going outside to do it...then out of no where...she will poop in the house....We have NOT put her in a crate since we got her...
So glad I found the forum and hope to learn more about the Basenji.
Many thanks.
Joy Lynn