I want to thank you all for the tips. I haven't spayed my Rottie and I was hoping to avoid that. Today we tried some of the websites tips and we took them out to neutral ground and had treats. I did basic training with the rottie while my friend had the basenji. Unfortunately I think the idea with treats didn't work because the basenji completely ignored us and only focused on the food bag. Plus she knew she had the leash and is very good with the leash cause she hates it tugging on her. I got them about 4/5 feet close as it was the first time... I'm not sure if I should get them closer I'm afraid. There is a behavior instructor here someone recommended and hope he will meet me soon he's full right now. I'm noticing the rottie gets more excited when she sees the basenji on the leash than vice versa. I'm not sure if that's because she wants to play or she's seeing the basenji as an enemy now since the basenji has attacked her about 5 times.
Posesivo Basenji attacking Rott pup she grew up with -
Posesivo Basenji attacking Rott pup she grew up with@nikikob hi thanks, the basenji was spayed 2 months ago the vet say to try it and see if it would help. Unfortunately I can't re home my Rottie since they are highly feared here and she is a full working dog with complete training and we imprinted when she was very young. The basenji is not easy to put up for adoption either cause when I rescued her as a pup she seems to have been abused by men and hates any man who comes to the house...other than the fact that she will hunt anything she sees and climb anything and everything to get out. My country is really complicated because they expect dogs to be like labs and I fear she will be tied up to a tree somewhere in a farm and forgotten. I have gotten in contact with people here who help adopt dogs and they have refused both of them. They are both my babies and I want to try everything possible to keep them together...
Posesivo Basenji attacking Rott pup she grew up withHelp.I need help. My basenji has gone crazy. She is 7 years old and I have a rott pup about a year old who grew up together. When the rott had her first heat the basenji went insane and started attacking her. She has gone full posesive with me and she will break out of where she is to attack no other dog but my rott. I fear for her life since the rott will not attack back except to defend herself and the basenji will not stop. Even if she ended up unconscious she will wake up and keep going. I live in Costa Rica and basenjis are non existent... I have them separated but it has become impossible to contain the basenji. If I put her in a kennel she will destroy her paws and drive the neighbors insane trying to rip the cement to get out (I built them huge cages to try and contain the situation). All I can do is rotate them when I can. The vets here say I have to put her down since she has gotten aggressive with me when I touch the rott. Please if anybody knows anything help! She's my baby I refuse to put her down or get rid of either of them. FYI no one will adopt her do to her basenji character.